Chat thread!

Wow Bexie what have they told you to do if you go into labour before Friday?

Rach lovely to see you honey - bet your house is so busy :D

So many of you are due or overdue I think I will be in here all on my own soon :-)

I've just got back from the midwife - baby is still very much breech - his head is right between my ribs (like I hadnt worked that one out!!) she was surprised I wasnt pleased I may have to have a section!! To be honest its my worst nightmare and I am beginning to stress myself out about the thought already. Due to my age they are talking about doing a section at 38 weeks if he hasnt turned and I really really dont want that.... :( She also took blood again!! Wasnt expecting that one... next appointment is New Years Eve which sounds ages away but is actually only 2 weeks!! I really need to finish off my christmas shopping... :D

Love to you all.

Jane x
Glad to hear everyones ok - think its going to be a quiet Xmas on PF this year with so many babies due :D

Well i managed to drag myself off the sofa at 1pm, got dressed and went to Tesco's for my last few Xmas pressies and bought myself a nice lunch of cherry tomatoes, cheese, chutney and sundried tomato rolls :) Yum yum
I also naughtily bought bubs an Xmas babygrow that says "Merry Christmoose" on it with a piccie of a moose / reindeer and a mini santa hat - :rotfl: I wasnt going to get anything christmassy for him BUT if he does arrive on 23rd / 24th when i'm induced, i'd love him to wear it on Xmas day for some photos.

Spoke to my mum who seems shocked how happy and well i sounded. She invited us over for dinner on Tuesday before i go in for my induction in the evening, so that should be nice - just got to think about packing stuff to go over for Xmas now
hey all, nothing to report from me, i am sooooo bored waiting for this baby to arrive its unreal, keep having loads of bloody show so fingers crossed somethings happening, got a sweep booked for fri so i am quiet hopefull for that working :D
same here emmie, lots of bloody show, crappy back ache etc etc and another sweep booked for friday failing that sunday it is :D
Not much different here girls! I'm still having crappy crampy pains but no more show, although the amount that came out this morning I guess could be it.

We're all playing the same waiting game ... boy is it frustrating but just think, the race is on!
babydust huge congrats hun hes adorable :clap: :clap: :clap: well done you :hug: what do the girls think of their new brother? xxx

bexie thanks hun :hug: its been a bit of a shock to christopher dont think he understands whats going on he keeps trying to smack the babies and pull them about :( we are having to keep him well away from them he is getting better though so fingers crossed he will calm down soon we are just spending as much time with him as possible so he doesnt feel left out and hoping for the best xxx

jane try not to worry too much about the section its not too bad hun :hug: and baby still has plenty of time yet to turn so you never know he might suprise you :pray: hope you are feeling well hun and taking it easy now while you still can :hug: xxx

hen :shakehead: i cant believe you are still here your little one is obviously far too comfy in there lol awww bless i bet your right fed up by now hope things start to happen soon for you hun xxx

:wave: hi and :hug: to everyone else hope your all well xxxxxxxxx
hi everyone :wave:

Just a quick post from me - i'm on a bit of a downer as my cat is missing :(

I also had MW appointment today - she said the head is engaged and we are ready to go :shock: I was a bit surprised. And I did want it to come early but now I'm so upset with all this cat business i don't know whether I'm coming or going :(
Can it stay like that for a long time or am I likely to go early? :think: I have no idea!

Anyway, I hope all you ladies have your patience rewarded soon! Have a curry and get bonking :wink:
:wave: to everyone else.

Sorry I'm not writing more but I am v tired and v tearful!
reallyoldmum said:
Wow Bexie what have they told you to do if you go into labour before Friday?
Jane x
They haven't really told me what I should do, but if I do go into labour, I'll be straight down there with my bags and I assume I'd have an emergency section. I've got to go into tomorrow morning for a scan to check the baby is still breech, they don't need to do a scan to do that, it is obviously still breech, it's head keeps on poking up by my ribs!!!! I've got my head round having a section now, so I'm not feeling as disappointed as I first was. Having said that I wouldn't mind going into labour, perhaps on Friday morning just so I can experience a bit of what it feels like to go into labour as I feel as if I'm really missing out on that part of things.

Kmac, really sorry to hear about you cat, I hope you find her. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I've had a bit of a bad afternoon, I picked my DD up from nursery, when we got out of the car, she refused to hold my hand to cross the road, (we have no pavement outside our house) we managed to cross the road to our house with me practilly dragging her, when we got to our gate, she refused to step into the garden, so I had to gently nudge her in, she then sat on the path and screamed at the top of her voice, I was not amused, I kept on asking her to come into the house, she refused, so I had to lift her up and carry her in, as I did this I must have pulled a muscel in my groin as I've been in agony ever since and I'm finding it really difficult to walk. I think the terrible twos may have come early, the little madam!!! I was only saying the other day to a friend how well behaved she is. I think I spoke too soon!

Hope all you overdue ladies manage to go pop in the night.

Take care B x
kmac :hug: hope your cat turns up soon hun :( i have cats and its really upsetting when they do a vanishing act :hug:
baby can be engaged for a few weeks hun especially on your first so dont worry :hug: xxx

bexie sorry youve hurt yourself and had such a bad afternoon hun hope your feeling a little better today good luck for 2moro in case i dont get back on here will be thinking of you and looking forward to seeing pics of your little one xxx
Big mistake last night, i ate 2 bowls of sugar puffs :oops: baby spent the night bungy jumping :wall:
Hi Everyone.... sorry havent posted for a bit, been a bit lazy :oops: but i have been reading and keeping an eye on you all :wink:

Seems like some overdue babies are getting a move on today....woooooooo! :cheer: :cheer:

rach - nice to see you hun ...hope things are going well with the twins :hug:

kmac - any news on your cat??? really hope you find him/her soon... :hug: :hug:

ROM - I'm still here!!! :D we must be in the next batch of babies!! :lol:

:wave: to hen, bexie, babydust, naterjack, lea, becky, bexie and anyone else i've missed!

Only 4 more days of work for me!! woooooo! and boy cant I wait to finish up...spoke to my manager today as I am reallly struggling with tiredness (sleep is so broken for me), the heat in the office and getting comfy in my chair! He's agreed that I can "shave" my hours...i,e come in bit later and leave bit earlier... such a relief to talk about it, but I hated having to admit i'm struggling :oops: :oops:

Hope everyone is ready for xmas.... almost there myself..just the odds and ends to get and then lots of wrapping to do! :D

:hug: :hug: :hug: to everyone!!! xxxxxxxxx
hi all just a quick update
for a start i cant beleive none of you have popped yet hehe im sure it wont be long now ladies must be a nightmare being overdue :pray: ing it dont happen to me. had antenatal class last night and i am now officially SHITTING myself about this whole labour thing my pain threshold is VERY low, i havnt slept a wink last night through worryin so off now to try and nap!
well iv just been for my growth scan and the tummy is now measuring fine and est fetal weight is 6 14 which is great, im 38weeks4days btw. very happy that baby is fine and doc said that the reason they thought she wasnt growing was that someone made a mistake and measured me too big so it looked like she hadnt grown on the chart iykwim? well only 11 days to go till my due date now, hopefully she will be here on time but i know thats wishful thinking lol.. getting very sore and heavy down below and my pelvis keeps locking!
:wave: to everyone and good luck to anybody who is due or overdue lots of labour dust to you all!! x
Hi everyone :wave:

It feels like it's all go in here at the minute. Ho ho :dance: C'mon babies, let's have some more appearances please. I'm going away for Christmas tomorrow and I won't have much in the way of opportunities to get online so best of luck all you who are due and overdue :hug: Here's hoping you can all enjoy Christmas with your little ones.

I'm seeing the midwife tomorrow afternoon. More blood tests :puke:

Feeling a-ok but quite tired. It's impossible to get comfy in bed at the moment. When I'm not getting up for a pee (for pee read annoying dribble) or feeling like my throat is on fire, my ruddy hips go numb. Yeah yeah, don't tell me...there's more to come, right? :bored:
Hi everyone!! :wave: :wave: :wave:

Well first off Hennaly I nearly :puke: :puke: :puke: then hahaha :lol:

Hi Rach!! :wave: Glad you and the boys are doing well! I hope Christopher is ok with them soon! He is so young must be hard for him to understand! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Bexie good luck tomorrow hun!! Im so excited for you!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Jane I hope LO turns for you but try not to worry hun! I know its easier said then done! :hug: :hug:

Naterjack I have a lottle t-shirt for Lola with "Merry Christmoose" on it!! :D

Good luck to all you lovely ladies overdue! I hope babies arrive very very soon!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG I can't believe how many of us have popped in the past couple of days!!

Congrats to all who've had their babies and good luck to the rest who are waiting patiently!! (Yes Hen - I mean you ;))
hi everyone how are we all im not to bad just got bad back ache at the moment xxxx
hennaly said:
:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
still here but only just, fingers crossed tomorrow is the day :wink:

Fingers and toes and everything else I can think of crossed for you! :pray: Come on Levi, time to get out!!

I can't imagine how you are feeling Hen, I'm well and truly fed up and still a week off due date!! :oops:
Just bumping this back up - it was nearly off the bottom of the page!!

Congrats to hennaly! :cheer:

How is everyone else doing?
I am a bit bored waiting now, I wouldn't mind if something happened a bit early!!

hi everyone :wave:
I'm ok, been waking up early btu went back to bed at 7am and just got up ..... the BEST 4 hours sleep ive ever had i think :bored: even though i had some VERY strange dreams

Being induced tomorrow and just starting to get excited rather than scared stiff for a change :D

How is everyone else ?

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