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I think my sore tum is here till the end! Doesnt really seem to get any better?! Never mind! :roll: haha

I feel sick this morning! Again! lol Got a lovely present when I woke up! <y two lads (aged 8 & 9 may I add) were fighting over Dillons DS and broke it! :| So now they are in their rooms grounded! I cant believe it! 8&9? Fighting over the DS when they knew it would break! I said your not two now you know!
Well hes not getting a new one and now Im mad as I was playing Theme Park and was so far! :( hahaha
Boys!! :roll:

I love theme park too! How very dare they break it when you've got so far :rotfl:
Nursery borders + border adhesive that dont stick + one nagging mum + bad hips + "thats not straight Donna, Im telling you its not" + hormones = :wall:

This is why Im not a painter/decorator!!! :rotfl:
ninjawomble said:
Nursery borders + border adhesive that dont stick + one nagging mum + bad hips + "thats not straight Donna, Im telling you its not" + hormones = :wall:

This is why Im not a painter/decorator!!! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Heehee oh gosh sorry your getting stressed hun! I really really need to hurry and do this room! :roll: Everytime you mention your nursery I get this twang lol I need to do it! Just so tired lol :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: hahahaha
LOL I would offer to come do it..but you see my previous post :rotfl:

Anyway :sleep: more important...get bribing that OH of yours :rotfl:
Oooh I could never get into theme park but I do like playing theme hospital sometimes.

Went to a boot sale today - got there just as it was closing lol so that saved some money!!! Went to the park afterwards but I got stuck halfway climbing up the climbing frame so had to stick to the toddler version :wall: Went on one of those gravity spin things but OH only turned it round once slowly and I was screamimg to get off! I now think the little amount of street cred I had with the kids has now totally gone :rotfl:

Am off to find my record book for my blood glucose readings as nurse is phoning me at 8am tomorrow as from then on I'll be on insulin :puke: (finally given in lol )

How's the car going Lea?

Sarah xxx
Ninja my OH is supposed to be doing the room but he needs a kickstart lol I have to start it on order for him to do it?! KWIM? hahahah

Choc thats funny about the park!! :lol:
Good luck with the insulin and the car is great thanks! :D

My dad came up last night suprising us which was nice! Been out with the kids took them to the park and KFC etc and now Im knackered hahaha
Sending you some :hug: Choc, nasty insulin how dare it :shakehead:

Sounds like you had a good day Lea :hug:

Im still awake at 3.30 am coz my hips and back are caining me :( My scaticas so bad in my right side that my foots gone numb :( I just cant get comfy!!! Gawd get me, moan moan moan :roll: :rotfl:
Morning girls, am crashed out on the sofa at the mo, just getting up, getting myself & the girls dressed, & breakfast has knackered me out!! Luckily Hubby was able to take the girls to school!! As I dont think I would have made it, I would have just lay down on the bench outside the schol & gone to :sleep: until its time to pick them up!! LOL!! Had a nice relaxed day yesterday, went for a walk with the girls & the dogs then sat on the sofa all afternoon whilst my youngest played Scooby Doo & Hubby took our eldest swimming. Was still shattered, so in bed by 7:30, but could not get comfy for hours! Was supposed to have physio this morning, but dont have the money to get a cab there & back for a 10 min appt! So rebooked for Hubbys day off next week!!

Ninjawomble, really hoping you got a decent :sleep: ? Its not blooming fair, we are supposed to be resting as much as poss before baby arrives, doesnt help whe you cant get comfy!!! Hope the pain have gone or are at least bearable? :hug:
Hows the nursery looking?

Hi Lea!! How are you? Hope you can persuade OH to get going on the room!! Glad you had a nice day.

Hi Choc!! LOL at the park!! I went on a swing yesterday, one of the tire swings & nearly got stuck!! Luckily it wasnt too busy!! Good luck with the insulin!!

Have a good day girlies!!

hi girls :wave:

did you all have a good weekend?

3 more days until my maternity leave starts - and i really cannot wait now!! :cheer:

people seem to think my bump has dropped and that Missy may come early ( :pray: please!!!) :lol:

we went to Asda at weekend and bought the nappies and wipes what are in the 'baby week' right bargain!!! also bought some lovely little clothes - a GORGEOUS little pink Piglet coat, just adorable!! we now have enough clothes to clothe 5000 haha!!!! we seriously cannot buy anymore clothes. OHs mum has ordered some clothes from Debenhams website too - Missy is going to have more clothes than me soon!! :lol:

well im praying that everything is still on with the house, its looking that way anyway, go on Friday to see the estate agent and hopefully try and get it all started :cheer:

hope everyone is ok :hug:
Hi Girlies!!!!

How is everyone? :hug:

Was meant to start insulin today but told the nurse my blood glucose results for the weekend and she said she didn't think I needed it. Told her they hadn't changed at all since starting my metformin ages ago and now she can't understand why I need to go on insulin. So now I got to do 4 more tests today and ring her in the morning to update her again and then she'll talk to the diabetes doctor. Flippin eck I want a doughnut (with cream, jam, chocolate mmmmmm) :rotfl:

OH has just nearly blown us all to kingdom come while trying to get some electrical equipment working, til I jumped up and screamed "there's a flame!!" Now that has gone in the bin (and had better not be sneaked out when I'm not looking!)

I'm off on the mooch for a cheese and tomato sarnie and a cuppa (gee the service here is slacking lol)... best make the OH a cuppa too as he has just looked over my shoulder and seen what I typed!!

Oh well :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
Hiya girls :wave: How are you all?
I'm still having period pains and very strong tightenings since my show on saturday but nothing seems to be happening, don't think LO is ready to come out yet! We went to my cousins christening yesterday and I was so fed up by the end of it! I had loads of people come up to me and rub their hands all over my bump! Then I had people telling me my bump is small, others telling me its massive, I had people saying my ankles look like treee trunks, asking how much weight I'd put on etc!! Then someone who I don't know came up to me and asked me how long I have left, I told her 2 and a half weeks and she said " Your way too small for the stage your at and I think your having a boy", so I said " I'm just the right size thanks and you should try carrying my bump around then you wouldn't be saying its small and I don't know if we are having girl or boy and we don't mind either way" She shut up then and didn't say anything else!
My uncles partner who I can't stand and is also pregnant said my bump is smaller than hers, my bump is actually a lot bigger! She wouldn't shut up about it! I didn't tell anyone I've had my show because I know I'd be bombarded with phone calls everyday! By the end of it all I was so arrrgggghhhh!!! :wall: :wall: Even OH was sick of all the questions and comments in the end! Sorry thats turned into a bit of a rant! Hope you all had a good weekend and you and LO's are all well :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: Lisa, hope you are feeling more awake, good for hubby on taking the kids! Every little helps! (to quote tesco)

:wave: Leanne, I got that box from Asda too! Also got the steriliser for a tenner! Bargain. Lucky you having three days left!

:wave: Choc, glad you dont have to have the insulin :cheer: :shock: at the flame!!

:wave: Laur, I wish peoplewould keep their opinions to themselves :roll: , Im sure your bumps perfect :hug:

I FINALLY got some sleep at 8am :roll:. Got my glucose tolerence test tomorrow, although I know it will be fine, cant be bothered hanging aorund hossy for two hours. But will go anyways coz Im being a good girl for once :D
Right am off to stalk the fridge for some food! :D
Well, I managed to stay awake!! Did some washing, tidied the kitchen & made dinner. Think I'll put the girls to bed then tuck myself up as well.

Leanne, yay, 3 more days!! :cheer:

Choc, glad you didnt have to start the insulin!! How was the sandwich?

Laura, well done for not hitting someone!! Why cant people keep their mouths shut?!?! Grr!!! :evil:

Aww no sorry you were up at 3.30 NW! But glad you finally got some :hug: Good luck tomorrow on the test! Do you have ot fast for it!?

Lisa have another early night! :hug: Have you had your iron checked recently!?

Choc yay on not having to take the insulin (after all that :shakehead: :wall: ) I hope that it stays fine!!

Laura Im sorry you had all them people annoying you!! :hug:

I have heartburn! YUK not done much today!? Took kids to school and went to my mams all day! lol My dad was there fitting her kitchen! (long ish story, my mam and dad divorced when I was 3 so not together but my mum rents a house off my dad! lol)
Now Im just doing nothing as usual lmao! :lol:
Morning Ladies!!! :wave:

How is everyone this morning??

Just had the phone call to tell me that I AM having insulin from today (eventually someone made a decision!) I have a hosp appt at 2pm and they gonna teach me how to do it (well they teaching OH how to do it and he's gonna stab me when I'm not expecting it - it'll be like harpooning a whale lol) I'm such a wuss I can't even think about doing it myself! :rotfl:

Hormones playing up big time today, woke OH up to have a row and threw him out then realised I was gonna have to have jabs and told him he couldn't move out after all!! I'm sure we'll make up but at the mo aren't talking much lol.

Phoned NPower and told them if they send me one more you owe us money letter (for electricity we've never had from them) I'm going to my solicitor and suing their asses!! Oh boy did I let rip this morning! :twisted:

If anyone needs someone moaned/nagged/shouted at I'm ya girl today - my rates are very reasonable :rotfl:

I've got David's educational review tomoz hopefully we'll have some idea as to whether he will be considered for a special school or mainstream for his secondary school next year. I'm swaying for special school, OH and David want mainstream... Think I may get outvoted on this one :wall:

Anyone know how long the Asda Baby Week is on for? Doh just read that and it sounds stupid (It's a week ya Bimbo)... I meant when does it finish? :oops:

I need a deep fried mars bar right now :( I haven't had one for over 15weeks (yes I'm counting lol)

Right I need loads of babies born today so I have good news to come online to later so get dropping girlies!!! :pray:

Off to find a bra/wheelbarrow to stick me boobies in before I go out else I'll be tripping over the lil blighters

Catch ya later
Sarah xxx
Hi Choco,

glad to see last week that you were still alive, was worrying about you, seems you are back on again then!!!

Clare xx
:evil: what a shit morning.

Had my GTT, which takes place in antenatal day assessment. I had to wait two hours after drinking the sugar drink, in the MOST uncomfy plastic chairs, in the waiting room, (back and hips killing me) :roll:

Problem is its also the waiting room for early pregnancy clinic. All the women being scanned were emergencies...and ALL of them were having bad news :(
One wopmen there with her teenage daughter, kicked off " she shouldnt have to sit with these pregnant women" pointing at me :oops: , shes right but I felt AWFUL!!

Then after an hour, I started to feel was 100 degrees up there,I had been starved and felt crap. I knocked on the midwifes door, and she panicked coz I was white as a ghost :shock:
She rushed me to a seperate waiting room to get in the recliner chair, but this happened to be the room where the women who had been scanned (and found out they had miscarried) were waiting to see doctor. I felt soooo bad for them!!

I started to feel better, and went to have second lot of bloods taken. MY VEINS DECIDED NO!! She had to stab me SIX times :cry: Ended up getting it from the already bruised vein that my midwife took from last week.

I tell yer, I practically RAN outta that place today!! Have to ring for results tomorrow, Im sure its all ok.

Rant over!! :rotfl:

Hope you are all ok today :hug:

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