Henn, hope you are ok hun, and that things get better

Emmie, wow, how many socks? I need to do some shopping lol

Charmed, glad all was clear, sorry bout having to wear splints

ROM, I know its scary!!!!

Mel, hope you are well hun

Chick, you've made me want coco pops now lol

Chok, please sned me some of your motivation to get stuff done!

Babydust, hope all is well hun,Im not sure what they would do, but bubs would be fine!

Jaydesmummy, hope clinic goes well, and Jaydes rash clears up
Im not long woke up

bubba is in a really awkward poistion, not moving a lot but I can tell he/she is sorta stuck lol, trying to move and all I have is this bum poking out now and then, bliddy sore!!
Poor thing, bet they just wanna stretch out by now!!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend, Im gonna try convince OH to take me out for dinner tonight