It's kind of bad that they didn't explain to you what happened so that you don't give it to you again in the future. Doctors don't tend to like to admit that a drug they gave you can cause an allergy. I am allergic to budesonide which is a synthetic hormone used to treat asthma. The doctor said it is impossible to be allergic to it because it exactly the same as the hormone that occurs naturally. Finally he believed me when I took it in front of him and he thought I was going to stop breathing. Actually he was pretty nice about it after, I think it scared him, but he could have just believed me. Soo anyway I tend to cringe when I hear the words 'synthetic hormone' I'm sure the chances of me being allergic to it are still pretty slim but the idea of syntocinin was already making me nervous. In some hospitals they give it routinely after birth to speed up the last part of labour so I'm going to say I don't want it unless of an emergency and I'm just hoping I can avoid a c section!
Oh yes, not an appealing option is it! Doctors are very mistrusting arent they. I always think "why would I lie?!"
I have an issue where I seem to need a really high dose of local anaesthetic for it to work. When I had my epidural I told this to the anesthetist who confidently informed me that it was impossible to be resistant to anaesthetic. And then was surprised to find I could reliably tell him where he was jabbing me with a needle after he gave me the anaesthetic