

Jul 18, 2018
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I'm convinced I've had a chemical pregnancy a few months ago now, April to be exact. The problem is I never tested around the time so I'm never going to know for sure. I was at the hospital with severe stomach pains a few weeks before and eventually the dr suggested appendix, however I was having many pregnancy symptoms, DH and I weren't actively
trying so I know I wasn't symptom spotting.
I guess my reason for this post is that because I never took a test to find out I was in fact pregnant I guess I tried to push it to the back of my mind, but I just can't stop thinking about how it was far off a 'normal' period. I had severe cramping and lots of bleeding with some larger than normal clots. I feel devasted and because I didn't know for certain I just feel like I can't close the chapter, sorry for the long winded post I'm just struggling and needed to write it all down, my DH is very much a positive thinker so it's not something I want to continually discuss with him but I needed to get it all off
My chest.
Hi! Sorry to hear that this happened and that you're still upset about it. You're right - you'll never know, but it sounds like it could've been a chemical. Most women have at least one chemical a year and never know it, they're that common. It means the fertilised egg wasn't right, so it never could've been a baby. I think its probably better that you didn't test - you'd be much more upset now if you knew for sure that you were pregnant. Try not to dwell on it too much and focus on the positives in your life. Are you actively TTC now? x
Thanks so much for a reply, you're right I need to stop dwelling on it. I think it more because we weren't going to start trying again because we already have 2 children we were at the if it happens it happens stage so to not put any pressure on us either way,but this has made me really consider actively trying again. It's so much easier and less disappointing each month if you aren't tracking etc but I'm feeling obsessed now :wall: I think we will maybe head over to WTT. I didn't have a great pregnancy with DS and I think that's what my hubby worries about. Us women never have it easy do we ha!
I had a chemical pregnancy the month before I conceived with this one! I’m 38 weeeks now! Keep your chin up and keep thinking positively xxx
I'm sorry to hear that Mexico, congratulations on your pregnancy! X

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