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why did you have to wait there? i had my test and was told to come back in 2 hours for the next one.
hennaly said:
why did you have to wait there? i had my test and was told to come back in 2 hours for the next one.

I was only allowed to walk to the toilet!! They wanted a complete resting rate, so had to sit there :roll:
Wish I'd never gone!!
ninjawomble said:
hennaly said:
why did you have to wait there? i had my test and was told to come back in 2 hours for the next one.

I was only allowed to walk to the toilet!! They wanted a complete resting rate, so had to sit there :roll:
Wish I'd never gone!!
well it doesnt sound like you had a complete resting state and would probably have been more relaxed out of there stupid people :roll:
Im sorry you had such a crap time of it, i feel bad now for having such a good morning (other than the actual bloods).
One lady was in having her 2nd scan and found out it was twins, she was so shocked bless her, they hadnt picked them up on the first scan :lol:
My midwife is fab, i have had her for all 7 babies now so she is an old friend so i spent an hour sat chatting to her then went off for an hour and came back, she is also gonna try to wangle me a water birth woohoo :dance:
Aww yay for having such a good midwife!! :cheer:
Fingers crossed you get your water birth! :cheer:

Bet that womens gonna be walking round in a daze toady, twins!! At 20 weeks!! I'd of fainted :rotfl:
Wow sorry Choc and NW are having bad days so far! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

My das not been so bad but got a bloody migraine now! :wall: I always had them before being pregnant and they got even worse during first tri but now had one now for weeks and weeks! Not happy about getting one now! Though hopefully its a one off! :pray:

Fingerscrossed for you water birth Hennaly!! :pray: :cheer:

havent posted here today, been in such a p*ssed off mood and for no reason!!!

I woke up in such an awful mood, had a go at OH for not cuddling me through the night (we sleep with him cuddling me or vice versa) and he was that tired he just fell straight to sleep last night, but as soon as i woke up i had a go at him :shakehead: my back is hurting a bit today, and i just feel crap! want to go home!!!!!

I have got the midwife in the morning, 10am so at least i can have a bit of a lay in, OH is going to pick me up from home and drive me there, first time he has come with me but glad he is :D then off to work, but should have an easy day tomorrow and at least its only 2 more days until my Mat leave starts!!!

hope everyone else is ok :hug:
~*Leanne*~ said:

havent posted here today, been in such a p*ssed off mood and for no reason!!!

I woke up in such an awful mood, had a go at OH for not cuddling me through the night (we sleep with him cuddling me or vice versa) and he was that tired he just fell straight to sleep last night, but as soon as i woke up i had a go at him :shakehead: my back is hurting a bit today, and i just feel crap! want to go home!!!!!

I have got the midwife in the morning, 10am so at least i can have a bit of a lay in, OH is going to pick me up from home and drive me there, first time he has come with me but glad he is :D then off to work, but should have an easy day tomorrow and at least its only 2 more days until my Mat leave starts!!!

i hope you have a better day tomorrow and woohoo for maternity leave :cheer:
LOL I thought it was just gonna be a bad morning but my day got worse...

Tried taking the bus to the hospital as OH is worried about me walking too far because I get giddy and faint quite often... BAAAAAAD idea, felt queasy after a lil while then bus driver had to do an emergency stop because I was about to chuck up and faint at the same time (forever multi-tasking me :rotfl: )

So, had to walk the rest of the way to the hospital, by the time I got there I looked like Giant Haystacks after he'd been wrestling! Saw the nurse who showed me and OH what to do with my 4 jabs a day, what to do if I have a hypo and what to do with the special emergency gel if I go into a coma (so reassuring)

Came out of hospital and had to waddle quickly to my sons school to pick him up, decided to take a slow walk home (which is about 2 miles) as didn't want to risk the bus but had some tummy pains so was pretty uncomfy doing so. Got part way home put my hand in my coat pocket and realised I had lost the front door key! Had to walk back over a mile retracing our steps looking for key, eventually found out it had been handed in at the hospital as I had dropped it in the clinic :wall:

Left the hospital to do the 2 mile walk (again) saw a bus and was past caring who I threw up over so got on it! First part of trip was good felt fine til half of Peterborough decided they wanted to be on MY bus... by the time I got off I was fighting a panic attack and clinging to OH as if my life depended on it!

OH tried to give me my first insulin jab tonight, took nearly an hour with me cowering on the sofa sobbing and begging him not to do it, took him two go's at doing it cuz I was fighting him off! I've got another jab in just over an hour... wish me luck!!!

Also when I was in clinic, the nurse told me that I will only be allowed to go to 38 weeks so I came out feeling even more pregnant than I already am... OMG it's getting worryingly close all of a sudden :?

I can't wait to go to bed tonight... Tomorrow has got to be better!

Hope you girlies had a better day!
Sarah xxx
Aww Leanne hope your day got better! :hug:

Aww Choc you cheater!!! So not fair! :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: Two weeks before Im even due!? Well thats it Im not talking to you now! :talkhand: hahaha
lea m said:
Aww Choc you cheater!!! So not fair! :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: Two weeks before Im even due!? Well thats it Im not talking to you now! :talkhand: hahaha

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

That was the first thing I said to Chris when I came out of clinic, I knew you would be sooooooo happy for me (not). The second thing was when i deducted 14 from 27 and it equalled 13 I looked straight in my diary to check my new due date wasn't Friday the 13th.... thank god I saw it was a Thursday :pray:

Not changing my ticker til MW or Consultant confirms what nurse told me though!

Pweeeeeze still be my fweind Lea, :hug:

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
Pweeeeeze still be my fweind Lea, :hug:

NO :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:

Oh ok then! :D I suppose it will give me something else to look forwards too before my LO! Hearing about your pain in labour :twisted: hahahha Only joking hun! :hug:
That is great though! I wouldnt mind someone telling me that I would have babs by 38 weeks! :roll: haha
Looks like it could be handbags at dawn :rotfl:
CHOCOHLIC That is one sneaky way of having baby early :rotfl:
Lea m you never know you may even be early too :wink:
Morning girlies!! I really hope everyone is having a better day today? Sending :hug: 's just in case anyone needs them!!

Feeling ok today, was sick for the 1st time in ages last night, so went to bed early feeling sorry for myself, Hubby came up to see if I was ok & I was struggling to get out of bed to go to the loo, so he helped me. Whilst feeling sorry for myself, I said to him 'I'm getting old', he looked at me & said 'yep, & your fat & have scabies(I have a lovely cold sore!) too', he was joking & did make me laugh, luckily I wasnt hormonal, otherwise I think I'd have killed him!! Had to do the school run this morning & my youngest wanted to hold my hand, but Im on crutches, so being the amazing Mother that I am, I managed to trip the poor little thing up!! :( So wont be taking them when I go & collect her, Id rather have sore hips than injure her again!! Right now Im sitting on the sofa, watching Bones & eating chocolate biscuits!!

Choc, sorry you've had such a bad day. :hug: Hope today is better for you? xx

Lea, sorry about the migraine babes, hope its gone? :hug: I did have my iron levels tested & all my levels are quite low, but not dangerously, so am on pregnacare vitamins, just waiting for them to kick in!!!!! xx

NJ, sorry about yesterday. What a great way to stress people out!! Do hospitals not think about how people feel? Hope your test results come back ok.

Leanne, hope you are feeling better? & the midwife appt goes well.

Hi to Hennaly & DJ Mom!! & to anybody I may have missed.

Lisapink you poor thing :hug:
Ive started sorting out my pregnancy magazines to take up to the maternity surgery today (means i get to read them all over again at my next appointment :lol: )
Ive also sorted out loads of the dogs coats which i buy for no apparent reason, i have a setter who refuses to wear one and a St Bernard who would actually cook if i put her in one appart from that they are only big enough for a cocker :rotfl: anyway it now mean i have a really nice wooden trunk in the lounge all cleared out ready for the babies toys when he is a bit older, untill then the xmas pressies will go in there out the way :D
Hope you all have a lovely day :D
Hennaly, I was threatening to buy my mastiff puppy a pink coat, so Hubby called my bluff & bought her one, but it fit her for about 5 mins & that was it!! My dogs actually have Hi-Vis vests!! So we can let them off in the park when its dark & still see them!!
i let mine off and run away but they still find their flippin way home :roll: (for anyone just about to report me IM KIDDING!!!)

hi girls!

just got back from midwife app. all went well. OH came with me for first time and he was glad he did, even though we were only in 5 mins at most!! Ruby's head is down now and she said she will start engaging soon :cheer:

how is everyone else today? :D
Morning Leanne im glad your appointment went well it was nice your OH came with you :D

Im starting to feel just about ready for lunch i think and baby has just woken up so it usually means its food time :lol:
Does anyone elses baby seem to wake up on food times? :think:
Afternoon, Im battling to stay awake at the moment, had to pick my youngest up from school & it took me nearly an hour to do an 20-30 min journey!! Just hoping Hubby can pick the eldest up, as gawd knows how long it will take me!! LOL!!

Leanne, glad the appt went well. Good to hear that Ruby is getting ready to make her appearance!!

Hennaly, baby always goes mad when Im getting hungry!! & if I eat something especially tasty, when I finish, baby kicks as if to say 'I want some more!!!' In fact, Im getting booted right now!! Better go & raid the cupboards!!

Hennaly Im never early lol! But fingerscrossed anyways haha LOL on the dogs!! :lol:

Lisa sorry your having such a hard time with the SPD :hug: :hug: :hug: Making everything hard for you! My migraine has gone thankfully! And I did read I that you said you levels were low a bit ago Im just dumb haha

Leanne Yay on baby being head down!! :cheer:

My LO wakes up and kicks me when I have eaten! I think she hates it when I eat! All squashed up by my stomach hahaha

I feel sick again! :( Never mind Im 30 weeks today!! YAY though tbh Im really feeling like ok Ive been pregnant long enough now! :( I love being pregnant in the sense that I know shes is there and love feeling her and knowing she is growing strong in my tum etc but all the horrid ailments and things that come with it are just p*ssing me off now! :(

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