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Thanks hun! :hug: Dont feel that much better if Im honest! Oh well hopefully I will tomorrow!! :D
Lea, I hope you are feeling better & are tucked up in bed resting!! :sleep:

Thanks hun! :hug: Though not so much chance for that!! :D
Im feeling much better but now I have another pram dilemma lmao

I want the Mamas & Papas Skate in Grape!

But it is £525 and have found this one for £350

Do you think I should get the colour I prefer as thats the one I love or go for the one which is nice, just not purple and flowery?!
Its £175 cheaper! Makes sense to pay less but I love the purple!? Is it really worth paying more for the colour? Joes not very helpful, he loves the Grape too! lol
Thats a tough one!! The grape is lovely, but £175 is a lot of money!! Sorry Im no help!! I ended up getting a graco one that I probably wouldnt have looked at as it isnt 'pretty', but Im determined to 'pretty' it up by getting some funky fleece fabric & making my own buggy snuggle. Maybe that could be an option to you?
Thanks Lisa that is exactly what I was thinking?! Getting a pink snuggle thing etc!
Do you know Im just so sick of prams lmao!
They also sell the Mamas & Papas Joolz for £410 instead of £625!!! Bargain but not to keen on the pushchair bit!

This is the website link if anyone wants it btw?! Might come in handy for someone!? ... 4530262665
Hubby liked the Joolz, but I wasnt too keen on the pushchair bit as well. Plus the price!!
Good afternoon, how is everyone?? Went to Midwife this morning, & Im apparently small for my dates, about 2 weeks behind. Not a major surprise as my previous were both small. M/W spotted the huge lump on my lip & sent me to the GP who confirmed its a cold sore (which Ive never had!) & that Im very rundown. So Ive got to get some pregnancy vitamins, but dont really know what else to do!! Feel soooooo :sleep: !!

ANyone got any plans for the weekend? No major plans here, Hubby is working tommorrow, so its just me & the girls, then SIL & her family are coming for dinner on Sunday, hopefully Hubby will cook!!

awww have some :hug: :hug: Lisa xxx

well im soooo happy, i emailed the estate agent for the house we put a bid in for, just for reasurance really as we arnt seeing the estate agent till next Friday but she said the owner has definately accepted our offer and even if anyone wants to view it now she wont let them, so subject to us sorting out the mortgage and everything - it looks like we have our house :cheer: ijust want to get in and start decorating Ruby's room - i cant wait!!!! :cheer:

also our anniversary tomorrow so going for a meal at night, after we have watched Man U on the tv :roll: :lol:

then off shopping to buy the last bits for my hospital bag

been getting some odd pains in my tummy today, feeling very uncomfortable and want to go home, i am sooo tired today!!

Yay Leanne!!! :dance: :clap: :cheer: Have you got Rubys room planned already? Sounds like you have a lovely weekend planne, just make sure you rest tonight!! Hope the tummy pains go soon.

well we know its going to be pink! i LOVE pink so its definately going to be all girly and pink :lol: although not shocking pink like i used to have my room, i think we will go for a soft baby pink :D
i cant wait to start buying nursery furniture for her room, i am more excited about that than decorating the whole house :lol:
Awww yay Leanne Im so excited for you!! :D
I have found a range called 'Lola's Garden' so we are going with that for babies room now! :D
Heres the moses basket i got today



I need the curtains and shade etc and to paint her room lol! We are going for baby pink with (hopefully :pray: ) brighter pink stripes on one wall!

Lisa hope you catch up on some sleep and the vits help boost your immune system!! :hug:

Still not decided on the pram lmao! I have never know anyone so indecisive lol but hey she is my last baby after all! ;)
Lea, that Moses basket is gorgeous!! & absolutely perfect for Miss Lola!! Fortunately for us SIL still has her moses basket from her son so she is giving it to us, woud have loved a new one, but cannot afford it. Just need to get a new mattress for it & bedding. Hopefully I can find the sex out for definate at the next scan so I can buy the correct colours!! Lolas room sounds like it is going to be gorgeous!! We need photos once it is done!!
:wave: hiya girls. Am having a bad day :(

Bubba has gone really quiet this week,Im hardly feeling anything, just the odd popping feeling like I had at 18 weeks :roll: Im worrying about it tbh. Im also sore in my bump, have a pain just near my belly button :roll: , and to top it all off my right hip is killing me!! Dunno what thats about!

Im ready to start crying with worry and thats not like me :( . I heard heartbeat at midwives Wednesday, and the movemnet was about the same, but if it carries on tonight Im going to A&E :(

Sorry for my winge, just needed to get it off my chest
Sorry you are having a bad day Ninjawomble, sending lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: 's. If you are really worried, call your midwife or the local maternity dept & they will advise you. Im sure everything is ok, but at least it will set your mind at rest.

Aww thanks Lisa, chances are bubs had turned towards my am feeling lighter movements.
This hip pain is horrible though!! Its on the same side Im getting sciatica so Im REALLY fooked off lol.

Ah well just one of them days I expect :wall:
Thanks ladies!!

Ninja :hug: :hug: :hug: I had the same thing happen a few weeks back! Movements really reduced and I got worried too! Then she spun back around and kicked the poo out of me! Im sure your LO will do the same soon but if you are still worrying then go see the MW so she can reassure you! :hug: The right hip pain could be pevic girdle pain! :(
lea m said:
Then she spun back around and kicked the poo out of me!

This is what Im thinking, Ive had some moving about since I posted so feel a bit better :D

lea m said:
could be pelvic girdle pain

:( poop, I though of this, its worse when I get outta bed and Ive been laid on my side for ages

Oh as to the pain in my bump..its like a bruised feeling under my belly button, am thinking prolly just my muscles stretching out?

This LO is really worrying mummy this week :roll:

But thanks hun :hug:
You know hun i have had a really sore bump for weeks! Sore to touch, the MW really hurts when she wiggles and prods :( She told me its not exactly normal but she doesnt think its anything to worry too much about and told me to keep an eye on it! If it gets worse or I get any bleeding etc then to go in and see them ASAP! But she thinks its just my tummy muscles! Though never had it before?! Its not nice! I hope your pain goes soon!!

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