Chat thread!

Hi everyone, :wave:

First time posting in 3rd tri chat. :)

Feel excited to be in 3rd tri and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. :rotfl:

I'm feeling well apart from my anke which I broke last year. Its in agony and I'm hobbling all over the place, the joint has very limited movement. The doc thinks I might arthropathy (sp) which means the joint could be diseased (with arthritis) but he would need to x-ray it to be sure which he isn't willing to take while I'm pregnant. So he gave me a big box of parecetomal and told me to take 2 four times a day which I'm not happy about and they aren't helping so I've stopped. Anyway trying to keep off my feet at work as much as I can but its not easy. :( On the plus side I just worked out that if I'm clever with my remaining leave then I can start my maternity leave early which means only six weeks to go. :cheer:

Lea m - I hope your feeling better today. :hug:

I hope everyone else is okay and I'll try and keep up with posts from this point forward. :)
Hey Charmed :wave: Good to have you here hun :hug: Sorry about your ankle, hope you feel better soon :hug:

Lea - Hope your feeling better today :hug:

I am truly fed up at the moment, I'm just sooooooooo uncomfortable all the time and I have constant pain in my legs and my ankles are always so huge! I feel like all I do lately is moan so I'm going to make a point of being positive! So yes I am uncomfortable and fed up BUT my baby is healthy and I am lucky to be pregnant as there are a lot of people who can't have children so its a blessing. And I have the most fantastic OH who would do anything for me so I am very lucky. I will try and say something positive everyday now!

How is everyone else?
Hi Charmed!!! :wave:
Sorry your ankle is playing up! Can the doc not give you some crutches to try and ease off it!? :hug: :hug: :hug:
Laura Im sorry your so uncomfortable! :hug: I feel the same uncomfortable all the time!
Yay on being positive!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Well I had the midwife today and everything seems to be ok but when I mentioned how little weight I have gained, she said that baby does feel a little small? Do you think if she was really small she would have said so not knowing how little weight i have gained?
I dont feel like she is small! But I realised that maybe I dont have as much water around her as I did with the others so feel her movements more with the lack of padding kwim?!
But still! Im a little concerned for that fact that at my scan, her body measurements were a week larger than her age so if she is small now then Im worried shes not gaining properly?!
The MW said not to worry we will keep an eye on it but shes got a good few weeks to gain the weight!?
Oh I dont know!? She feels big so I guess I was suprised I was told she is a little smaller!?
I'm sure everything is fine hun, if the M/W was that worried she would have sent you for a growth scan. A lot of women don't actually gain much weight in pregnancy but go on to have healthy normal sized babies :hug: :hug:
Thanks hun! Well thats what I was thinking! Or I could gain loads and still have a smaller baby! (I gained 3 and a half stone with Joseph and he was only 7lbs 12oz) Im not worrying! lol
Im going to worry about something else! hahah
I applied for my son to go to a place called LLedr Hall in Wales for an activity trip with his school the other day and he got accepted to go! I was so excited and now Im so scared! :shock:
What if he gets hurt?? I went when I was in year 5 and I was ok but I went towards the end of that year when I was about 10.5 he is like just turned 9! They do rock climbing and can do canoeing!! Thats what scares me as he still swims with armbands and is a little affraid! What if he gets into trouble!? I know he would have a life jacket on but I cant help but worry!?? :?
Awww Lea your lad will love that activity trip! My David went on one in year 4 and he had so much fun (and didn't miss me at all :wall: )

We had David's school transition meeting on Wednesday (because he has learning difficulties) and everyone has agreed that the best plan would be a special school for secondary education. The school they are going to push for is only 3 streets away so he can still be independant and instead of doing gcse's he will be able to do an NVQ so he still leaves with a qualification. Ofsted report is amazing so I have great hopes that he will eventually learn something (at long last) :D Apparently it still has to go through panel to be agreed as there are limited places for the school but have been told not to worry as it's the only suitable place for his needs!

Feel real awful on this insulin, constantly feel sick and when I looked up the make of insulin online to see if sickness was a side effect I read that my medication can cause suicide attempts (perhaps they should have considered that before giving it to a depressed/anxious hormonally inbalanced pregnant woman!). Midwife came round yesterday and she only said hello and I burst into tears, she told me that if I had a bad day I'm to ring her and she'll come straight over for a cuppa and a chat. She tried to take my bloods (she's an expert as she work a lot with drug addicts etc) but couldn't get a vein in my arm and even tried the back of my hand but my vein kept jumping out the way of the needle :rotfl: I ended up with hot sweats and sobbing and shaking so blood test was abandoned and I have to go up Path Lab next week to try again! Phoned diabetic nurse and left a msg on ansafone but no-one got back to me so am gonna adjust dose myself and hope I've done it right as I think my overnight dose is not quite enough to last til breakfast.

OH has been out all day working with the band he helps to manage but bless him he has come back at lunch time and dinner time just to give me my jab cuz I'm too much of a wimp to do it myself :oops: He is going to teach David to give me my jabs so there is always someone around to do it. I'm such a big baby lol.

How is everyone else today?
Sarah xxx
Aww thats great news about your sons school!! :cheer: Fingerscrossed it runs smoothly!!
I hope you start to feel better soon!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: hello everyone! I would address you all individually, but Ive already forgotton what Ive just read :wall: , BLONDE!!!!!

Hope you are all very well, Im getting excited because this time next week,my OH will be here!!
Im all nervous like at the beginning of our relationship lol :D
Back to work monday so at least that will pass the time :roll:
Ohhh :( But like you said at least hes in the UK!
Must be hard hun! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey as long as he is here on the big day :D
I will scream at him and take it out on him then :rotfl: , nah Im only joking its not his fault, its his job...its what I signed up for!! :D
I'm feeling quite the opposite. I think i need to get away from DH for a little while. My hormones are making him sooooo annoying to me. Everything he does is just annoyance. :x Mind you its better than before. In first tri. I hated the site of him :shakehead: which wasnt very fair on him. Poor thing didnt know what to do.

Living with the in laws at the moment, which can be a bit daunting to say the least. I think i'll take a trip to good old Brummyland and spend some quality time with mum :hug: before LO arrives and occupies all of my time.

They say distance brings you closer together so a couple of weeks away from DH and i'll be wishing i was in his arms again (hopefully) :lol:

30 Weeks tomorrow. Can't wait! :cheer:
Morning girls, came on yesterday & wrote a message, went to submit & lost my blooming net connection!!! :wall: Bit stressed at the moment, but hey, the sun is shining & Im going to have a good day!!

Hope everyone is ok? Read through the messages, but Im also being 'blonde' & cant remember anything!!

Have a good day!!

Crackers my OH is driving me mad a lot too! :lol: I w ould feel sorry for him but hs doesnt have to deal with the ailments of oregnancy so tough poop on him lmao! :lol:

Hi Lisa! Sorry your conection went! That drives me mad too! :wall:
Hello girls, just checking in. Not up to much today, had loads of plans, but am too tired to do anything, so im sitting on the sofa instead!!

Everyone ok?

Gosh this was nearly off the first page then! I had to save it!! hahaha
Been quite busy today shopping and sorting loads of things out! Making room in my bedroom for the moses basket!! :cheer:
Cant even really remember what I did over the weekend!? LOL seriously?! My memory is so crappy?! Couldnt have been anything good surely hahaha
Can i pretend to be pregnant and join you guys? lol i miss it sooo much!!

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