Chat thread!

Aww yeh sure! Just stick a pillow up your jumper!! heehee :lol:
Lol ok done!! So how are you girls feeling today?? This pillow is kickin the crap outta me!!! and my back is killing me from this huge pillow stuffed under my top :cry:
lea m said:
Aww yeh sure! Just stick a pillow up your jumper!! heehee :lol:

oh and where did you do the glitter writing thats in ure signature, i wanted to write something for my signature to
hello ladies :wave:

how's everyone doing? I feel good though a lot more tired. The first trimester tiredness has well and truly returned. I slept 12 hours last night and then went back to bed after an hour!! I slept from 10pm to 2pm :rotfl: I truly know how to waste away the day!

Also very chirpy because I bought a multipack of 10 body vests for $5!! That is the equivalent of £2.50! What a bargain, right? :cheer: :cheer:

I still haven't found a cheap moses basket though, hmmm. I'm wondering if its worth buying. How long do they honestly stay in there?
Hiya everyone,

How are we all doing today?

I'm so tired all the time these days, sleeping at night is a struggle because of backache and work is getting harder with each passing day. Never mind, only six weeks before I'm on maternity leave. :cheer:

.Christina. - what a bargain with the vests. :cheer: As for a moses basket, I've been told baby's are in it usually 3ish months depending on how big they grow. We're still getting one though because we want baby in our room with us for those first few months and theres no room for the cot.

LisaPink - I also struggle to keep up with the messages, so I blame being pregnant, it seems to be my excuse for everything daft I do these days. :rotfl:
Morning girls, hope everyone is ok? Been feeling very stressed lately, as my landlady has decided she wants to move back into our house, so we have to be out by the beginning of Dec, or sooner if we can find somewhere. What a lovely thing to do to a family with 2 kids & a newborn right before xmas!! Have another scan on Monday so we should know when Im going to be induced.........very scary!! Still have so much to do to get ready for the little one.

Ok, enough whining from me, have a good day everyone.

littlepip said:
lea m said:
Aww yeh sure! Just stick a pillow up your jumper!! heehee :lol:

oh and where did you do the glitter writing thats in ure signature, i wanted to write something for my signature to
Oh sorry your pillow bump is making your back hurt heehee

Christina bargain with the vests!! :cheer: I got a moses basket because I didnt get one with the others lol so feel the need for one this time haha

Charmed sorry your feeling tired! :hug:

Lisa thats crap! :( Sorry you landlady is doing that to you! I hope you find somewhere sooner to give you time to settle! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im in a very active mood today!? God knows why? Im half knackered and half giddy!? hahahaha
Good morning everyone,

I have my 28 week midwife appointment today, apparently they are taking blood but not sure why and I didn't think to ask. :doh:

How is everyone today? I'm still very tired but managing ok. :)

LisaPink - thats terrible that your landlady is doing that to you, fingers crossed you find somewhere else asap. :hug:
Morning ladies, cant belive im up so early, got up no less than 5 times for the trek to the loo last night, got up all panicky that it was 5pm or something and id missed my midwife appointment, phone had no battery and now im up and its 9am and i cant get back to sleep.........


Charmed, i cant think what theyd take blood then for, think i might have had some taken bout that time just to check iron :think: I ALWAYSSS ask what theyre taking it for lol have to check they really need it, otherwise they can bugger orf !
Charmed: Most mw's take blood at 28weeks apparently to check iron/glucose/blood groups/antibodies etc. Very routine I was told!

Had my bloods done yesterday (cried like a wuss all the way through it) :oops: Fortunately my specialist mw had phoned ahead and said "Fragile mother en route - find someone gentle to take bloods please!" So I got mw Wendy who is lovely!

The OH is as we speak trying to fix the bed as my weight/constant shuffling to get comfy made all the bolts unscrew and somehow we have lost some (tis official - I have a screw loose :rotfl: ) There was a big "OUCH" and he has just come down with a bleeding hand... I just smiled sweetly and said "I love you" with the response being "You'd b****y better!" as he disappeared off to shop to buy more bolts! :rotfl: I think my maternity grant will rapidly be turning into a new bed grant!

Hope everyone is having a good day, catch ya all later!

Sarah xxx
Hi everyone! :wave:
Charmed yeh its iron etc! I had mine the other day! Well last week lol ! A bit late! :?
MM I had a crappy night last night too! So did OH! We kept waking each other up too so all in all had next to no sleep! :sleep: so tired!
Choc lol on the bed!
I seriously can not breathe! Its driving me mad!
Morning, have already been up for an hour & Im shattered!! Was up in the night coz the blooming dogs were making loads of noise, then my eldest had a coughing fit at 5:45am which woke her sister up in tears. Couldnt get her to go back to sleep so we got up. Hubby is still :sleep: but its his day off, so I'll let him catch up on some kip!! He's actually off till next Thursday, so its gonna be nice to spend some time together. :cheer: Got physio this morning, just hoping she doesnt have to pull me about too much!! :pray:

Lea, sorry you had a crappy night, hope last night was better for you!! I cant breathe either, hate it!! Keep feeling like Im gonna pass out.

Choc, LOL at the bed!!

Hope everyone else is ok?

Good morning everyone,

Yes, they took two viles of blood, one to check my iron levels and the other to check for anti-bodies in my blood.

I've noticed in the last week that baby is kicking really hard now, I'm getting some good old boots and punches. :)

I'm off work today, I've got a dodgy tummy which is a bug thats unfortunatley spreading through my place of work at the moment but it seems to be a two day thing so hopefully won't last long.

I'm busy trying to figure out what I'm going to do when I go away to have the baby. Because I live in a very remote area they won't allow women to deliver their first babies in our local hospital.

This means I actually have to move away two weeks before my due date and I have three choices which are to stay in the hospital for the duration, to stay in a B&B or to rent somewhere. Bearing in mind if I go over my dates I could potentially be away for a month so the idea of being in hospital all that time does not really appeal to me. I have been told I can come and go as I please so long as they know where I am but still, I'm not keen on that option. Satying in a BB doesn't appeal either so it looks like I might rent. I am lucky in the way that we can claim back subsistence of £35 pounds a day for either renting or staying in a BB. They only thing about those options is I'll be on my own as Hubby can't take potentially a month off work and then another two weeks after baby is born although he will visit at weekends.

Arggghh sorry for the long post, I need to make a decision soon.

Hope everyone else is doing well. xxxx
:wave: hi all im here :D :D :D well 2moro i will be anyway lol hope your all well and havent missed me too much :rotfl: xxxxxx
Yay hi Rach!!! :wave:

Charmed that is such a pain that you have to do that before baby is born! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Lisa I hope you managed to catch up on some sleep! :sleep:

Im knackered lol! Had a good night sleep though but still so tired haha
Looking on the net at booking a holiday for next year to Sharm el Sheikh! I need a holiday! lol
Bought more bits for babs lol! i really dont need anything now but cant help it! The only thing Im waiting on is my pram! :cheer: And Joe to decorate her room!! :wall: Still bloody waiting!
morning all :wave:
well its my 1st official day in tri 3 :shock: feels a bit unreal glad we have a chat thread so i can chat in here till i get more used to where i am lol
hope everyones feeling well and all babies are behaving :hug: xxxxxxxx
:wave: Rach
and :wave: everyone else.....
I'm not sure if I've posted in this thread yet or not? :?

I've got that friday feeling (read as can't be bothered to do any work!) :lol:

Charmed - hey matey! what a bugger that you have to move away! Hope you find somewhere nice to stay :hug:

LeaM - Men, you will be waiting on him forever to start something you asked him to do if he's anything like my DH........hehe the trick is to say that you'll do it yourself and start getting stuff ready, then he will get all manly and take over....... :lol:

Chocoholic - (I can see ppl are gonna get confused with us as all through ttc and the other tri's I have been known as chok. We will just have to ensure that people use a 'c' or a 'k' on the end! Hope your DH is ok after his injuries!

LisaP - :evil: how annoying that you have to move!

christina - yey for bargains!

MM - don;t you hate it when that happens! :roll:

littlepip - hows your symptoms today? :rotfl:

:think: have I missed anyone? (if so I blame pregnancy brain - its a wonderful excuse when you forget important stuff!)
Morning ladies :wave:

Well its definately a case of 'same shit different day' here!
I got up to stand in the que at the CAB early as it is impossible to get seen other wise and im having some ex husband problems that i need help with, anyway there is a note on the dorr saying they are shut today for staff training :evil: Why today? there are 6 other days in the week that i didnt want to go but oh no they have to wait till i need to see them :wall:

My family allowance has been stopped yet again (again my tosser of an ex) so have to make numerous phone calls and fill out stupid forms again. :evil:

At least the sun is shining, im just waiting for that 1 single cloud to come and sit on top of my house and piss down :roll:

Sorry for the rant so early in the day, hope you all have a better day than me :?
:wave: hi chok hun :D i use the pregnancy brain excuse for everything lol :oops: xxx

hi hen sorry youve had a pain in the butt day :( hope the rest of its been better for you xxx

hi to everyone else :wave: hope your all well and babies are doing ok :hug: xxx

boring day for me spent 2 hours ironing this morning :( i hate ironing and let it all pile up then went to bingo this afternoon with my mum and won 50 pound :cheer: which cheered me up a bit lol sending o/h shopping for food as i now cant reach the bottom of the trolley due to bump being so large :oops: ha ha ha i hate shopping it will be so nice to not have to do it for a while :cheer: xxxxxxxx
Hi All, hope you're all having a good day!

I think I've started nesting lol but doubt it will last too long as it's too much like hard work! :bored: I've been going through all my old papers and either filing them properly or shredding them.. I now have a whole wheely bin full of paper that would keep a hamster in bedding for years to come!

Had a row with the diabetic nurse today and hung up on her (twice!) Promptly phoned my MW and asked her to sort it otherwise I will feel obliged to start to tell people to stick their medical opinions where the sun don't shine (I actually used words MUCH stronger than that but don't like to repeat them here with you innocent young ladies!). She is going to speak to my Consultant and ask her to have a word with them. :moon:

James is moving less so I'm hoping he's getting in the right position and getting comfy! Bump seems to be sticking out big time today and I feel like I could do with a lil trolley to wheel it in front of me!

Back to shredding I guess (have had to let it cool down as it was overheating :rotfl: )

Catch ya later girlies
Sarah xxx

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