Childbirth Video

Sorry but cant see what the fuss was about :wink:

No seriousley i thought it was okay,only little amount of blood,it was coz the baby had it's arm up so couldnt get out like normal. That didnt worry me.
I didn't find the pushing that bad actually but I had a back to back labour so the contractions were worse for me than the pushing was.
My friend had an epidural but when her labour wasn't progressing properly and she had to change positions she couldn't because of it.
Everyone had to hold her in another position and it ended up being more traumatic for her because she couldn't move.
She had her second natural and told me the pain wasn't as bad as the feeling of helplessness the first time and that she wished she'd had the first one natural too.
I think its a great thing when everything goes smoothly but it can complicate things if it doesn't.
I didn't find pushing that bad, in fact it was easier than that pain of contractions.
Just downloading the video.
Not as bad as I imagined it to be, but they aren't giving me a bloody episiotomy like that :shock:
It was so '1950's war camp style! What the hell were they wearing! :shock:
:lol: Yeah i thought that as well Sami

I am now officially bricking it even moreso than i was, and i've still got ages to think about it!
Vicki83 said:
:lol: Yeah i thought that as well Sami

I am now officially bricking it even moreso than i was, and i've still got ages to think about it!

I tell you what, going through it yourself is easier! Maybe more painful, but at least you ain't got to watch it! She still smiled after so it can't be that bad!

They have lots of drug there, don't worry :wink:
True, i ain't gotta see it. I was talking to my OH the other night and we were talking about the birth and stuff, and i was saying to him look i don't think you should be down that end when baby comes out, and he's like why, i said it'll put you off going near there ever again, everytime you go near you'll keep getting flashbacks and scare yourself!!

I'm looking forward to the drugs no end!!
They don't hardly do episiotomies anymore like they did when my mum had the 3 of us. They only do it in emergencies now if they had to get the baby out fast.
It was barbaric when my mum had me and they used to do it as a matter of course because it was quicker that way. They also thought that a cut would heal better than a tear but it was later found out to be worse. :puke:
im glad... my generation got the technology :rotfl:

i wud have hate giving birth in the 50's..

imagine the 1800's :shock:
For some reason I cant download it!!!

Every time I click 'file download' it goes onto 'page cannot be displayed'


Jaidy, be PLEASED about that! You really don't want to see it :shock:
Ok just downloading the video now. Would be nice to see it as an on looker, instead of going through it, for a change. Bet the woman in the video wasnt screaming liek I was lmao :lol:
Wasnt like my birth, that woman took it really well.

that was horrible!!!

Thank God I didnt have to be cut ...hopefully wont next time either :pray:

Showing my OH the video :twisted: hehehe
it scared the life out of my OH when i showed him a mild birth video :rotfl:
My OH has just seen it, he says he doesnt want me to go through with it lol
Bit bloody late now bud :roll:

He also said that my foo must have been massive compaired to that womans in the video, because I only had a 1cm tair and she had to be cut open. :x ...whats he trying to say :cry: **kicks OH in balls**
violet-glow said:
He also said that my foo must have been massive compaired to that womans in the video, because I only had a 1cm tair and she had to be cut open. :x ...whats he trying to say :cry: **kicks OH in balls**

would about me then :lol: i didnt even tair :oops: not even a lil scratch :rotfl:

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