lea m said:
Oh fly what a pain in the bum he is!

tis ok we back to normal now

he's been really lovely and attentive and made me feel all fluffy again so tis all good
Hope ya winkles had a better day at school today Lea

that paint don't sound too clever
I've had a bloomin loverly day today! Weather has been shite to say the least but we managed to pick the absolute right moment to leave home and walk the mile and a half to asda's without gettin wet! Had to stop a few times for the obligatory tightenings lol Was really good to walk though - little man has been quite high up the last few days so the walk dropped him back down and i no longer have rib flare pain

now stay there ya little monkey!!! lol
I got almost all of the last few bits today.. bumper deal on wipes, cotton wool, baby moisturiser n night time bubbles, a few newborn soothers n me sterilising tablets, muslin squares and a gorgeous little hooded towel.. got some breast pads but cudn't find any maternity towels

did manage to get 2 super humungous t-shirts for £3 though - am gonna use them when in labour

We did a mammoth shop - blew £160 hahaha! well stocked up now though for a few weeks and was nice to be able to go n splash some cash - been bloody ages!!!

We was just about to phone for a taxi when Lee spotted his grandad in the carpark... we couldn't have timed our activities today better!! so got a lift home and i got to sit in the car with Grandad and have a catch up, whilst Lee and his mum went back in the store for some stuff... I never knew one of me Grandad's and me other one passed away in 1996 and i miss him loads, so i love spendin time with Lee's grandad
Just gotta pick up the moses basket base and carseat off me mate and get some throwaway granny pants and some housebrick pads and we is done! 8)
I'm all buzzed up now on retail therapy
Hope you've all had a good day Love Sarah xxxxx