Chat thread!

Morning all!
Thought I had better post but there is no way I can comment on all your posts - there are just too many!!

Welcome back lea and congrats to you - she is gorgeous!!
I hope babydust is ok.

It's making me nervous - there really isn't long to go now!! :shock:
2 weeks of work left! :cheer:

Anyone doing anything nice this weekend?
I will just be doing housework i think, but will find time to pop out for a nice cake at the garden centre! My thighs are threatening to take over the planet :(
Last night I ate over half a tub of Haagen Dasz - Bailey's flavour - OMG it was so tasty! Would have had the whole lot but DH was there with his spoon trying to eat some too.

WIll come back later and se what's happening!
:hug: :hug: :hug: to all
:wave: everyone!

whos got snow? not us!!!!!! typical!!

hoping my mum and dad are coming down today (with dog in tow.. :cheer: ) OH away to get his hair chopped at the mo (its a mess!),... then he's away to play football!

Just popped my first lot of penicillin and iron tabs....oh the joys! Feel like an old granny,... 11 tablets a day for the next week.....madness! :shock:

Hope you are all well..... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: ROM, bliddy pram lady :wall:

:wave: kmac, yum on the icecream! Im trying to avoid it, my thighs are also catching up with the calories

:wave: LisaS, you'll be rattling soon :lol: Bless yer!
And another thing - I'm a bit scared something could happen soon - with all these people going early!!
Should I have my bag packed already??? I thought I had another few weeks before I needed to do that...
Have you ladies packed yours???

No more updates from babydust?? I really hope everythng is ok :pray: :pray:
I haven't even thought about about my hospital bag...but then I am 5 weeks behind you :)

I think the hospitals say to have it ready by 36 weeks?...... i'm sure i'll be told at my antenatal classes soon! xxx
Kmac I had mine done at 32 weeks, "just in case", at least IF it did happen, you know you've got stuff organised :hug:
:wave: everyone ope wwere all well im freezing its so cold today just been food shopping and jaydes having a nap ,not doing much later on xxxx
Im sitting on my arse today thats it nothing exciting, i might try and make a curry from scratch tonight see what happens. Hope i dont get thoses curry farts though lmao :rotfl: :rotfl:

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far relaxing, if possible :D
Hey ladies! :wave: Im not leaving tri3 for a while yet haha so you have to put up with me!! ;)

Last night wasnt too great a night! :( Poot Lola she was so unsettled for hours! Shes ok again now though but the milks in so boobs like boulders and hurting and Im just crying for feck all hahaha Lola farts, I cry etc :lol:

Hope everyones ok? I packed my bags early this time! I think with the others I packed them at about 36 weeks ish!

Jane I hope the ebay women contacts you soon! I would email her again and politely say that if she doesn't respond soon, you will have no choice but to presume she knew of the broken handles! Im sure she will contact you then!!
Oh and I text Rach yesterday to say my congratulations and she replied this morning! Both boys were treated in the SCBU and Owain had trouble breathing but hes doing ok! :D I cant bloody reply though I have no credit on my phone yet heehee
Morning ladies, i feel rough today. Got in bed last night and i had the biggest pressure in my groin, a few shooting pains and back ache :( Hope woke up at 1.30 came into our room and woke gal up coz she had weed the bed and was really upset bless her, gal being the true gentleman he is turned over nudged me and said 'mel hopes wet the bed' then rolled back over and went to sleep :rotfl:
Id have been mad but the poor sod is working all weekend to get extra money for us so its the least i could do for him isnt it,
Hope your all ok x
:wave: Lea, You're NOT allowed to leave third tri till I do, coz I'll miss you too much!! :(

:wave: Mel, aww hun sorry you've had a rough one

:wave: Emmie, did you have the curry?

:wave: Jaydesmummy, its freezing here too!

Im having another lazy day, kept getting woken up by BHs and "period pain" during night, I know nothings starting so not getting prepared lol. Its just annoying, kept interuppting some wicked dreams! :wink:
Gonna brave sainsburys in a mo to get the stuff for a roast. OH is out on a bike ride (which Im dead jealous of coz I cant go too, I did before I got pg :( ) Speak soon lovelies!!
:wave: Hi peeps - honestly I always miss all the action!
Congrats to Rach and Lea and good luck to Babydust - brain is mush with regard to what else related to who so its just a quickie as I have more housey stuff to sort out today - am on a roll and I know if I stop that'll be it and I'll not get going again.

Big Hugs to everyone! Hope you are all ok :hug:
Will try and get on more in the week!

It really is becoming more real now that people in here are having babies!!!!!!!!! Must finish packing my bag!....
:wave: hey Chok hope you are well, hope you get your stuff sorted.

Owwwww, I just got up off sofa awkwardly and felt a huge shooting pain through my bump..think Ive pulled a ligament coz its gone now, but blooming hell that hurt! :cry:
:wave: everyone!

Well,..we had snow last night!! woooooo! Was up at 4am for the toilet and had a peak outside! So excited I woke OH up!! hehe! :rotfl: not impressed!

Didn't sleep well last night, kept waking up as my throat is soooo sore :( and each time I woke I had tons of phlegm at the back of my throat and thought I Was going to choke :puke: :shock:
Sore when I swallow and almost feels sore in my ear..... was an excuse to get ice lollies and ice cream when shopping this morning,...convinced OH it was "soothing" heh! :D

Not up to much to visit a friend and then to the cinema I think.... cant remember the name of the film...boys film I think, so will be a :sleep: for me!

emmie - did you get your curry and nookie last night?!?!

Ninja - hope you are ok?

chok - nice to see you!! dont do too much housey stuff!

Mel - hope you manage to get some rest hun.. :hug:

lea - Hey there!!! congrats on lola!! hope you are and LO are getting on fine :D

rach - congrats hun....hope the little ones are doing ok! :)

:wave: jadesmummy

rom - heard anything from that lady yet about your pram?

well i'm 30 weeks today..... yey! big milestone for me as feel I'm NOW on the home straight!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
just before tea i had a dodgy tummy so i thought it best not upset it further with a curry lol. Might try tonight but my tummy still abit dodgy. Didnt fancy sex either lol couldnt face it. :o poor hubby that sounds awfull bless him :rotfl:

whats everyone upto today? i am watching crimbo songs on tv at the mo lol
Hey hun, im fuckign fed up as hell today, im sick of feeling down all the time, i thought it was getting better but i just feel like crap again.
On the up side our sky+ is fixed now woop :cheer:
:wave: LisaS, hope your throat gets better, and yay for snow! :cheer:

:wave: emmie, crimbo songs? LOl what channel is that? Bit early? :lol:

:wave: Mel, sorry you feel so crap hun, and I wish I had sky +!!!
you have a choice of channels for crimbo songs they are as follows, 356, 358, 360, 363, these are on sky :D

Enjoy, my decorations are going up on the 1st lol i cant wait i love christmas and i will have my special crimbo present then :D
Aww Im putting mine up on bubbas due date (6th), I cant wait!! I love xmas so much! :cheer:

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