Thanks redbear just taken my comment off incase it causes trouble x
I agree you can't control how your labour will go you can maybe help influence it but you can't control it.
My waters broke completely at 41+3 contractions came thick and fast within 30 mins. 12 hours labour I was only 2cm and was told I needed syntocinon to speed up my contractions as I wasn't dilating fast enough and baby was at risk of infection.
I was put on the drip and asked for an epidural as I was so exhausted from no sleep in 2 days.
In the end it took me 28 hours to dilate by which point she was stuck as she was too big for me. The doctors tried forceps which didn't work and i ended up with am emcs and a blood transfusion as I lost a lot of blood. I was very poorly afterwards
I don't believe I had any control over what happened that's just the labour card I was dealt and had to deal with it.
PND and PTSD is not fun though!
I've opted for an elcs this time I'm petrified of the same thing happening whereas when I was pregnant with my daughter I was looking forward to the experience.
If I am showing big again, then that may make my decision for me...xx
While I do think that there are steps you can take to try and prepare yourself for labour I do think that ultimately what happens during labour is out of your hands.
I had a very calm and relaxed approach to labour, never ever feared it and have some experience with meditation so planned to put some of that to use. I am a calm person by nature and when my labour started neither me nor my OH were panicked or scared. Despite our positive and calm outlooks things didn't go according to plan and I ended up with a very long and traumatic birth.
I do not feel as if there is anything I could have done differently that would have meant any of this could be avoided. My lo juts had a very hard time.
Hopefully this time will be different but I haven't done anything differently preparation wise as I feel that what will be will be. No point in stressing.
Some ladies are just lucky i guess?![]()
totally agree with this, I was totally relaxed about the whole thing, totally excited to go into labour. Then servere gestational hypertension, induction before body was ready, days of labour on a 6 bedder with no support, moved to labour ward, pumped full of hormones, rushed for emergency section, allergic reaction to drugs given during surgery.... couldnt have been more opposite to what I had spent months visualising, at one point I had 9 tubes/wires coming from various parts of my body. It was horrendous, but I totally believed that because I had done all this preparation I was going to have a lovely birth, so I found it very difficult to come to terms with afterwards, I was in counselling 6 months later, because I couldnt stop trying to work out what I did wrong. So whilst I dont think women should sit back and let it all pan out helplessly, it does need to be acknowledged that sometimes, theres nothing can be done.
totally agree with this, I was totally relaxed about the whole thing, totally excited to go into labour. Then servere gestational hypertension, induction before body was ready, days of labour on a 6 bedder with no support, moved to labour ward, pumped full of hormones, rushed for emergency section, allergic reaction to drugs given during surgery.... couldnt have been more opposite to what I had spent months visualising, at one point I had 9 tubes/wires coming from various parts of my body. It was horrendous, but I totally believed that because I had done all this preparation I was going to have a lovely birth, so I found it very difficult to come to terms with afterwards, I was in counselling 6 months later, because I couldnt stop trying to work out what I did wrong. So whilst I dont think women should sit back and let it all pan out helplessly, it does need to be acknowledged that sometimes, theres nothing can be done.
I think this is a good example of someone who did everything 'right' but things went wrong, sometimes it just happens
Can I ask titch, what caused your allergy? This is one of my biggest fears for labour. I don't mind doing it all natural without drugs but I'm worried about it if I need interventions because I am a very allergic person and have had allergic reactions to various medications in the past. Unfortunately it's something that doctors don't tend to take seriously until after the fact.