Chat thread!

:lol: sounds very much like it to me - I bet when you see the midwife you are in early stages of labour :pray:

Now we just need Kmac and Julie to join you :wink:

Jane x
Hey girls hope your all ok.Im fooked off and fed up today, and just now has not made it any better, just got a glass ofwatertaken a swig put it down, come back to it and nitced i have put it into a dirty cup and theres bits of old mik floating in it :puke: So im prob gonna get sick AGAIN aswell now, oh fucking joy :(
Sorry really miserable today
hello ladies...

christmasbabygirl hope this is it for you!

Mel&Bean i know how u feeling, im startin to feel feed up now myself but not long x

Well i got up at 12.30pm and within 5mins if being up my back has given way and im in agony pain with it, just took some parcetmol to see if it helps i cant walk or even cough it hurts :(

hope everyone else is ok x
Just a quickie from me, nothing happening I just had a very long lie in this morning!

Good luck CBG!!

Julie - where are you?

mum2be - hope your back eases up soon

everything seems to have come to a halt lol. still loosin plug but pains have gone. thats the last time i get my hopes up lol :wall:
Hi everyone!

CBG -really hope things get moving for you..its about time that baby got a move on!!

mum2be.... I hope your back eases up :( hopefully the paracetamol will do the trick :hug: :hug: :hug: take it easy...

kmac - hope things get moving for you too!!! by the the blinkies on your sig! Eviction day saturday!! hehe!

where is Julie!?!?

Mel - how are you hun? hope you've managed to have a snooze :hug: :hug: :hug:

Not much from me... went for a walk earlier which got my bowels moving.. yeh! :lol: :lol: :lol: just having some lunch and going to iron baby clothes..... should also pack my hospital bag...have everything, its just not in the same place! :D

I'm convinced my baby is up to no good in there.... he/she is definately lower as my bump has dropped and i'm up about 3/4 times a night to the loo, which wasnt happening a couple of weeks ago.... but LO seems to like to move position a bit too much! If I lie on my left he slips to the left, right...slips to the right and on my back goes posterior! He's sooooooooooooo lazy!!!!! I think LO is now back to back which is frustrating me as I'm doing my best not to slouch on sofa etc, sit on my ball and all that stuff....

anyway..... lol rant over! :lol:
gRRRR i hate the waiting game :wall:

lisaspoon... how can u tell baby is back to back?
the only way I was able to tell was when I was lying on my back and my belly almost had a dish shape to it and felt all flabby!!! :lol:
also at the mo I cant seem to feel the hard curve of the babys back..... although maybe there too much flab to feel properly! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi Girlies, Well a bit of a rant coz baby is still breech after MW appointment today so he has 2 more weeks before they send me for a scan! I have one lazy LO! lol. Been getting really painful tightenings the last few days which im guessing are BH. My sciatic joint problem is making me miserable coz I cant do anything!! I am enjoying my first week of maternity leave tho and were going to get the cot on saturday so thats cheered me up lol

Hope everyone else is okay xx
:cheer: :cheer: he has definately has turned - just got back from the scan - he is head down and very happy :D weight approx 6lb 11oz today and fluid looking good :-) They dont want to see me again, can just go to the midwife every week from now on and hopefully deliver in the midwife unit :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

So relieved.......

Jane x
thats fab news ROM!!! glad he's turned for you.... :D

nikki - dont worry there is still time for LO to turn! :hug: :hug:
Glad your LO has turned for you! Bet your really relieved!! :cheer:
great news ROM hun :hug:
Lisa i havnt had a kip yet, only just got back from my dads, been helping him tidy his house up, got my birthing ball set up and having a quick bounce lol
We are going shopping tonight too so hopefully all of todays doings will make me fall asleep quickly tonight, gonna get some horlics to try and help too, hope all you ladies areok

christmasbabygirl hope things start up again soon im on stand by :hug:
ROM glad baby has turned for you. :dance:

Nikki fingers are crossed for you baby turns in time :pray:

mel&bean hope all todays running away helps you sleep tongiht :pray:

Me well ive not move from when i posted earlier still in bed, just tryed to get up and again its killing my back to move. Parcetmol did not seam to help. im really not sure if this is normal? Ive got midwife tommorrow going to mention it to her.
Oh Jane I had a really good feeling that it was going to be good news :D Im so pleased for you :hug:

Just told DH to F**k-Off.......god the man can be so damn patronising sometimes, speaks to me like Im one of his bloody employees when he gets so into his "work mode".......well Im not standing for it, so Im sure I am going to have a lovely evening :(

Hope everyone else is ok........ :hug:
awww Liza :( :(
hope you're ok... :hug: :hug: :hug: my OH was being patronising about organising my day for me while I'm off on mat leave... hmmmm men...they will never understand :wall: :wall: :wall:

hope you're ok :hug: :hug:
Thank you Mel & Lisa :hug:

DH has since apologised, think my reaction shocked him a little as I am not one to fly off the handle - but I wont be talked down to :evil: !!

Hope you are all having a lovely bump hurts so much - mainly across the middle and at the bottom, its agony, plus my boobs have started hurting, as if my AF is about to start :)

Bump has also grown to almost double its size in the last week, so havent a clue whats going on!

Kmac, Julie and Christmasgirl - any signs yet???
No signs from me.
And I have no idea how it is lying now. It keeps moving and I can't tell where anything is :(
I'm getting myself all worried. Bah.
I know the head was engaged a week ago although she never wrote how much by in my notes. This week there was no mention of it... so maybe it's not any more? Can it pop back out again? :?
I really just want this all to be over now.

ANd what has happened to Julie??? Should I text her?

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