Chat thread!

Good luck babydust!!
At my NCT class the woman said you can have up to 2 sweeps - but if the second doesn't work then they induce you with drugs.
Hope it works! Keep us posted!
morning ladies :wave: :wave: well not quite morning, I just got up really late :lol:

good luck babydust for your sweep! hope it goes well and gets things moving :cheer:

:wave: emmie - nope nowhere nearer popping me thinks! I thought something might start happening last night, but no nada this end! :wall: how you doing?

:lol: hen - where do you get these visions from? :rotfl:

:wave: chok - good to hear baby is engaging!! hopefully not long for you now :pray:
me neither though last 2 days have had really loose bowel movements several times a day and i really dont think its something i ate. :pray:
Hi all!

In a sweep the MW just rummages around up there as far as i know. No brooms involved!!
Good news chok - maybe things will start happening soon!
Hope that is a good sign for you too emmie!!

I have just had everything waxed so I am ready for action!! Stopped at greggs on the way back and got a pie and a donut :oops: :oops: couldn't have picked anything more unhealthy if i tried!!

Hope everyone else is ok
I keep going to the toilet for a number 2 but nothing is happening, i feel like i want to go but dont (sorry tmi) just more plug :roll:
babydust said:
:dance: midwife just phoned i have to go in for a sweep at 2pm :dance:
i have never had a sweep, does anyone know if it works how long will it take? and if nothing happens tonight does that mean it hasnt worked?

:cheer: chok hopefully not long for you now

i had one with my last son she basically sticks her fingers in (without soundin too crude) and does like a circle of the cervix it feels a bit sore then u get a period pain feeling afterwards. she did this to me about 4 and i was in labour by 2am goo dluck girl :hug:
hello :wave: how are we all im not to bad not done much today to be honest, whats everyone having for tea tonight were aving lambchops yummy :hug: :hug:
were having cottage pie wish i was having lamb chops now though lol
ive been in bed all day with a chest infection so it all depends on what the other half is gonna cook for us lol
Ooh, for some reason I never noticed this chat thread before! :oops:

I think I'll do chicken casserole tonight. Neil won't be home from work until about 10.30 and I can just reheat casserole for him when he gets in (and maybe have seconds myself as I am hungry all the time at the moment!! :oops: )

Can some of your overdue ladies start producing please because I want some cute photos to coo over! *I'm going to hide from all the things you might throw at me now!* :rotfl:
ive done a huge chicken casserole too, it means there will be loads left for tomorrow in case im not here :D
hennaly said:
ive done a huge chicken casserole too, it means there will be loads left for tomorrow in case im not here :D

In the nicest possible way - let's hope so!! :cheer: :hug:
we need some babies to start coming now hurry up all due/ nearly due/ and overdue babies pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
glad to see that everything is so favourable babydust! sorry the sweep was painful, I hope these contractions prove to be the real thing :D

come on ladies, lets get popping :cheer: :cheer:
Morning girls :wave:
Well what a crap sleep that was, my hips couldnt hurt anymore if they tried :? BUT IM STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!
Come on Babydust you can do it hun :dance:
We really are all gonna pop at once :D
:wave: morning all :wave:
ooh babydust hope this is the start of things! ur DD is the same as mine!!
i also had a crap sleep hen, in spare room on floor again as OH had the whole bed as usual :roll:
Woke up and thought i was in labour as i was having tummy pains irregular but on and off, but i just needed a big poo and then there was no pain lol :oops:
antenatal cllass was really good last night, enjoyed it!! the midwife told me things that i really wish i had knew earlier, like as my baby is on the right she said lay on ur left to get her to move, and i always have been laying on my right!!!, and get on all 4s 6 times a day,whenever bubs is active, now why couldnt my middy tell me this weeks ago as she knows bubs is in ROA position :wall:

i think nesting is starting to kick in, yesterday i sat here ironing bibs and booties and vests lol i never ever usually iron not even my clothes :oops:

is anyone else getting severe pain in pelvis and in between legs when u try to get up off seat or bed, or when ur led in bed and try to even slightly lift ur leg or turn over or sit up ect?? its very painful do u think i shud mention it to middy, got appt at 3 today! hope ur all well sorry for the ramble lol!
Not much news from me!
My cold is nearly gone so I'm glad to be feeling better! Went into town and got a couple of feeding bras, ended up at my mum's with back and front cramps and had the teeniest show and thought something might be happening, cramps didn't go away after a bath and I was getting a bit excited but through the night they've eased off and nearly gone now. The most I can complain about is an odd feeling down below, but not much really.

I'm getting sick of this tbh, I'm not fed up of being pregnant, it's not too bad really at the moment but I'm sooooo fed up of having days where things look like they might be happening just to wake up the next day to nothing! :x

Good luck to everyone else, I hope we're not all going overdue! :hug:
Christmasbabygirl get that hubby of yours out that bed and in the spare room so you can have the bed :?
Becky lets pop together :lol:
More plug this morning for me but i have to say i havnt had any blood in it it just looks like really really thick wallpaper paste :think:

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