what a shit morning.
Had my GTT, which takes place in antenatal day assessment. I had to wait two hours after drinking the sugar drink, in the MOST uncomfy plastic chairs, in the waiting room, (back and hips killing me)
Problem is its also the waiting room for early pregnancy clinic. All the women being scanned were emergencies...and ALL of them were having bad news
One wopmen there with her teenage daughter, kicked off " she shouldnt have to sit with these pregnant women" pointing at me

, shes right but I felt AWFUL!!
Then after an hour, I started to feel faint...it was 100 degrees up there,I had been starved and felt crap. I knocked on the midwifes door, and she panicked coz I was white as a ghost

She rushed me to a seperate waiting room to get in the recliner chair, but this happened to be the room where the women who had been scanned (and found out they had miscarried) were waiting to see doctor. I felt soooo bad for them!!
I started to feel better, and went to have second lot of bloods taken. MY VEINS DECIDED NO!! She had to stab me SIX times

Ended up getting it from the already bruised vein that my midwife took from last week.
I tell yer, I practically RAN outta that place today!! Have to ring for results tomorrow, Im sure its all ok.
Rant over!!
Hope you are all ok today