Chat thread!

:cheer: We have heard from the pram lady - she has agreed to a full refund and is arranging for it to be picked up tomorrow :cheer: I am so glad as it was totally useless with no handles :D

Had a really busy day yesterday - Christmas shopping (well getting Han's to post out to Tunisia) and then to a friends for dinner and made myself quite ill!! My hips felt as though they were being pulled apart!!

Dave has put together all the nursery furniture and we now have it in the room - just waiting for the cot mattress to arrive and buy the bedding and curtains and then we just have to get the little extra bits..... It is going to be so lovely - I'll take pictures when finished.

Hope you are all having a nice restful day - I'm off to watch the xfactor and do the ironing whilst Dave cooks roast lamb :D

Jane x
thats brilliant news about the pram, i suppose i should get our pushchair picked up from the in laws, it should be ok left in the car for a couple of weeks shouldnt it? The car seat is already in the car ready to go.

Not long now :D
Hi all!!

We're just finishing off the baby's room too. I thought we already had but we weren't totally happy with how we'd arranged the furniture so we've changed it around. It looks much better. Then we went to Ikea and spent a small fortune on cuddly toys :oops: I've been looking at them for ages they are so cute. So now DH is putting up a couple of shelves and securing things to the wall so nothing can fall over (he's very safety conscious!). I will also post pics when finished but I'm not putting covers in the cot until baby is here - just in case the cats climb in!!

Edit - I meant to say - I am finding many of baby's movements really painful the last couple of days. Is anyone else finding that? Also I don't think I've had any Braxton Hicks - any tight feelings I have only last a few seconds and usually just after baby has moved and hurt me. DOes this sound normal?

Hope everyone is ok!!

Babydust - if you are online - hope you are feeling ok!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

:wave: hey Kmac, yay to doing bubbas room! My bubs movements can be painful, but they are smaller last coupla days,dunno why, prolly no room left :think:

Well Im up early coz I got up for a wee, which brought on the most painful BH, and couldnt rest, so am sneaking round so OH doesnt wake up :lol:
Got MW today, so will see what bubs is up to,and how much we have engaged :cheer:

Have a lovely day everyone, see you later!! :hug: <----- one for each of you!
hi everyone hope were all okay :wave:

mel what double pushchair are you buying??

whats everyone doing today i have to drop a prescription off at the doctors , then i might take jayde to toddler group but im not sure to take e her or not as she still has a cold and a bit of rash on her fac bless her xxxx
does anyone else always feel hungry as i am always hngry at the moment xxxx
I feel really wierd today, i dont know why or how i feel wierd but my body just feels odd, do you get what i mean? I dont feel myself today.
Went out last night although not for a meal like everyone said, everyone just ended up getting pissed up so i went home at 9 :(
Hello ladies.. i thought i would join you seeing as it doesnt look like i will be giving bith today.

How do you feel wierd mel?
I cant explain it i just dont feel right, odd. you know like when you know your pg before even doing a test, you feel odd, sort of like that. Am i making sense or not :rotfl:
lol.. not really! NO i know what you mean.. do you feel like you might be going into labour? cos if so mel, i will have to leave the forum! :lol:

Claire x
morning girls :wave:
same shit different day!!

hope you are all well, sorry to dash but just wanted to let you all know i am still keeping my beady eye on you :wink:
I dont want to go into bloody labour :o feck that shit buibs aint cooked yet, not sure what it is though, feeling pressure in foo again maybe im just having a mad mel day :rotfl:
sorry for delay.. i keep getting thrown out and then a message saying "general error" have you ever had that?

I think the foo pain is quite normal.. I think my baby will be a small child when its born!
yeah i think everyone gets that error hun, i think my bubs is gonna be a 20lber when it come out :rotfl:
Morning ladies,

There is always so much to catch up on. I've forgotten half of what you all said already! It's difficult to get on over the weekend as Phoebe wants to sit on my lap and tap away, making anything I write not make sence!

God it's cold here today too, might also have something to do with me just eating half a tub of Haagen Dazs Baileys Ice cream (I love the stuff too KMAC) What a pig I am, couldn't help myself though, once I started eating it was just gone!

The last I heard from Babydust all seemed well, she was home, I'll send her a text in a bit to check she's ok.

I'm full of cold at the moment, just want to curl up and go to sleep!

Keep well girls B x
Has anyone else packed all the stuff they tell you to have in your hospital bag and found that its the SIZE OF A HOUSE?! How the heck are PG women meant to carry all that stuff?! I can't believe how much seems to be in it!
Hi everyone! :D

Hope you are all well....

Mel - how you feeling? any more normal now?! :lol:

nori - hope that bubs of yours gets a move on!! :hug: :hug:

hen - yep same here!! at work still,...only 4 more weeks to go! :cheer:

Bexie - cold here too!! mmmmm ice cream! might have some when I go home tonight!

Jadesmummy- hope you have a good day! I cant stop eating either! feel like a pig! :oops: hungry ALL the time!

Ninja - hope you're ok and manged to get some more sleep!! Good luck at the MWs,...hope bubs has engaged for you! :D

kmac - :cheer: to getting bubs room done! We're nearly there, cot getting delivered some time this week! cant wait!!!!

ROM - glad you got a result on the pram!! :D does this mean you'll have to find another one now? :(

:wave: to chok, lea and anyone else i've missed!

Well, went shopping yesterday for something to wear to my works xmas do (6th dec) and cant find anything :( any maternity dresses make me look HUGE! and there doesnt seem to be any dressy tops anywhere. I think clothes manufactures think that pregnant women dont go out at all!!!!
any ideas anyone? think i'm gonna go with a top and trouser combo....but where to get from I dont know!

Still at work....only 4 weeks, 2.5 days! woooooooooooooooooooooo! :D can you tell i'm counting! :cheer:
i couldnt fit it all in one bag lmao i have a overnight bag for baby, plus his changing bag, then a mini suitcase for me. Also taking a mini rucksack for daryl to have some things in like magazines, snacks, drinks, ds, camera etc etc.

I dont plan on carrying anything i am going to load daryl up like a cart horse :rotfl: :rotfl:

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