Chellies TTC with infertility diary

Good luck Chellie, hope it goes well. Will you be doing your next round of IVF straight after?
Hi Chellie

I've been reading your diary from the start and what a journey you've been on so far! Good luck with the salpingectomy and after that good luck for your BFP :cheer: I'll be viewing your TTC diary to see how your getting on xx
well...another delay. My operation tomorrow has been cancelled due to a bed shortage and the nurse said she doesn't know when they will be able to reschedule. :cry:
im sorry to hear they cancelled on you hunny

hope it wont be long until they can fit you in

Oh I'm sorry :hug: that must be so frustrating, hope they find a bed for you soon :hug:
well time to update again, i had my laparoscopy on thursday and came round from the anaesthetic to the consultant telling me all is well with my tubes so thats good news (although slightly confusing).

i have a follow-up in a couple of weeks to hopefully discuss things and then hopefully onto another ivf/icsi cycle asap.
glad ya tubes are ok hun and no probs, one less thing to worry about. even thou it might feel like a waste of time.

Your one step closer to your BFP :pray:

:dance: :hug:
well just under two weeks until the follow up with my gynae, but in the meantime i've contacted the fertility clinic we go to and we are booked in to start our next icsi cycle before christmas, means i'll be taking drugs etc over christmas by the sounds of it but i don't mind. just gotta sort out our finances to pay for it and do some research into trying to get the drugs as cheaply as possible as every penny saved helps.

am excited at the prospect of starting again but so very nervous as to what the outcome will be this time.

A friend recently had a baby and i've bought a little outfit for them, but i really want to keep it :lol: DH almost made me cry when we were shopping for it though when he said that he couldn't wait till we were doing this for our own baby :cry:

Thats fantastic news hunny

My fingers + toes are all crossed for you + :pray: :pray: you get your BFP

:hug: :hug: :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug:
Great news chellie! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Are you using your frosties or doing a fresh cycle?

Lots and lots of luck,

Michelle x
Goodluck Chelliboo... please let me know what it is exactly that you have to go through on an ICSI cycle as we are pretty sure to have to go through this in the next few months and i dont know what on earth to expect. If you could write it in detail as you go along this would be great for me (and probably a lot of other ladies thinking of going through the same) Hope it leads to a BFP for you hun :hug:
good luck hun , hope its a sticky bfp coming your way , you and john so deserve it :hug:
ICSI Cycle 2 Day 1:

Ok Sammy, as requested I will keep a diary of exactly what I have to do.

Today is cycle day 21 which means that I start on the downregulation phase of the treatment, this would normally only last 2 weeks but because of christmas I have to continue this for a month as the clinic won't be open a few days over christmas.

I am on synarel to downregulate which is a nasal spray (some people inject to downregulate). Took my first sprays this morning and then have to have them again 12 hours later, and continue this each day. The taste is awful but it soon wears off. As its putting you into a temporary state of menopause side effects can include headaches, hot flushes, tiredness, mood swings, vaginal dryness (lovely :lol: ) and a sore nose. last time I only seemed to suffer with tiredness and sometimes headaches if i didn't drink plenty so hopefully it'll be the same last time. I should have a bleed somtime in the next week or two.

thats pretty much it now until i go for my baseline scan in a months time to check that i have downregulated properly, they do a vaginal ultrasound and check that you don't have any developing follicle on your ovaries, that your uterine lining is nice and thin and also do a bloodtest to check your hormone levels.

will update again if i have anything to add.
Hi Chellie

Good luck, I'm so positive for you this time around x
Hi Chellie :wave: ,

I'm keeping everything crossed for you. Have been thinking of you loads recently and :pray: ing for a bfp very soon.

Becs x x x

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