Chat thread!

emmie said:
i dont really know much about MRSA to be honest, i dont wanna google it either as you know what that can do to us preggo women. Mum seems to think it will be ok by the time i go down at christmas as they have only given him treatment for a week. I am hoping he would of been given the all clear by the time i go down as i know he would be devestated not to see his great grandson :(
Im sure he will be fine by xmas hun! It will be just like any other infection! Clears up within a week or so with treatment! :hug: :hug:

I just wanted to post this I read on the NHS website!
MRSA does not normally cause harm to healthy people (it cannot harm pregnant women, children or babies, providing they are fit and healthy), so if you have an MRSA infection you will still be able to have visitors as normal. However, it is essential that all visitors wash their hands thoroughly before and after visiting every patient. Fast-acting, special alcohol rubs or gels are used in most hospitals, with dispensers usually located by patients' beds.
Well nothing for me to report over night. The headache is gone i have sore fingers- thinking not a labour sign and sore legs, damn swelling.

Busy day in store today.
Just about to nip to shop for cereal for my starving children then Brian wants to start building the new shed, my job is to hold things. The boys have a birthday party 12-2 which for some reason im meant to attend aswell, really dont want to as its in the house and will be one of those parties where kids run riot and adults get drunk.
And ive got to post my secret santa gift all before the highlight of my day watching Youve been framed Harry Hill and X Factor
Morning all! :D

Not much happening here..... woke up after half an hour of falling asleep with horrible cramp in my calf.... usually can just stretch my leg and it goes..but not this time... OH woke up to me screaming F**** (such a lady :lol: ) and had to pull my toes up as i couldnt reach :(

got works xmas do tonight..... have to try get some shoes this morning as it appears my feet have expanded!! should just go in slippers.. :think: (was actually looking forward to a night in watching x factor... :shhh: )

hope everyone is ok... ninja.. hope your contractions start again for you... I suspect your at your middy appointment now.. good luck! :)
chick - hope you've fed your starving :D I too am helping OH....putting blinds up..yep, holding and passing stuff!

:wave: lea, emmie, mel, bexie, hen, ROM, jadesmummy, kmac, mille and anyone else i've missed... :hug: :hug: :hug:

love to all and your bumps :D xxxxxxxxxxx
Morning girlies :wave:

Chickadee if you could go into labour at about 11.30 they wont possibly be able to go to a party :wink:

Lisaspoon...ouch i hate cramp and the worst for me is i usually get it when we are having sex :wall:
Im annoying myself now as have started looking for labour signs :doh: im getting lots of pain but as i have said before i know they arnt labour pains just baby being a little sod (like father like son :roll: )
Morning ladies, hope were all well and enjoying this sunshine (where did that come from its lovely)

well after a night of not much sleep because of on off pains im still here and the pains are gone :( i do have a really achy tummy as if ive pulled all my muscles. this is sooooo frustrating now.

7 days to go till due date woo hoo :D
I'm lurking around, though my internet is being a bit gay... :shakehead:

oo Hen, due date tomorrow!! :cheer:
.Christina. said:
I'm lurking around, though my internet is being a bit gay... :shakehead:

oo Hen, due date tomorrow!! :cheer:
hey there was just gonna text you to see how you are.
I reckon i will still be here next weekend :wall:

how are you doing? any sign of bubs making an early appearance?

I'm good thanks, just chilling out after having finished the housework!
I was having a lot of cramps and tightenings yesterday, regularly every 10 mins but since I woke up.. all cramps and backache, any sign at all he'll be coming have disappeared! :doh:

no plug or waters or anything so I think I may well be here next weekend too! :bored:

here's to hoping otherwise for the both of us :pray: :pray:
I am getting lots of pains but they are doing sweet fanny adams :?
cant turn over in bed anymore without help so poor hubby gets woken up a dozen times a night as hip goes dead :roll:
Back is killing along with everything else and i cant barely move from one room to the next :( i still reckon next weekend for me :lol:
Lets hope we have it lots easier than some of the girls on here seem to be having at the moment :D
hen - sorry to hear your in such pain and its proving unproductive! :( Is there a chance your in early labour but don't realise it?
I hope things start moving for you and you don't have to cope with this all week! would be nice if he comes on your wedding anniversary though :D
my pain is equally as useless as yours :wall: :wall: I started getting some cramps again but I just think I ate too much :oops:

OH made me a steak last night which was super! I am generally on a vegetarian diet, so this was such a nice treat :cheer: mmm ... the thought of it is making me droool :lol:

I hope it gets easier for all you girls!!
Fingerscrossed for you both that your not waiting till next weekend!! :pray: :hug: :hug:
Hello ladies :wave: :wave:

Hope were all ok, its my 1st wedding anniversary today. And i want my baby out today, cant see it happening its all gone quiet :( although i did have yet another clear out this morning sorry tmi

Hope everyone else has positive signs and cant wait for the next text from charlotte
afternoon everyone! :D

well well :shock: came on the forum this morning and looked like i missed all the action!! baby boom or what!

well done to chick and ninja :cheer: :cheer:
good luck to charlotte! :D
emmie - hope your LO gets a move on...clear out sounds positive tho! :D C'MON BLAKE GET A MOVE ON!!

feel like i've hit a wall...... feel like i've been pregnant for aaaaaaaaaaaages! back starting to get sore and feel quite tired now :(

Hope everyone else is well! :D
emmie said:
:hug: :hug: It wont be long for you now hunni :hug: :hug:

feels like an eternity! keep seeing all the xmas things in the shops (bibs, little sleep suits etc) and have to remind myself...nooo next year for all that!! :lol:


I hope the pain train picks up for you hun.... :hug: :hug:
:clap: :cheer: some babies!!! Hope chickadee and ninja have started a trend that the rest of these babies will follow - come on out now!!!

I was in such a foul miserable mood yesterday that I was really hoping it might be the start of something. But no. :wall:

I'm so swollen though that I really need this baby out!! My fingers are like sausages and it's even uncomfortable to type after a while :x speaking of which - did you get some shoes lisas? I've gone up 2 sizes!!

sorry to hear so many of you are having these pains......these babies need to get out!! :hug:
happy due dates to those who have hit it today :D congrats on your anniversary emmie!
cheers hun wishing you a speedy rest of your pregnancy :hug:
nope didnt get any shoes... :( but that was because i was too much of a lazy bum to go round the shops! :lol: :lol:

I wore the shoes that I had in the end, they are a good few years old so quite flexible! and had my stockings on to keep the swelling down.. sexy :lol: but i suspect i've gone up at least a size!!! slippers are my best friend at work and the only others shoes i'm wearing are my trainer/pump things....

hope your mood is better today millie :hug: :hug: :hug:

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