Hey ladies!!
Its Friday tomorrow so Hen you have to be in hospital! Babydust, you too as if your already 4cm you really need to get a move on!!
Gosh what is it with you lot!?
Stop being so bloody lazy and get these babies born!!
Aww I hope things get mnoving for you all soon!!
(well all those that is should get moving for lol!) Hen, BD, Chok, Becky, Christina & Emmie lol
Christmasbabygirl, if you babs is ROA then thats a great position! Shes not back to back! "A" mean anterior which is your front!

Edit I added you Em!

Its Friday tomorrow so Hen you have to be in hospital! Babydust, you too as if your already 4cm you really need to get a move on!!
Gosh what is it with you lot!?

Aww I hope things get mnoving for you all soon!!

Christmasbabygirl, if you babs is ROA then thats a great position! Shes not back to back! "A" mean anterior which is your front!

Edit I added you Em!