Chat thread!

i want snow :shakehead: Im not happy its sooo dam cold and there is no white stuff to show for it!!

Good luck Chok - ive got my fingers crossed its all ok :hug:

im off to my mums for dinner today. My nan and grandad have come down to do some shopping in town , so my mum and dad are going with them, and im going to cook dinner for when they get back.

I can't wait for xmas, a) Alice should be able to understand it more this year than the last two b) it means my matt leave starts. TBH ive been off sick soo much it most prob won't feel much different, but at least if i feel rubbish i don't get made to feel bad and that im letting people down, at the same time :wall: :wall:

what has everyone else got planned today?
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Morning ladies.
Ha d a crappy night, was up at 2am til nealry 6 am.
Had a bath and put talc all over, im really worried that if this is a allergic reaction it will hurt bubs :(
Woke up in hot sweats too due to a night terror :(
Got the tree put up yesterday, me and Gal had a good laugh while doing it it was nonice, were gonna go get some more decorations for the room today so im looking forward to that :)
la le la le la soooooooooooo bored of waiting for this baby :(

sorry rant over, how is everyone today? its so bloody cold, but no snow now.

Going to make lots of sausage rolls today, then prob eat them all lmao :rotfl: :rotfl:
Argh, at about 11am I had a pain that was nothing I've had before in this pregnancy and I was soooo sure it was a contraction but nothing since. I swear my body is enjoying teasing me with the possibility that I'll have a vaginal birth. :wall:

Ah well, got some flapjack cooking in the oven.... yummy!
you never know could be the start of things to come hun fingers crossed :hug:
emmie said:
its been snowing here to but as your only just down the road from me its not supprising lol :D

the snows gone today now tough :( , hope your baby comes soon where you having your baby i forgot you was near me we shall have to meet up some time :D
we decided to have the baby at peterborough something i may be regretting now, shame grantham dont do babies, do you have to go to lincoln?
hi ya all......

well not posted in here for while... hope you all ok. congrats to baby thats been born x

Ive only got 6 1/2 weeks until i meet my little man and cant wait.

How have i been ... well apart from the pain in my ribs just under my right boob which is horid im good

Afternoon everyone! How are we all today? Im ok, worked this morning tho cant wait till I finish work!! I had hardly no sleep last night coz of my restless legs :( Dont know how to get rid of it when I have it! Luckily it has gone now! Just preparing for another week of work.

Gotta go pick my OH up from work at 10pm which Im not looking forward to coz thats normally my bedtime now lol and its too damn cold!! xx
CHok, hope it all goes well for you tomorrow, I'll be thinking of you and youe LO.

Hope everyone else is well. How are you Hen, any signs of baby making an appearance?

I keep on getting teasers, thought I might of had a contraction yesterday, didn't say anything to anyone at the time, I thought I'd see if it happened again, it didn't!!! If you'd asked me last week I would have said the baby was coming early, at this moment I think not!! It's still breech and really high up. Whatever happens I know I'll be meeting my baby on Friday morning. God I'm scared, I'm also going to hate being in hospital away from my DD. She's a little under the weather at the moment and really clingy with me, I really hope she's better by Friday as I'd hate to leave her when she's still poorly.

Can't beleive how quick Babydusts labour was, she even beat me at updating her own labour thread, I was out at my christmas party and she was back before me. Amazing. She did so well on just G & A.

See ya B x
hen - why are you pissed off? Hope you are ok :hug: :hug:
Bexie - hope your DD makes a speedy recovery!
niki - what are restless legs? *goes away to see if there is a thread* - doesn't sound like fun!

I don't know what is wrong with me today. We went to do the supermarket shop but i started feeling really dizzy and sick so I went back to the car while DH just grabbed a few things. I had a friend coming for lunch, and I could barely keep my eyes open!
Also Dh was just watching that Peter Kay spoof thing - he had it up really loud but I managed to snooze through most of it!! I still feel quite queasy - i think my tummy is getting thumped.
Is anyone else feeling stupidly tired / queasy - I hope it's normal!!!

SO who's going to pop next then???
well id love to say it was me going to pop next lol but i think i will be one of the last, my wombs to comfy obviously :rotfl: :rotfl:
Morning folks! :wave:

No-one popped yet then? :bored:

I'm back at the hospital this morning at 9:50 for another chat with the consultant. She said last week I'd be having an internal and then we'd talk about options (they're not keen to induce cos of my previous section). So I'm guessing as they only do elective sections on Mondays and Thursdays that depending on how things are looking they'll book a section for either this Thursday or next Monday. I really hope it isn't next Monday - too close to Christmas for my liking!

On the positive side I've been having cramps since yesterday afternoon that didn't go away overnight for a change so I'm hoping that when they look they'll say that they can see something happening! :pray:

Anyone else got anything planned for today?
Morning girls :wave:
Im afraid im not the life and sole of anyones party any more, im so down i want to kick myself, im gonna ring my midwife today and tell her to get her broom out for a sweep before a major tantrum erupts from my hormonal controlled brain :wall:
Becky i hope you manage to go in when you want as i know how frustrating it is getting now being so close to christmas, they have booked me in for sunday if i dont go in before which is nice as it was my mums birthday but just that little bit too close to xmas day for me (shame i didnt think of that whilst in the throws of passion 9 months ago) :roll:

Hope the rest of you are well and :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to all ready to pop with me and Becky :D
hennaly said:
just that little bit too close to xmas day for me (shame i didnt think of that whilst in the throws of passion 9 months ago) :roll:

Hahaha, you're not the only one to have had that thought recently!! I'm torn between asking them to let me go as long as possible on the off-chance my body will decide to evict baby naturally but if I don't go in soon then I risk Christmas dinner in hossie and that is just not an option :shakehead:

Hope your middy gives you a sweep, I'm hoping my consultant will oblige today - she might as well while she's there! :D
Morning ladies,

Well I'm one of the ladies guaranteed to pop (well less of the pop seeing as I'm having another section) this week. I'm starting to feel really nervous and scared, as well as being excited, I've got a real mixture of emotions at the moment. My main concern other than the health of the baby is that I am back home in time for Christmas, I'd hate to be stuck in hospital. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Hen, I hope your midwife oblidges in giving you a sweep, you must be feeling really frustrated now. I was only saying to my friend the other day, "if only I'd had some forethought with that baby conceiving bonk 9 months ago", she's helping out by looking after my DD on Sunday for a couple of hours so my OH can come into hospital on his own for a couple of hours, but you know how busy ev eryone is around christmas trying to see family/shopping/decorating and so on, I worry that we may be putting her out a bit!!

KMAC, the way your feeling sounds completely normal, I invited a couple of friends round for lunch on Friday and I had to be upfront and say that I wanted to have a nap before picking my daughter up from nursery, so they were only here for about 2 hours!! I felt a bit bad as this was the first time I've seen them since I've been pregnant! Your body just needs to rest now and conserve energy.

Hope everyone else is well.

Chok hope it all goes well for you today.

B x
i have a other consultants appointment today at 2pm due to my previous high BP and protein in urine - will find out my 5th lot of blood test results :wall: and i think it will be decided today whether i'm induced early due to possible Pre-eclamplsia / high BP.

I'm rather scared but what will be and all that ...... i'll soon find out

oooh and this morning i said to my hubby that "our baby is due next Thursday" - my god that sounds weird ! :rotfl:
thanks hun, i HATE hospitals with a vengance, i always sit in the waiting room wanting to cry :cry:

I hope your little one decides to turn for you :hug:
I really don't think it'll turn as my fluid levels are so low, so it's difficult for it to move around as easily, I had the same with my daughter (she was breech too) I've got my head round the idea of having a section now, I was disappointed at first, but have just come round to thinking what will be will be. As long as my little one is safe I'm happy.

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