What's everyone doing for Christmas?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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OH is a huge fan of christmas so every year it's really festive in our house, but even more so as it's Dan's first Christmas :cheer: :cheer:
I am sooooooooooooo excited!!
Got my 2 brothers and my older brothers OH coming tomorrow afternoon. We will no doubt eat lots, play games and drink some mulled wine :lol:
Then for christmas dinner we are going to my mums who lives around the corner and back to ours in the evening for more fun and games :cheer:
Boxing day we are off to my Dad's to do it all again!
I am so excited, can't wait to watch Dan play with all his new wrapping paper and boxes! :wink:

What's everyone doing for Christmas?
Gonna be a quiet xmas this year, having nice sunday roast at home then off to see some relatives for evening then boxing day havent decided yet.

hope you all have a fab xmas :hug: :hug:
I think we are starting in our house with me nat and ryan and then driving over to see nats mum, sister, stepdad and brother.

Saw all my family yesterday as much as I'd want to spend christmas with them they live a little too far away unfortunately. :(
We will spend the mornign opening presants! DH's nan and grandad will come with presants for the girls!

We will then go to my mums for christmas dinner and spend most of afternoon there.

Then boxing day we go to robs nans to do it all again
We will be going over to MIL/FIL in the morning to exchange presents, then to my mum and dad's to exchange presents and for dinner, then will go back to MIL/FIL for tea. With being PG I am the taxi tomorrow!

My dad is coming over today and staying till Boxing Day, and OH bro is popping in tonight on his way back to their parents. Then 29/30th staying at my mums, then 30/31st going to OH's family :D
My step dad will be coming over in the morning to watch Jack open his million presents (sorry that should be me opening them :lol: )

Then were off to see my aunty and cousins, pop in at my Nanna's before she goes off to see my aunty. Going to the cemetry to lay a wreath for my mam.

For dinner were going to OH nan's with MIL and FIL then tea time we'll be at their house and were staying over the night.

Haven't decided what were doing boxing day but after all that I think it'll be a day in bed.

I hope everyone has a fab day :hug: :hug: :hug:
OH's parents came down this morning and are staying untill boxing day evening. Tomorrow we will be waking up & Harrison & OH's lil sis will be opening the presents in their stockings then we'll have breakfast & put some clothes on, open all the other presents under the tree. Then around 2ish my parents, Grandparents, 2 brothers and sister are coming over for dinner & more presents :) and then later on OH's older sis and husband are coming over for tea and even more presents.
in the morning my mum and dad are popping up then after they have gone MIL/FIL popping up then dinner is just us then at about 5ish we are going to my mums for a few hours

boxing day my OH is working so i am going to my mums and will probably go in to town shopping and then when OH comes home we are going to his parents for a few hours in the evening.
im fixing my dishwasher... doing some washing and tidiying up for christmas got the whole house 2 myself its perfect time for doing it lol
we're having our first xmas at home as a family, just the 3 of us, and then on Boxing day we'll drive to Norwich to have our 2nd xmas with my family...

2 christmas days!!! YUMMY!! I can't wait to taste my mum's roast spuds again...
cooking here for the 1st time EVER!!! its just for us though & then tea at my mums with my sis & her hubbie & then home to eat choccie!!
have a good one everyone :hug:

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