Hi everyone,
First time posting in 3rd tri chat.
Feel excited to be in 3rd tri and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
I'm feeling well apart from my anke which I broke last year. Its in agony and I'm hobbling all over the place, the joint has very limited movement. The doc thinks I might arthropathy (sp) which means the joint could be diseased (with arthritis) but he would need to x-ray it to be sure which he isn't willing to take while I'm pregnant. So he gave me a big box of parecetomal and told me to take 2 four times a day which I'm not happy about and they aren't helping so I've stopped. Anyway trying to keep off my feet at work as much as I can but its not easy.
On the plus side I just worked out that if I'm clever with my remaining leave then I can start my maternity leave early which means only six weeks to go.
Lea m - I hope your feeling better today.
I hope everyone else is okay and I'll try and keep up with posts from this point forward.

First time posting in 3rd tri chat.

Feel excited to be in 3rd tri and seeing a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.

I'm feeling well apart from my anke which I broke last year. Its in agony and I'm hobbling all over the place, the joint has very limited movement. The doc thinks I might arthropathy (sp) which means the joint could be diseased (with arthritis) but he would need to x-ray it to be sure which he isn't willing to take while I'm pregnant. So he gave me a big box of parecetomal and told me to take 2 four times a day which I'm not happy about and they aren't helping so I've stopped. Anyway trying to keep off my feet at work as much as I can but its not easy.

Lea m - I hope your feeling better today.

I hope everyone else is okay and I'll try and keep up with posts from this point forward.