
everyone else.....
I'm not sure if I've posted in this thread yet or not?
I've got that friday feeling (read as can't be bothered to do any work!)
Charmed - hey matey! what a bugger that you have to move away! Hope you find somewhere nice to stay
LeaM - Men, you will be waiting on him forever to start something you asked him to do if he's anything like my DH........hehe the trick is to say that you'll do it yourself and start getting stuff ready, then he will get all manly and take over.......
Chocoholic - (I can see ppl are gonna get confused with us as all through ttc and the other tri's I have been known as chok. We will just have to ensure that people use a 'c' or a 'k' on the end! Hope your DH is ok after his injuries!
LisaP -

how annoying that you have to move!
christina - yey for bargains!
MM - don;t you hate it when that happens!
littlepip - hows your symptoms today?

have I missed anyone? (if so I blame pregnancy brain - its a wonderful excuse when you forget important stuff!)