Morning girlies!! I really hope everyone is having a better day today? Sending

's just in case anyone needs them!!
Feeling ok today, was sick for the 1st time in ages last night, so went to bed early feeling sorry for myself, Hubby came up to see if I was ok & I was struggling to get out of bed to go to the loo, so he helped me. Whilst feeling sorry for myself, I said to him 'I'm getting old', he looked at me & said 'yep, & your fat & have scabies(I have a lovely cold sore!) too', he was joking & did make me laugh, luckily I wasnt hormonal, otherwise I think I'd have killed him!! Had to do the school run this morning & my youngest wanted to hold my hand, but Im on crutches, so being the amazing Mother that I am, I managed to trip the poor little thing up!!

So wont be taking them when I go & collect her, Id rather have sore hips than injure her again!! Right now Im sitting on the sofa, watching Bones & eating chocolate biscuits!!
Choc, sorry you've had such a bad day.

Hope today is better for you? xx
Lea, sorry about the migraine babes, hope its gone?

I did have my iron levels tested & all my levels are quite low, but not dangerously, so am on pregnacare vitamins, just waiting for them to kick in!!!!! xx
NJ, sorry about yesterday. What a great way to stress people out!! Do hospitals not think about how people feel? Hope your test results come back ok.
Leanne, hope you are feeling better? & the midwife appt goes well.
Hi to Hennaly & DJ Mom!! & to anybody I may have missed.