Chellies TTC with infertility diary

Oh no!! Some people do bleed quite a lot and still go on to have healthy pregnancies. I really hope it's not over.

Be thinking of you today. :hug: :hug:

im so sorry hunny, :hug: :hug:

but dont forget you still have 2 frozen eggies,
thinking of you

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi, I'm sorry i haven't been able to post before but have been thinking about you for the whole two weeks. Firstly the same as everybody else i want to send you massive hugs :hug: :hug: . There are no words that i can send that are going to help you at this time, but say you both will get through this together and please try and keep hope, because although you have been through this there could still be a chance that in the next couple of months you could fall naturally and i :pray: :pray: :pray: for you.
If you ever want to chat please feel free to pm me.
Hi everyone

thanks for all your messages. think I am now in an ok place to type an update. We went back for our 2nd bloodtest on the friday and the HCG level was exactly the same as it had been when they tested on the wednesday. We were told it was probably a miscarriage but that there was a 5% chance it was ectopic and that we had to test again a week later. One week on and the test is now negative.

I went through several days of analysing everything I'd done trying to work out what I'd done wrong and blaming myself.

Looking on the bright side at least it isn't ectopic so we don't have to face any possible complications associated with that, but we are both absolutely gutted to have lost our baby.

We are now going to look into getting my dodgy fallopian tube removed before we undergo another round of IVF. Dunno how long that'll take to get sorted but we both feel it is definitely the right thing to do. Hoping it'll be sooner rather than later.
Just wanted to post to say im thinking of you and wanted to send over some hugs ur way :hug: :hug: :hug:
i'm so sorry sounds like you have really been through it big hugs to you both x :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry Chellie - thinking of you. You really don't deserve this.

Valentine Xxx
Well i've managed to make an appointment with my gynae to see about getting the hydro removed. will be seeing him on the 30th, and then I'm hoping the wait for the actual surgery is not too long. and we have a follow-up with the fertility clinic in august.

want to start again asap, but am petrified of the same happening again (pathetic as that sounds).
chellieboo said:
Well i've managed to make an appointment with my gynae to see about getting the hydro removed. will be seeing him on the 30th, and then I'm hoping the wait for the actual surgery is not too long. and we have a follow-up with the fertility clinic in august.

want to start again asap, but am petrified of the same happening again (pathetic as that sounds).

its not pathetic hun, only normal not to want for it to happen again and have to cope with it .

hope the appointment goes well, keep us informed xx :hug:
It's completely understandable and normal to be scared of it happening again and the need for a baby after a miscarriage can also be overwhelming :hug: :hug: :hug:

So so sorry you've had to go through this, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed you get a sticky little one next time :hug: :hug:
just got my repeat cheri22 prediction through. she originally saw a girl (?birth feb) and then 2 boys. after our loss as the baby would have been due early march I asked for another prediction to see if things had changed (even though i was very scared it would be bad news) and she said this

"They show things being "shifted" and now they show the boys coming. I am actually starting to link them as twins rather than a seperate birth. I feel this connected to more of a winter month, and they show me DEC and also SEPT so actually think that December might line up as conception? I feel the strong pull to DECEMBER though rather than Sept.

Now with this being said, they shwo your daughter being "cycled' to the end, so now it should be BOY BOY GIRL. As mentioned, leaning towards your sons being twins and coming togther rather than being seperate.

I am also shown you taking something orally for conceptiojn, but feel this to be more herbal as a way to increase your chances of carrying the pregnancy,, so thinking something like primrose oil or th like which is known to thicken the uterus lining...etc.. I do ssee this as a natural suppliment and I see you taking it for 3 months."


we are both quite happy with the prediction and will be keeping our fingers crossed that this works out.
spookiest of all is the mention of the uterine lining thing.....during my IVF cycle my lining didn't thicken up as much as i would have liked it too and its one of the things i am planning to ask about at our follow-up......

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