Chat thread!

Hi girls.
Have just updated the other thread - went for scan and they cannot see any obvious abnormalities with Junior's heart, which is a big relief. There are still missed beats but with regard to that really its just a waiting game until Junior arrives when they will pay particular attention to checking the heart after the birth. Have got to have twice weekly monitoring in addition to MW appts, to make sure things don't get worse, and have got to go in as soon as I think there are less movements than lots of outings, but soon as my due date is Thurs hopefully it won't be too much logner before LO arrives.....
Thanks for thinking of me :hug:
chok thats great news hun :hug:
Sorry to hear you may have to be in hozzi over crimbo, that sucks, hopefully bubby will come sooner :hug:
im really hoping i will be in and out again sunday, well maybe out again monday at the latest, i dont want visitors at my house so hoping they all come to the hospital.
Awwww he is gorgeous!!!! Little chubby cheeks! And paws!! Aww congrats again hun! :hug:
What a gorgeous little man!! Congrats!!!

Come on ladies we need more babies! :cheer:
there is totally a dry spell of babies we need people to pop, im trying my end lol i havent had anymore stuff come out so i think it was a bloody show afterall. :dance: :dance: :dance:
im trying too honest, im still losing lots of black and brown chuffer snot (hubby was nearly sick when i said that to him :rotfl: )
Lovely mental images girls lol!!

Maybe we'll all end up having our babies at the same time! :lol:
hennaly said:
im trying too honest, im still losing lots of black and brown chuffer snot (hubby was nearly sick when i said that to him :rotfl: )

I don't know whether to :rotfl: or :puke:

Hope things start moving soon for all you overdue ladies!!
:hug: :hug:
hope we all pop at the same time, spesh as your having yours tomorrow lol :D
Ah Babydust Zak is gorgeous, we've got the same hat and mittens for our little one.
i even offererd to show him but the green tinge to his face said not :?
:wave: hi all sorry not been on line much you wouldnt believe how busy the twins are keeping me lol the boys are doing fantastic and coming on really well now thank goodness :D its so lovely to have them home with us :D

someone needs to fill me in now i know lea has had her baby and ninja but have i missed anyone else?????

hope all those overdue are not waiting much longer :hug:
and bexie good luck for your section on the 19th :hug:

thinking of you all even though i cant get on line much :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxx
Ah lovely to hear from you Rach, it must be so lovely having the boys home with you now, how has Christopher taken to them, hope he's not jealous. I'm expecting Phoebe to be a bit jealous of the baby, but I might be surprised. Babydust had her son on Friday, Zak, if you look back on the last page you'll see a picture of him, he's so cute.

It was lovely this morning dropping my DD off at nursery, I bumped into loads of friends and they were all wishing me well for Friday, I can't beleive how quickly it's come around, this time in 2 days I'll be in hospital getting ready to have my baby. I'm really hoping that nothing urgent happens on the morning I go in, so I can go straight up to theatre. When I had my DD we went in at 7.30, up to theatre for 8.30 and she was born at 9.15am, so I'm hoping we'll have the same again. I also can't wait for my DD to meet the baby, we're asking for no visitors between 4 and 6pm as this will be her time meeting the baby!!!!

Hope all you girls and you girls and your bumps are well this morning. I've been having period type pains, but hoping it turns out to be nothing as I'm all planned for Friday now!

See ya B

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