Chat thread!

Aww Fly, I hope you feel better after spending some time with your lovely friend. You rant away love, nobody minds, I can relate to a lot of what you said. :hug:

Ninjawomble - poor you having your OH away while you're pregnant. My hubby was in Iraq for 6 months last year, it was hard enough without being pregnant. Not long til he comes home though - I bet you can't wait :hug:
Do you and your mam fancy coming here to do my nursery and bathroom??? :wink: heehee
Well I went to Primark today to see if there was anything I could get for LO! I was hoping they had blankets etc but no :( Did get a cutie sleeping bag though for only £6!! Though im not totally sold on the sleeping bags as I know my others wouldnt have liked them had I got them but worth a try this time!? Got some more shoes and boots for Lucy heehee and some jeans and t-shirts for the boys! Oh also got PJ's and slipper for the hozzie!! :D:D :cheer: :cheer:
jenjen said:
Ninjawomble - poor you having your OH away while you're pregnant. My hubby was in Iraq for 6 months last year, it was hard enough without being pregnant. Not long til he comes home though - I bet you can't wait :hug:

It will only be two months...but its two months too long when you are preggers, and worrying about him and worrying bout bubba stuff :roll: , if it was six months I think I would implode :shock:
Ah well not long now :D
Awww thankyou for the huggles girlies :hug: n sorry to hear your mates aren't comin to visit you NW that sucks! :hug: hope the time flies by so your hubby is home again sooon xxxx

Well me freind came and we took the kids up to the Westbury White Horse and flew the kite and another friend's hubby came and met us cos we'd both bought some clothes off our other friend.. I got a beautiful wrap around skirt in shades of brown that has aplique'd mushrooms on with button details :D tis well pretty.. i have an apron top that also has mushrooms on it.. am gonna be all shrooomy when i can get back into me clothes :D LOL!

We got back and OH was back from work in a right shitty mood :roll: he kicked off cos we'd been out and i hadn't done any clearing up! Long n Short of it is he spends his days at work cleaning so his OCD bout cleanliness is now in fekkin overdrive :roll: we had a row infront of my friend which i feel mortally embarassed about and he went out...I phoned him after my friend had left and he was at his mates house and was really lovely to me :roll: bloody men!!!! He came home and I asked him to explain exactley what was wrong.. so he had a good old moan for about 20 minutes about the fact i ain't changed the bedding for a fortnight and how when he comes in from work he don't wanna feel like he has to carry on doing housework.. but he did admit its cos he spends all day cleaning... I listened to the moan and then he gave me a great big cuddle and went n got tea ready :shock: :wall: :rotfl: MEN?!?!?! from bloody Mars innit?????

So now am sat here thinkin of all the little jobs i need to do today... :roll: Think best strip the bed for a start eh! :rotfl:
:wave: :wave: morning girls :wave: :wave:

how did your weekend go girls?

mine was pretty crap, Saturday we went and got a few bits for my hospital bag, the things i cant find though are maternity pads/breast pads - where did you get yours from? :think:

Sat night i had a reeeeeeeeeeally rubbish sleep, Sunday i felt like death warmed up, kept going all shaky/hot/dizzy/thirsty, didnt get out of bed all day apart from to the toilet and then to get our curry we ordered later on :lol:

anyway back at work today :( although only got this week and then i finish next Thursday :cheer:
Oh fly what a pain in the bum he is! :hug: :hug:
Leanne I got mine from Tesco and Toys R Us! In TRU they do slimline maternity pads which I find more comfortable than the big brick things that you get haha Though i still got some bricks from tesco for the first day or so!

Today kids went back to school!
Its a new built school as they merged 3 schools together and now its a mile away instead of about 250 meters!!
Firstly, we get there and it still looks like a building site! Well cross between a building site and a jail! Lucy said to me "mum i don't like the look of this" and I nearly took them back home!
Right next to the school they are still knocking down the old school that surely should have been done weeks ago?! We had to take Lucy one way and the boys the complete other way around the other sides of the school?! Well i didn't! I took the boys first, made sure they were in and ok and then took Lucy! Joseph joined the line for the wrong year 5 class so I went in to get him and tell him and my eyes began burning with the smell of the paint! Luckily he got into class ok and the teacher seemed ok though didn't speak to her!
As I came down the stairs I just caught Dillon going into his class so knew he was ok then went back out to Joe and Lucy!
They told us (as I have said) that we needed to go one way for juniors and one way for infants! So we walked all the way back around to the other side and when we got there her class had gone in and we didn't know where she should go!?
Luckily I spotted her friends through the window and just walked in the nearest door! She settled in well and I was surprise but my eyes were still burning and I hope that the kids are ok with it! I just feel like I have left them at this half constructed jail where they may get sore eyes and they don't know what they are doing or most of the people there! I seriously just wanted to bring them back home and I generally don't like them to miss a day of school! I just wish they would have delayed them going back by another week until all construction and demolition was completed!
Hello girlies, hope everyone is ok? Have read through, but too much to catch up on!!

Lea, dont blame you for wanting to bring the kids home!! I'd have been tempted to do the same thing!! Hope today was a better day for them. My youngest starts big school (reception) on Thursday, she has been so bored as her sister went back last week. Took her out today to get her school shoes, & spend some time with her, but she decided to throw a wobbly coz she wanted to buy a bratz doll (hate them!!!) & I wouldnt let her, so it was a fun trip. I got a free baby bag from Boots, got a voucher when I joined the baby club. Its not bad, esp. as it was free (well, when you bought a pack of nappies)

Better get motivated to go pick my eldest up from school!!

lea m said:
Oh fly what a pain in the bum he is! :hug: :hug:
hehe :D tis ok we back to normal now ;) he's been really lovely and attentive and made me feel all fluffy again so tis all good ;) :D

Hope ya winkles had a better day at school today Lea :think: that paint don't sound too clever :?

I've had a bloomin loverly day today! Weather has been shite to say the least but we managed to pick the absolute right moment to leave home and walk the mile and a half to asda's without gettin wet! Had to stop a few times for the obligatory tightenings lol Was really good to walk though - little man has been quite high up the last few days so the walk dropped him back down and i no longer have rib flare pain :dance: now stay there ya little monkey!!! lol

I got almost all of the last few bits today.. bumper deal on wipes, cotton wool, baby moisturiser n night time bubbles, a few newborn soothers n me sterilising tablets, muslin squares and a gorgeous little hooded towel.. got some breast pads but cudn't find any maternity towels :roll: did manage to get 2 super humungous t-shirts for £3 though - am gonna use them when in labour :D We did a mammoth shop - blew £160 hahaha! well stocked up now though for a few weeks and was nice to be able to go n splash some cash - been bloody ages!!! :cheer: We was just about to phone for a taxi when Lee spotted his grandad in the carpark... we couldn't have timed our activities today better!! so got a lift home and i got to sit in the car with Grandad and have a catch up, whilst Lee and his mum went back in the store for some stuff... I never knew one of me Grandad's and me other one passed away in 1996 and i miss him loads, so i love spendin time with Lee's grandad :hug:

Just gotta pick up the moses basket base and carseat off me mate and get some throwaway granny pants and some housebrick pads and we is done! 8)

I'm all buzzed up now on retail therapy :rotfl:

Hope you've all had a good day Love Sarah xxxxx
Fly said:
Just gotta pick up the moses basket base and carseat off me mate and get some throwaway granny pants and some housebrick pads and we is done! 8)
Hun get some Always ultra nights or if you have a toys r us local get the slimline maternity pads! Alot better than them bricks! I got one pack of bricks but dont think i'll even bother using them! Dont really know why I got them tbh!? :think:

Glad you had a lovely day! And got loads of stuff!! :dance:

Thanks lisa!
Today wasnt much better to begin with as they made me leave Lucy at a gate away from her classroom and she had to walk round alone!? She didnt want to and was upset and I didnt want her too so was upset! We werent the only ones either! Stupid school! :wall: :wall: :wall:
:wave: hey everyone! Just got back from midwife, all went well. Was a bit worried as bubs had been quiet last couple of days (normally a bit hyper lol)..but heartbeat was strong then babba decided " I dont like that doppler" and booted it off my belly :rotfl:
Im all bruised from my bloods, but I have crappy veins. Im measuring at 28 weeks, so all those tits that say Im too big can kiss me bum! Just got my GTT next week :( , yawn to that!! I'll take a good book.

Hope you are all ok :hug: :hug:
Why have I never had to have this GTT test!?! Everyone seems to be having it?! I thought it was one of them that not everyone gets but I feel like I missed something?! :think: lol

I didnt even have more bloods done except my thyroid!? hahaha :lol: Oh well! ;)
You must be low risk hun, Im only getting it coz all my grandparents have diabetes so Im seen as "at risk" :roll:

Dont wanna go though :shakehead:

And my bloods were for another hb check for anaemia and anitbodies,maybe you'll get them next time? :think:
Everyones midwives work differently dont they!
Hi girlies, hope everyone is ok? Im lying in bed, as I cleaned the whole house today & did both school runs, not fun on crutches!! & now Im in agony with my SPD, can hardly move!! OOOWWWW!!!

Lea, god that school sounds terrible. Poor Lucy, dont blame either of you for being upset. My youngest starts tommorrow, gonna be blubbing, but must remember to get a photo!!

Sarah, your retail therapy sounded lovely!! Glad you enjoyed it!!

Ninjawomble, hope you arent too sore from the bloods? Best of luck for the GTT!!I had it with my 1st, but luckily I was clear, havent had to have it again thankfully!!

Hi to everyone else!!

Oh that must be it then!? Phew dont want the test anyways hahaha
Yeh on my notes it says I should have more bloods at around 28 weeks?! :think: heehee Im naughty and Im notgoing to mention it to them! If my iron is low they cant give me tablets anyways! I already had my thyroid re tested (just booked myself in) so thats ok!?

Lisa the kids are happy with the school but Im still not :shakehead: Its silly! Sooooooo silly! They dont know what they are doing I swear! We're not allowed in the playground in the mornings for "safety reasons" but we can all go in at home time?! Surely any perverts would be more of a risk at home time? I never heard of a one TAKING children TO school?! :shock: :?
The teachers of Joseph and Dillon dont even know what me or Joe look like so they could go off with anyone! They rely on the kids telling them if their mums or dads are there!? Hmm so if Dillon say "thinks" he can see me but its not me anyone could take him!?! :wall: :wall: :wall:
I hate that school :wall: :wall: :wall:

Lisa I hope the pains not so bad soon :hug: :hug:
FFS Lea that school sound like a right bunch of plums :roll:

"saftey reasons" my arse. :wall:

poor you Lisa, hope it feels better soon, > very gentle :hug:
I know!! Its ridiculous! They have combined 3 whole schools into one and said they "didnt expect traffic problems" ?? WTF? They built it on the site of one school that wasnt even central so from a 5 minute walk it would now be a 35 minute walk and with me being pregnant and with this SPD Im not walking all that way! :shakehead: And neithers a lot of others! Some who live even futher away! :shock:
And as for the "safety reasons" ??? :wall: :wall: :wall: They are so annoying!
Morning girlies, hope everyone is ok? Woke up this morning a load of small blisters on the corner of my lip, I look lovely!! Dont know what it is as Ive neverhad cold sores etc, but it could be stress related as Im finding it hard to relax at the mo. Hopefully it'll go soon!! :pray: My youngest started school today, she looked so grown up in her uniform!! Went inwith no problems, she didnt even look back!! Its very quiet here, but I guess I should make the most of it eh??

The weather is absolute crap here, so am gonna chill out & maybe start packing my hossie bag!!

Whats everyone else up to today??

morning girls :wave:

Lea i havent had a GTT either :think:

how are you all?

I am feeling much more positive today! felt really down in the dumps yesterday because i told mum we had bid on the house and she was really upset thinking we wanted to live near OHs parents and not her, it isnt like that at all, its just much more convenient plus the house is like a palace to what you can get for the same price near mum! we wanted a driveway if possible and a garden for Ruby and we have found one with both so we are ultra pleased!! :D they have accepted the offer and got an appointment next Friday with the estate agents so keep you fingers crossed for us girls :pray: Ruby might be having her own room sooner than we thought - im sooo excited about painting her little nursery :cheer: lol. mum has come round a bit and so im feeling much better about it today :D

had a crap night's sleep last night kept getting really strong pains down there, in my pelvis, they were really intense, scared me a bit actually, so didnt sleep well zzzzz! at work today BUT im sat on reception ALL day at our other office so not having to do anything all day apart from laze about :cheer:

its the anniversary of when we got together on Saturday so we are going out for a meal which im really looking forward to, havent really been out for ages!! :D

what you all upto today? :D
Leanne, fingers crossed for the house, saw the pics on the other thread, & it looks lovely!!!! Im sure your Mum will be fine about it, esp. when she sees it. Hope you are feeling ok & not too tired, take it easy today!! & if I dont chat to you before, have a lovely anniversary!!

Fingerscrossed Leanne! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Yay on your little girls first day at school Lisa! Im glad she went in easy!

I feel sick as a dog! Im going to have to go lie down! I will post more later :puke: :puke:

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