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wow, you got his presents for next year! how very organised of you :D

I did get the LO a jumper which won't fit him til he's 1.. sometimes I think I'm going a bit overboard on the clothes front, he's going to be better dressed than me!! :lol: :lol:
well it was buy 2 get one free on the toys and he is gonna be too young for them this year so put them away for him, and dont even start me on clothes, i have become obsessed with them, he now has 6 drawers and a wardrobe full of newborn and 0-3 months and this is without anything from anyone else yet :?
Morning ladies i'm still here :(

Well that was a big waste of effort :rotfl: Hubby thought it was great though so at least hes happy lol

I really cant be arsed to do it again so thats the end of that one lol

Hope were all ok, i am sooooooooooo bored its unreal think i am going to clean the house from top to bottom today see if we can wiggle him out abit lol i dont have the energy for it but im fed up so sitting on my ever increasing arse lmao
awww emmie :( thought that the deed had done the trick :?
at least hubby had a good time! :lol:

so is it back to the currys and pineapple now?! :D

:wave: to hen, christina, kmac, lea, christmasbaby, ROM, chok, millie and anyone else i've missed!

hope you are all well and love to all and bumps :hug: :hug: :hug:

:hug: :hug: to all those overdue/nearly due ladies :D xxxxxx
Nope just going to wait it out now pineapple and curry didnt work last time so, he will come when hes good and ready lets just hope its bloody soon lol
aww hunnie :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope you dont have to wait too long... :hug: :hug: :hug:

i think the 10th sounds like a good date ;)
ooooooh i really hope your right hun, daryl thinks it will be tomorrow as well :pray: :pray: :pray:
:wave: emmie, hun don't worry he will come when he's good and ready!
maybe he'll be one of those bubs that is bang on time and come on your due date! let's hope so!! :pray: :pray:

:wave: lisa - I like the 10th as well, nice date! 10/12/08 all even numbers very nice!

I just bought some two baby books from Amazon recommended by someone in the 'ask a mum' section! hehe :cheer: although now I only have 56p on my card left, no more Xmas shopping for me :rotfl: :rotfl:

to all those who are due or overdue, we shall have a mantra...
I'm going to go into labour now!

now breathe in and repeat...
I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!I'm going to go into labour now!

you never know it might work :lol: :lol:
sorry just felt like that :D
christina - what books did you get? me and OH are looking for some too :D
lisa -

Baby 'Faces' first book ->
Had really good reviews, and seemed quite suitable for a young baby according to other parents. Being predominately in black and white its supposed to be easier for the baby to focus on as they are contrasting colours, also babies at that age love looking at faces..

I noticed this one was recommended by a lady in the ask a mum section and her LO loved it! :D

First Cot Book ->
again, good reviews and similar being in black and white to the one before. Thought I would put it in his moses basket for the time being! he might not be interested for the first few weeks but you never know, eh?

:wave: everyone!

No more babies yet then?? I do hope Ninja's Isla is ok :pray:

Well, I had and antenatal appointment this morning with the GP. Good news is that baby is fully engaged :cheer: but the bad news is that my BP is too high and the doc was concerned because my hands and feet are so swollen too :( Have to go back on Thurs for another check and keep a kick chart til then. And I have to just rest and do nothing :bored: :bored: :bored: which I am not very good at!!

10/12/08 is a very good date - it's my mum's birthday, and I think for the first time ever I have posted her present in time (so handy not being at work!) I'd quite like my LO to share her birthday, or at least come close!!

Lots of labour dust to you gals who are ready!!!
I just got back from my midwife too, everything is good, baby the right way round and head dropped a bit more (wont engage till labour), she doesnt think i will go past the weekend (but then you never know) and the latest i will go is the 21st when they will induce me which is my mums birthday (she died 3 years ago) so apart from all the annoying pains etc i guess i should be happy things are going good :D
Oooooh exciting fingers crossed he will be here by weekend then
Ooh Hen, I didn't realise you were past your due date. I feel ready to pop. Keep on thinking my waters are breaking (Sorry TMI) as I keep on getting a really heavy watery discharge, YUK.

Haven't been on here for a while and there is always so much/too much to catch up on. Hope your all well.

B x
Morning girls :wave:
Well im still here, slept fairly well actually, got up for one wee stop and turned over twice so not bad :D
How are all my 'ready to pop' ladies today :wink:
and the rest of you of course :D
:wave: girlies
Well....I was getting pains last night, tho not contraction type pains, and I said to Hubby this better be worthwhile as it was quite uncomfortable....Went to MW today and Juniors head is finally engaging :cheer: 3/5ths down so considering the fact that on Friday the head was still free.....we are definitely moving in the right direction quite quickly now! :D
Much happier now! :D

Sounds like things could kick off for a good few people soon...... :pray:
I cant help having a vision of my cervix being stretched to the limits and a little person with a broom coming along to give it a sweep :rotfl:
Morning girlies any more babies popped today?

Got a fun day of cleaning planned today, FUN FUN FUN does the fun never end lmao

Feeling much better today after yesterdays tears

Goodluck for your sweep babydust fingers crossed it works for you :hug:

Hen better hope its not a hard broom :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've got no idea how a sweep works honey, good luck with it all though.

Hope all you other girls are well.

I'm off to do some tidying up and then bake some mince pies, mmmm yummy

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