Chat thread!

Hi everyone!!

Thanks for all the nursery compliments :D rom - the soft toys are fom Ikea and the blind was there when we moved in!
NW - when do you get your blood results? :hug:
emmie - maybe you should see the doc about your dizzy spells? :hug:
jaydesmummy - hope you got the chance to have a snooze during the day! :hug:

Another day at work over... i kept a bit calmer today but I have to really focus on not totally losing it!! I had a to-do list to get through before i stop but i've done nearly everything on it, and this week is really quiet as 4th years have a week study leave, so I am going to be twiddling my thumbs a bit.

i'm so tired - slept for over an hour when i got home! better o and give DH a hand making dinner...

i have had a really busy day today (so much for my sitting on my bum lol) and the dizzyness has only just started when i am finally sitting down, i think i am going to make a doc apt tom see what he says.
Morning all :wave:

Still full of cold today :(
I have a ton of typing to do for hubby and cant put it off any longer so have a day of that today.
I hope you are all well and are having a good day.
Good luck to anyone about to pop :hug:
morning all, just a quicky for now :lol:

good luck to claire!!! :D

feeling rubbish today... have cold/soer throat and nagging cough.... to top it off i think the antibiotics are making me feel bit sick and last night had bad bout of diarrhea (sorry TMI!) and coupled with taking iron tabs, can imagine not a pretty site!! LOL!
not feeling on top form, feel really wiped out and couldnt manage my tea last night as bubs was moving about like a maniac and made me feel sick when I was trying to eat :(

antenatal class was good last night! Seems the hospital i'm going too and midwives very much support active birth and natural methods of pain relief :D

will be on later to catch up with all your posts!
emmie said:
ninjawomble said:
:wave: Becky, can you get it in the pot now? I blooming cant :lol:

I never could aim it into the pot lmao :rotfl: :rotfl:

Haha - yesterday I wee'd into a cup and then decanted to the sample bottle!! I wasn't even going to attempt to reach down there with a tiny sample bottle! :D :lol:

Hope everyone else is doing ok, I've got a presentation scan today so although I'm not worried (what will be, will be!) I'm hoping it's a nice MW who will give me a pic as OH isn't coming so it'd be nice to have something to show!
Hiya everyone, :cheer:

Sorry I haven't been posting much but my hands are very stiff and sore due to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but I've been reading everyones posts and keeping up with all the news.

I'm getting quite nervous/anxious about going away. I think I'll be worse when my Husband leaves for during the week although he'll be with me at the weekends and permanently from the 13th. I just hope he can make the journey on time if I go into labour early. :pray:

Its getting exciting with lots of peoples waiting to have their babies and having their babies. :cheer:

Hope you're all well. :hug:
:wave: all

sorry to hear about you ladies feeling under the weather! its this freezing british weather, I miss the sun! please get well soon!! :hug:

:wave: charmed, sorry to hear your so stiff and sore :(

:rotfl: I'm loving the talk ladies about your urination escapades!!

nothing interesting been going on my way really! :bored: on my own at home today as OH has gone to a computer conference, he's such a geek! :lol: its going to be very weird when he goes back to work as we've spent every day together for the past 4 months. I really am lucky, I feel for all you ladies whose OH's go away regularly.

bubs isn't moving as much at all today :( tbh, I haven't felt him since last night.. I hope everythings ok. I think he might have tired himself out as he was going mental last night!
.Christina. said:
bubs isn't moving as much at all today :( tbh, I haven't felt him since last night.. I hope everythings ok. I think he might have tired himself out as he was going mental last night!

Baby did this to me the other day - I hardly felt a thing all day and what I did feel was so small and only happened after a bit of prodding! I was starting to worry but then the next day baby made up for it by having a mental work out all day!
why do our little munchkins put us through such worry? :doh: they're not even born yet! I can't imagine how much worrying I'll be doing once he's actually born.
apparently the worry gets worse when there born :?

hope you feel better soon lisa, and i hope your hands loosen up soon charmed.

becky mine done this to me yesterday but i think it was because i was so busy, i got worried though so i got the doppler out, as soon as i done that he started going mental and didnt stop all night lol.

I have my Great Auntie who lives 150 miles away coming at 4pm today she will be stopping the night and going to her friends who lives near by tomorrow lunch so i am playing hostess. But i have to hoover and dust the downstairs before she comes. :(

Hope everyone has a good day today take it easy.

As soon as i hear more from Claire i will let you all know.
good luck with your cleaning, hope its not too draining! :)

bubs just had a wriggle so I know all is well :cheer: :cheer:
Hi Ladies,

I came on earlier and wrote you all individula messages, then the stupid computer lost everything I wrote, was well pee'ed off as I'd spend 20 mins writing everything.

Now I just can be bothered, today is a shit day for me. First bad thing was an argument with a lairy traffic warden in town who was shouting at me, normally I'm not that assertive, but I just told her to stop patronising me!! Second thing, work call and the restaurant I'd booked for there xmas meal has no booking for the meal, chances are now they won't find anywhere to go! Third thing, computer loosing all the messages I'd written! Last thing, I just found out my grandad has died. And now I'm writing it down that he's died, I can't stop crying!!!!!!! He's funeral is next Friday, but it's miles away from home and as I'll be just 3 weeks from my due date I can't decide if I should go or not. I don't know what to do.

Sorry for the miserable post.
hi guys

sorry about your sad news bexie :hug:

hope everyone else is ok?

choklatemunky - how did you get on at your MW app?
mine was fine - weewee clear, hb strong, baby jumping around for them, and she wrote 4/5 in the 'engagement' column. I think this means that she's starting to engage??? Can anyone clarify?

Totally shattered today (after an exciting morning at the MW and sainsburys - woohoo) so am off for a little rest :wave: laters x
Sorry to hear about your grandad bexie. I just found out mine was taken into hospital at 1am this morning hes a very very ill man and has had over 5 heart attacks and loads of operations over the years and were not sure how much more he can take :cry: It comes at a horrible time as it the annaversary of my nannys death tomorrow (his wife, my mums mum). Also i cant help get the feeling of one in one out rule out of my head.

So heres lots of hugs for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm really sorry about your Grandad Bexie. :hug:

Emmie - I hope your Grandad gets better soon. :hug:
sorry to hear about your garandad bexie hugs hun xx
emmie: hugs hunny :hug:
hello charmed :wave:
Big congrats to Rach for her boys coming off the monitors
Glad all is well ninjawomble
Lea m what you doing gate crashing woman :rotfl: only kidding
:wave: bexie I'm really sorry to hear about your grandad hun :hug: take care and make sure you get plenty of me time..

:wave: emmie I hope your grandad is ok and gets well soon :pray:

:wave: millie 4/5 engaged, thats really good! glad your appointment went well! as far as I understand, that means only 1/5 left to go til LO is fully engaged! :cheer:
Just a quick post today, my internet keeps crashing :(
Have tried all day to get on here, Im not ignoring anyone!!

Lots of love to you all :hug: :hug:
Hi ladies!
Im so sorry about your grandad Bexie! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
And I hope yours gets better Emmie! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope everyone else is ok!? Im knackered lol!

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