Chat thread!

im still in the middle of packing my bags im just trying to rember what i need :D
:wave: Jaydesmummy, hope Jayde gets well soon hun

:wave: Mel, hope you feel better soon

:wave: Nori, hope things get moving sharpish!

:wave: LisaS, I had the dress problem, had to go with a top and trouser combo from new look

:wave: emmie, lol at your luggage, Ive shoved all mine in a holdall :lol:

:wave: Chok, yep! Theres more in my bag than out

:wave: Bexie, hope your cold goes hun

:wave: Henn, good to see you hun

Well had MW, well not my usual one, shes off sick, so a new one :roll: Everything was fine, except bubba has decided to go from 3/5 engaged to 4/5 :roll: , meaning he/she is climbing back in!
By the pain in my pelvis I thought it had dropped more :wall:
Im booked in for an appointment at 40+3 to discuss sweeps/inductions, so will see what happens!! :pray:
Hello everyone :wave: Im so cold :( my feet are like ice cubes I just cant warm up!! My OH is on lates this week so im sooooooooooooo bored! Im so used to having him here. Im so tired I cant wait till I finish work and my back is killing me! Other than that im okay :D
what a day, ive been at the hosp all afternoon as my midwife though bubs was breech again, i will do a post with full details in a bit :D
evening all! :D

ninja - i thought 4/5ths would be more in the pelvis than 3/5ths?! or does she mean palpable? i know some midwives say it differently!

emmie - hope bubs isnt breech.,...naughty bubs! waiting for your update!! :D

nikki - i'm freezing too, despite heating being on!!!!

i think bubs has moved into a different position for me...... not getting my usual wriggling up the top right near my ribs..... think he/she has flipped somehow! Feeling quite heavy below at times as if her/his head is bobbing in my pelvis...either that or bottom!! heh :lol:
Bubs isnt breech i have put a post up all about it. I feel sooo peed off today now i have wasted an entire afternoon :(
:hug: Emmie - I've been at the hospital today too - thought my waters were leaking in the night but actually I was just pee'ing myself :oops: they think :oops: Had an internal and they have found a small prolapse!!! Dont worry she said - what the f*** how am I not supposed to worry!!! She said they can repair it after the baby is born...... Anyway just have to resign myself to Tena Lady now for the next 10 weeks...

They were lovely and we were monitored for 30 minutes - his heartbeat is good and strong and they were laughing at how much he moves - kept on dodging the pad thing....

Anyway back to you lot - Lisa I havent bought any "maternity" stuff yet apart from jeans - Warehouse had some lovely tops and dresses that worked with my bump a couple of weeks ago as did Monsoon but they were more expensive....

Kmac - hope your nursery is looking gorgeous - its exciting isnt it :D

Bexie :hug: colds are vile - curl up on the sofa with your little girl and snuggle.... :hug:

Chok I havent even thought about bags yet, although my mum has offered to buy me my stuff for my christmas pressie so I suppose I should think about it.....

Nori hope your baby makes an appearance soon.

Mel hope you feel better honey I know what you mean about strange - I've felt it all day!! :-)

Nikkix hope you get warm - I hate feeling cold and I hate to think what our gas will be this quarter!!

Hope I havent forgotten anyone - If I have a huge hug to you.

Jane x
cheers peeps i needed hugs.

Sorry to hear about your prolapse ROM, that is my worst nightmare and i am sure its going to happen, i havent done any pelvic floor exersizes. :o My mum did hers and it still happened to her. :hug:

Daryl is decorating our bedroom at the moment and i feel like its never going to be finished, thats getting me down i cant believe he decided to do it so close to due date.

My aunt is coming to stay wed night which i am sooooo not ready for as we our in the spare room at the moment because of the paint fumes in our room. And that leaves the nursery but there is no room in there so our room has to be finished tonight so we can move back in tomorrow.

WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna scream its all getting on top of me now :cry: :puke:
AArgh! Just wrote a big reply and my internet went :evil: :evil:

Need to go to bed so not going to type it all again...
Sorry you had a scare rom but glad it turned out ok despite the need for tena lady :hug: :hug:

I had a terrible day at work - totally yelled at a small child and they nearly cried :( but they were really getting on my nerves. It's not how I am normally :( Thank goodness not long to go...

Here are a few nursery pics? What do you think? We're quite pleased with it!




Hope everyone is ok
awwww nursery looks sooooo cute, i keep meaning to take pics of mine to show you all but not sure how to work daryls new camera. :rotfl:
Aww kmac your nursery is lovely! I have one of those net storage things that you have your stuffed toys in. They are a godsend if you havent much room (which we are lacking in!) keep forgetting to get OH to hang it up! I LOVED doing the nursery...i keep going in and looking cos i am so proud of it!

Kmac that's beautiful - I love the animals on the shelves - where are they from?? The blind at the window is a good idea too - I wanted some curtains that would keep out the light and the ones that match our bedding are really light think we will be looking for a navy blind now :D

Jane x
Aww kmac that nursery looks gorgeous. :D

Emmie :hug:
ROM :hug:
Seems like you two might need them at the moment...
i love the nursery Kmac :cheer:

how is everyone today im just so cold today and a bit fed up, so tired as been up since 4 with jayde as this cough she has is keeping her awake at night bless her just hope it goes away soonxxxx
i love the nursery Kmac :cheer:

how is everyone today im just so cold today and a bit fed up, so tired as been up since 4 with jayde as this cough she has is keeping her awake at night bless her just hope it goes away soonxxxx
Morning ladies, how we all feeling today? Its bloody cold here i have another day of sitting on my ass watching tv planned today, i thought i would never get bored of that, but i have.

I had another dizzy spell last night i was in bed when it happened it was just as bad as the night before, im not sure what to do about them.

Bedroom still not finished so looks like another night in the spare room :( Now hes on about decorating our hall upstairs and downstairs, when hes on paternity leave :o Our hall is massive and will take forever i dont think i can be bothered with the unheavel of everything, i think hes suddenly got my nesting energy because mine has certainly gone lmao.

Awww well i suppose hes just trying to give us a lovely house his timing just sucks lol.

emmie said:
Now hes on about decorating our hall upstairs and downstairs, when hes on paternity leave :o

:shock: I think your OH needs a reality check :lol:

Why would he want to waste that time when he could be getting to know your LO? Also, if he actually has the energy to do the decorating then I'll be bloody amazed!

I'm having another day in front of the telly, but I've got a midwife appt this afternoon so I'll be popping down the road for that - must remember to do my wee sample! Last time I thought about going to the loo before I left the house (as you do when you know you need to pee as soon as you get anywhere) and forgot to do the wee in the bottle!
:wave: emmie, decorating? Yea right lol :lol:

:wave: Becky, can you get it in the pot now? I blooming cant lol

:wave: Jaydesmummy, hope Jayde gets well, and you get some sleep :hug:

:wave: Chok, hope you are well hun

:wave: Poochie, hope things are ok hunni

:wave: Kmac, lovely nursery! Sorry work was a bit pants

:wave: ROM, bless you having to get the tenas on the go

:wave: LisaS, hope you are good

:wave: Lea,nice to see you hunni!

Phew.... a :wave: to anyone Ive missed.

Im itchin like mad at the moment :( , hope my blood results are ok :pray: , have OH scratching my feet for me (god he must love me), and feels so nice!! :lol:

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