Chat thread!

emmie said:
cheers hun wishing you a speedy rest of your pregnancy :hug:

Is OH treating you tonight? mayb if he has made plans, LO will come out and spoil them!! :lol:
Nope no plans i am nervous going to far now i like to be near my hozzie bags lmao, there is no where close so i said we should have a takeaway and snuggle on the sofa i feel a bit sorry for him but i know he is excited about his son coming so fingers crossed it will happen tonight. I also feel sorry for him as he wont be getting his anniversary sex lmao :rotfl:
:lol: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

maybe he'll get new year nookie instead?! lol!

night in sounds nice though :) thats all we've been doing lately...too tired to go anywhere...apart from the cinema! :D
Have decided to indulge him tonight after all as i want this baby out now lmao fingers crossed it works :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol I just saw your thread!!! :D

wind him up and tease.... just to make sure you get an extra large helping!!!! :wink: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary Emmie!! Been meaning to say that all day but havent?? :think: Think Im going nuts hahaha
thanks lea

:rotfl: :rotfl: at the thought of a extra large helping lmao
:wave: just a quick hello girls
Emmie congratulations on your wedding asnniversary :cheer: , and i hope some more babies come out soon im off to bed in a bit but i probally wont sleep much :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
well i done the deed so fingers crossed something happens, hubby thought it was birthday, anniversary and christmas all in one bless him :rotfl:
morning girls :wave:
Im here bright and early as im intrigued to see if the bonking worked :D
Morning all!! :wave:

Any developments emmie??

Hope everyone is feeling ok?

I had a lousy weekend but am feeling better now. Today is my first day of mat leave on my own as DH took yesterday off. I have a list a mile long of things I want to get done so I am up nice and early. Wasn't much chance of sleeping in anyway as bump has been pummelling me all night and is still going!!

didbt work for me lol! im only 37 weeks tho so... ah well was worth a try,actually it wasnt lol im still waddling this morn!

Hope it kicked start something for u emmie! and hope ya got a big fat helping lol
LS hope ur swelling goes down! must be awful im glad i havnt had any
Morning hen and kmacn- yay oh mat lkeave! :dance:
:wave: :wave: to all other addicts lol :P
to all u due / overdue ladies heres some labour dust :D

well i cant beleiv that im 37 weeks the last 10 weeks have gone reaaaallly quick!!! i think the next 3 will drag though! is any1 nesting? if so then iv got piles of washing that need doing lol!
got a doppler this morn at the hospital, theyve said if anythings wrong with it then they will induce me today, but im sure everything will be fine, then they will book me in for another scan, and if tummy has still not grown theyll induce me then! wish i cud just be 40 weeks and have her here with me i cannot wait to meet my little girl and feel more ready then ever to become a mum! x
:wave: morning all

Emmie hope it was worth it and you are well on your way now :D

Kmac - glad you feel better honey :hug: know what you mean about baby kicking all night - this one has been at it too - woke me and Dave and we have been up and down since 2.30 am - I'm complete knackered!! I was just nodding off to sleep and my cat jumped on my face crying to be fed...... do they do big cat nets for adult beds????

Christmasbabygirl good luck today :hug:

Hennaly hope you are OK honey.

I'm off to the consultant and for a scan this afternoon, for lots of reasons I just want it to be over and to be told he is OK - today marks the anniversary of finding my ectopic last year - same consultant and same hospital and actually if I think about it same time of the day so its spooked me a bit :( Nevermind hopefully this morning will fly and me and my mum are going to do something nice afterwards - not sure what yet but I suspect it will involve cake :D

Jane x
aww sorry to hear that hun im all sure all will go fine today, will be a big releif when they scan u!! the best of luck!! x
Good luck Jane!! :hug: Im sure everything will be fine!
Hi everyone! :wave:
:wave: Guys

Good Luck ROM!

Well as usual I have missed a load of action!

Single figures for me now! :shock: Have been in hosp for monitoring and have got to go back Thursday....was meant to be yesterday but Thurdsay is better anyway really as DH is off work then so can come with me. Getting BHs a lot but nothing else happening cept a few odd period pains.....dont think this little munky is going to come out just yet.....

Hope everyone is ok and congrats to those who have popped! :cheer:
:shock: maybe emmie's gone into labour! I too am curious whether this bonking did the trick!

morning ladies!! :wave: :wave: I hope your all well and bumps are good!

:wave: Good luck ROM! I'm sure everything will be fine! I'll be thinking of you :D

:wave: chok hehe yay on single figures, it really does come around quick dun it? hopefully your little munky won't be too cheeky and keep you waiting too long now!! how were things for your monitoring?

:wave: hen - hope your good this morning!!
:wave: christmasbabygirl - wow on them maybe inducing you today! I hope everything ok with your wee one and it don't come to that!

:wave: kmac - yay on maternity leave! hope babs quietens down and lets you have some well deserved rest :)
:wave: lea and anyone else I've missed!

we finally finished decorating the LO's area yesterday, yay!
also big up the sales in Sainsbury's on baby toiletries - half price! we bought everything we'll need for at least the next 3 months or so :lol:
I was really excited about the sale in Woolies, but I think by the time we got there all the good stuff was gone :( nevermind, still managed to get Kai his first toy! some little roll n' rumble cube which plays rhymes and music. I think I like it more than he will :rotfl:

anyway, i think the LO is in here nice and comfy for the long haul! no symptoms for me really! here's some labour dust to you all....


let's hope we get some more babies out today :cheer: :cheer:
we did Sainsburys on the weekend and i got loads too even teething gel, nipple cream and colic drops etc, wasnt too impressed with woolies but did get Levis christmas presents for next year and put them in the attic :D

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