Chat thread!

Hello everyone :wave:

Glad to see we're all ok, but some of these babies need to get a move on.....

Had to go to hosp for monitoring yesterday because of my high BP and swelling. They also found protein and leucocytes (whatever they are) in my wee wee. Which is apparently not good. But my bloods were clear apart from a little low in iron. So now I have to do a 24hr wee sample, which means peeing into the same bottle very time I go and then back to the hosp tomorrow. Tedious and :puke: .

You were right, Bexie, they are going to induce if it gets worse. They gave me a sweep yesterday in the hope that might get things going and apparently my cervix was very 'favourable' and already beginning to dilate. Promising, but I know loads on here who have had unsuccessful sweeps so I'm not getting my hopes up too much. Really don't want to be induced as it means I have to go hosp and not birth centre :cry: still, the most important thing is having a healthy baby at the end of it all!!

Wish me luck ladies!! :pray:

Come on babies!!!

Come on babies!!!

Not been on much as have been in hosp for more monitoring, not the best news- have got to have an extra scan done (was meant to be today but one dept at the hosp doesnt seem to know what the other is doing and so now it will be Monday.....unless other events overtake that).
Trying to be upbeat still but worried about it all. Not in a very talkative mood Im afraid so I will just wish you all well and ask you to keep your fingers crossed that I do get a scan appt and that they give me good news :pray:
Baby's heartbeat is irregular and missing beats so they have got to do a detailed scan to see if anything shows up :(

Obviously if it all looks normal the issue is still there but I would feel better knowing there isnt a reason for it in some ways, just wish Id got my scan today as I wouldnt feel like Im in limbo land.....they did say it might resolve itself after the birth but its the might in that sentence that scares the crap out of me :(
i really hope it goes well for you, the weekend is going to be hard but try to keep busy hun :hug: :hug:
Hope all goes ok cok :hug:
I know this is tmi but i cant stop going for no"'s :oops: whats that all about, i went for 4 yesterday, i havnt got runs or anything though :? very strange
Just chilling out at my mums as Gal has gone to the football and didnt fancy being on my own today
Good luck Choc ad Happy EDD Charmed!!!

I had an middy ap yesterday and am 2cm dilated and 50% effaced how exiting!!
Good luck Chok - I really hope it's good news for you. :pray:

Baby&i - that's fantastic!!! I'm not jealous at all :shakehead:

I've been getting an odd ache in my lower bump (and sometimes in my vaginal area) on and off for days now, not like period pain but the kind of feeling that I used to get when I'm due a period. It's really frustrating because at first I thought something might be happening but as the days go by I think it's probably just late pregnancy niggles.

I'm back at the consultant on Monday morning where I've been promised an internal (can't wait lol) so I'm hoping she'll see something otherwise I think they'll be booking me in for a section.

On the plus side, Christmas is nearly here and Miss Lu is getting excited! :cheer:
hi everyone hope were all okay, im not to bad its snowing here hope it stays so i can take jayde in it tomorrow :cheer:
its been snowing here to but as your only just down the road from me its not supprising lol :D

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