Hi everyone!
CBG -really hope things get moving for you..its about time that baby got a move on!!
mum2be.... I hope your back eases up

hopefully the paracetamol will do the trick

take it easy...
kmac - hope things get moving for you too!!! by the way...love the blinkies on your sig! Eviction day saturday!! hehe!
where is Julie!?!?
Mel - how are you hun? hope you've managed to have a snooze
Not much from me... went for a walk earlier which got my bowels moving.. yeh!

just having some lunch and going to iron baby clothes..... should also pack my hospital bag...have everything, its just not in the same place!
I'm convinced my baby is up to no good in there.... he/she is definately lower as my bump has dropped and i'm up about 3/4 times a night to the loo, which wasnt happening a couple of weeks ago.... but LO seems to like to move position a bit too much! If I lie on my left he slips to the left, right...slips to the right and on my back goes posterior! He's sooooooooooooo lazy!!!!! I think LO is now back to back which is frustrating me as I'm doing my best not to slouch on sofa etc, sit on my ball and all that stuff....
anyway..... lol rant over!