Chat thread!

Hey all, thought i would come check out in here. Hope were all well today, i have finally finished all the baby washing and sorting out woooo hooooo so all i have planned for today is sitting on my bum watching tv :D Oh and pairing up about 50 pairs of baby socks lol nightmare.
:wave: Henn, hope you are ok hun, and that things get better :hug:

:wave: Emmie, wow, how many socks? I need to do some shopping lol

:wave: Charmed, glad all was clear, sorry bout having to wear splints :hug:

:wave: ROM, I know its scary!!!!

:wave: Mel, hope you are well hun

:wave: Chick, you've made me want coco pops now lol

:wave: Chok, please sned me some of your motivation to get stuff done!

:wave: Babydust, hope all is well hun,Im not sure what they would do, but bubs would be fine!

:wave: Jaydesmummy, hope clinic goes well, and Jaydes rash clears up

Im not long woke up :oops: bubba is in a really awkward poistion, not moving a lot but I can tell he/she is sorta stuck lol, trying to move and all I have is this bum poking out now and then, bliddy sore!!
Poor thing, bet they just wanna stretch out by now!!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend, Im gonna try convince OH to take me out for dinner tonight :cheer:
Hello ladies, I hope your all feeling ok and not too crappy this morning!

:wave: hen :hug: :hug: I really hope things are ok, and whatevers going on gets easier on you!
:wave: emmie - TV day always sounds like a good plan, I'm sitting here watching the OC! :)
:wave: charmed - hope your splints aren't too annoying!

:wave: to anyone else I missed, hope your well! :D

:hug: babydust - I hope everything goes ok for you! wow thats quite early. let us know what the hospital say, do you have a text buddy??

things seem to be moving quite fast in Tri 3 with a few unexpected births and going into labour! let's hope this energy passes off to all those who are overdue!! :pray: :pray:

I'm good, just chilling out. Had first decents night sleep in months, we bought a new bed. Before that we had been living on a futon sofa bed, which has been giving terrible back ache! I tell you memory foam is awesome! Its actually a lot more comfortable than springs IMHO! :D
might do a little bit of tidying up in a bit, then again maybe not :lol:
i know its alot of baby socks i was given them all lol i have only bought about 2 pairs of them lol, and im sure it wont belong before they start going missing when hes here lol :rotfl:
wow! :shock: that is a lot of socks!!

just a random question...
do people notice their LO's react to music?

I hadn't felt any movements all day and was getting a little worried , then I put on some music quite loud and LO started going crazy, like he was dancing away! :lol: what do we think? just a coincidence?? :think:
:wave: everyone

:cheer: for rach!
has anyone heard more from lea? It's not like her to be this quiet - suppose thats newborns for you :rotfl:

ninja - I too have a bum sticking out randomly! even the MW laughed at how far it's sticking out :lol:

charmed - glad you're test results were better

babydust - good luck, keep us posted

hen - hope you're ok :hug:

christina - yeah, she used to but I think she's running out of room now - every movement feels like she's trying to escape outwards. I keep pointing her towards the exit!!

I'm feeling crappy today. Have slept all morning and still tired! Having period type pains low in bump which I'm hoping might be LO moving downwards :pray: Also feeling a bit sick.

On the plus side, my travel system arrived this morning, along with the cot mattress to go with the as yet unassembled furniture in the nursery! I've been too tired to get it all out and have a look but will try and get off my saggy ass and do it a bit later! Now that my deliveries have arrived I should go out and get some fresh air, but I just can't be bothered. Soooo lazy!
my bump responds to music aswell, and loud noises, my father in law was over to fit some new doors a few weeks back and bubs hated the noise of the power tools he went nuts.
my bubs likes music too, but then again there is a constant party in my uterus music or not :lol:
God how can I keep up with you all, so just a quick one.

HOp your ok Hen, I'll be thinking of you :hug: :hug:

Can't beleive Rach has had her boys and Babydust is in labour :cheer:

B x

P.s. My hair looks great after my morning at the hairdressers.
Hi everyone!! :wave:
Hennaly I hope your ok hun!? :hug: :hug: :hug: I really hope thing get better for you! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: (and also I wanted to add, I said the exact same thing as you last week, I was certain I would be overdue, never had waters break, only saw a tiny bit of plug with Joseph and yet Lola came early! :hug: :hug: :hug: )

I cant believe its all go this week! I still cant believe Lola-Mae is born! :shock: And she was early! :shock: And my waters broke!! :cheer: And I saw the plug properly :cheer: and I did it with G&A!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Not to mention Rach I cant believe the twins are born!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Cant wait to see pics!! :hug: :hug:
And babydust!! :shock: Its all so exciting! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Bexie yay on great looking hair!! I really need to go hairdressers!
NW, Mel, Millie, Christina, Emmie, Charmed, Jane, Chickadee, Chok, LisaS, Jaydesmummy, and everyone else, :wave: I cant remember what I just read over the last 4 pages lol I hope everyones ok and Im so sorry about the pram Jane! :hug: :hug: :hug: I hope something can be sorted! :( Hi to Amelia! :wave:
Lola-Mae loved music while in my tum and you know, on the way home from the hospital she was crying (for the first time lol) and when joe put the music on she stopped! :shock: When the ads came on she cried then stopped again when the music was back on! Seriously! It was so cute and funny!
hello ladies, how we all feeling? hope all is well!

I can't believe the news about babydust and rach!! a lot of queue jumping :shakehead: brilliant news for them though :cheer: but I'll be here well past 41 weeks!!

:wave: bexie - hope you enjoyed the hairdressers! I haven't been to the hairdressers in about a year and a half :lol:
:wave: lea - its good to see you back in chat!! so soon as well :D :D
lmao you no how to keep her quiet when she cries then :D
thats so very true :D
I hope Kai does that as well when he makes his appearance into the world!
:wave: Christina, memory foam rocks! I cant live without it now!

:wave: emmie, true, you'll have plenty of odd socks about!

:wave: Millie, hope you feel better soon,and yay at deliveries!

:wave: Mel, hope you are good hun

:wave: Bexie, glad you like your hair, I need mine doing badly!

:wave: Lea, aww how cute is she? You'll have to get a stereo in her nursery :lol:

:wave: anyone else I may of missed, or who will pop in later :D

Im so happy, OH has 6 weeks leave from work, so not alone any more :cheer:
Just waiting for my pizza to be delivered, sod the calories, I give up! I hardly eat but am piling on weight anyway, so pffft!!
Can someone tell me what a hairdressers is please, i keep seeing people talk about them :rotfl: :rotfl:
:lol: emmie

:wave: NW - I'm glad your OH has such long leave! I'm very lucky I have my OH at home for the moment as well as he's looking for work. It's really nice! :D
mmm you have me craving pizza!

I've been very naughty on the junk food front today! :shhh: so far this evening I've had two apple pies, two penguins, many many chocolate roses and a can of coke!
poor baby is going to be fat :oops:
I reallly really really fancy a hot curry, and i hate spicy foods, it may have something to do with me wanting my baby out now lol i have been doing some marching on the spot and bouncing this evening lol fingers crossed :D
:wave: emmie, I craved a hot curry other day, and just ended up with cury farts! Nice!

:wave: christina, nah thats not naughty, baby likes it lol

Omfg Im 38 weeks today :puke: Starting to freak out!! :shock: (you watch I'll still be here in four weeks whinging on bout the baby being a bit too comfy in here :roll: )

Im not worrying though, bubs will come when he/she is ready, so just gonna enjoy it just being "us" for a bit longer.
Although all I ask is he/she wriggles a bit more to stop worrying me!! (prolly a biffer and cant move, all that cake mummy ate lol)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! :hug:
:wave: morning everyone - hope you are all well.

Going to try and convince my Mum she wants to go Christmas shopping today as I dont fancy going on my own and Dave is working....... If I dont get something for Hannah soon and post it off she wont get it before Christmas - so wish me luck. Off to a friends for dinner tonight so thats nice as I am sick of cooking :D

Will catch up later to see how Babydust is doing and see if any photos of Rach's boys have been posted.

Oh and the pram lady still hasnt replied!!!

Jane x

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