Chat thread!

Hey ladies!! :wave:
Its Friday tomorrow so Hen you have to be in hospital! Babydust, you too as if your already 4cm you really need to get a move on!!
Gosh what is it with you lot!? :lol: Stop being so bloody lazy and get these babies born!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Aww I hope things get mnoving for you all soon!! :hug: :hug: :hug: (well all those that is should get moving for lol!) Hen, BD, Chok, Becky, Christina & Emmie lol

Christmasbabygirl, if you babs is ROA then thats a great position! Shes not back to back! "A" mean anterior which is your front!

HAPPY DUE DATE CHRISTINA!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Edit I added you Em! ;)
OK I have finally graduated to the Grumpy Overdue Club. I've been doing soooo well at keeping upbeat and happy and optimistic that I'll get a VBAC and then yesterday I had bad cramps in my bump all day and finally started to believe that it was not only a possibility but something that was going to happen. Then this morning it was gone and I just feel like I'm back to square one and that I'm probably going to end up with a C-sec after all.

It isn't helped by the fact that everyone I see is saying things along the lines of "still here then" and "no baby yet then" etc. and I'm starting to feel paranoid that everyone is contacting me just to check up on me that I'm not in labour or whatever.

So I hate feeling like this - I don't even feel like me right now it's so stupid and irrational and what's even worse is that it's only really a matter of days till baby is here (one way or another) but everyday is like a month. Argh! Someone give me a shake!
Becky i dont think i have had one text in the last 2 days that hasnt asked if i have popped yet and i wont even go on msn now :evil:
im not officially due until saturday but people are already asking me if ive had it yet etc etc this started over a week ago :o
:wave: everyone!

firstly :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to all you nearly due/overdue ladies..... I cant even begin to imagine how frustrated you are....

I'm starting to struggle at work :( finding it hard to get comfy sitting at a desk all day, getting a very sore tail bone,.... feels like its split in two when I stand glad to finish up in 2 weeks.. :cheer: :cheer:

Got my birthing ball today!!! :D all blown up and am bouncing away! much more comfy thant trying to sit on the sofa! (ours is quite low).....

Got the midwife tomo... 32 week appointment... feels ages since I last saw her! :D

:hug: to everyone, hope you are all well! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
wish i hadnt seen a midwife for a while going every week is doing my head in :wall: :wall: :wall:
awww :hug: :hug:

I'll be down to fortnightly then weekly soon....after this one my next one is in the xmas week...wonder if that will happen....knowing the NHS :lol: :lol:
hi ladies hope ur all well an dandy :D
had my 38week appt today went ok urine was fine bp a little high so she sed she wud reapeat it but she must hav forgot? had blood test for anemia and iv got my growth scan on next thurs, and my next midwife appt is xmas eve, 4 days before me due date lol!!! xx
emmie said:
wish i hadnt seen a midwife for a while going every week is doing my head in :wall: :wall: :wall:

I'll swap you - every three weeks seems like an age for me. 31, 34, 37 and 40 weeks just doesn't seem enough at the end when I seem to manage to find something different to worry about daily! :roll:

I forgot to hand over my wee sample on Tuesday when I went (and she forgot to ask) but I didn't realise until I got home and found it! :oops: Looked at my notes and she has put NAD (no abnormalities detected) under urine which is bloody clever since it stayed in my handbag the whole time! :wall:

Come on you lot, all pop some babies and get me out of my Victor Meldrew mood!! :wink:
the only reason i have been going every week is to check my blood pressure but every week they say its fine so i dont understand why ive been going? its been giving me something todo once a week so its not that bad, anything to get me out the house lol
Morning ladies :wave:

Thought I would share a photo of my christmas pussycat to make you all smile :D


Hope all you ladies waiting to have your LO's get there soon :hug:

Jane x
emmie said:
the only reason i have been going every week is to check my blood pressure but every week they say its fine so i dont understand why ive been going? its been giving me something todo once a week so its not that bad, anything to get me out the house lol
I went every week for the last few weeks anyways! Just what my MW did! I liked going! Now I miss it lol!
Jane you cat is lovely! I just saw them pics on facebook!!
Lea he's such a poser :D Thought he was the bees knees with them on.... :D Simple things make me smile these days :D

I have just been told I need to go every week from next week - just for blood pressure and water checks.... You have to wait for so long to see our midwife she is always running behind time as she likes a good gossip when you get in there!! :D

Jane x
morning ladies! :) i hope your all well. Hope all mw appointments go well!

To all those ladies that are due, nearly due, overdue.. Here's some labour dust! :)
I am getting frustrated already lol. And its only my first day over due. So come on hen, chok, emmie, becky, let's get these babies out!!

I hate been getting really quite sharp pains in my bump this morning! So who knows, i think it'll go if i go to the toilet though lol.
Morning ladies, feeling so so tired and have way too many plans for the day, saw my midwife this morning, all is good, although my little one is still breech, so looks like this time next week I should be holding my baby :cheer:, booked to go in for the section on Friday!!!!! Feeling really nervous but also very excited. WHen we had our DD the night before we had a nice big meal, so we've decided to do the same again this year, but we're gonna do it this saturday instead, just the 3 of us, I've brought a big party pack of Indian nibbles, mini quiches and deep fried cheese, can't wait, we're gonna lay it out in the living room like a picnic, with the open fire going. Then in a bit a couple of friends are coming round for lunch, so I've been giving the house the once over, then this evening I've got my xmas party. Too much when I feel more like an OAP than a 34 year old!!!

Jane, love the photo of your cat.

Hope all you other girls are well and your bumps are growing nicely. Take care Becks xxx

P.S. My secret santa is so generous they sent me 5 presents in the post, I'm so excited and can't wait to open them all. I love Christmas.
:wave: everyone! :D

Had my 32 week appointment today, all is well! BP back to what it was before getting pregnant (just hope it doesnt start to climb too much!), wee clear, (measuring correctly apparently, although she didnt use a tape measure!) baby head down, but back to back... could be why I feel a smaller in the tummy sometimes and backache bad when walking... SO..need to get bouncing on my ball and on all fours but still have plenty time to turn! :D Although if this baby is anything like its mum, it will be stubborn about it and I'll need to start now!! Next appointment on 22nd Dec... which means another bit of time off work... :shhh: heh! :cheer: :cheer:

RIGHT BABIES.....get a move on for your mummys!!! I want a labour post tonight..... !!!

Bexie - cant believe you're meeting your LO soon!! must be sooo exciting!

ROM - that photo of your cat is cool!

Christina - hope your're well hun,..... hope the sharp pains turn into something for you!

lea - good to see you hun, the pic of lola in your avatar is gorgeous!!!

christmasbaby - glad your appointment went well too! :D

:hug: to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Afternoon ladies

Your cat is sooo cute Jane lol, my midwife is also always running late, really does my head in its at least 25 mins late everytime but those 2 times i went and had different midwives i was in and out b4 my appointment time lmao whats going on there? i would understand if shes chatty but shes not lol

It is sooooooooooooo cold today its unreal dont think my bubs fancys coming out in the cold lol he seems nice and snug inside

Lets hope there is loads of labour threads started tonight, lets make the most of this full moon, i am going to be encouraging it by eating a fresh pineapple in a min lol thought i would give it another go :rotfl:

Hope you all have a lovely day :hug: :hug:

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