Bloody hell 3 pages!

u lot are natter boxes lol!!!
i have just woke up

and i went to bed at 10!!! haha lazzzy time!
no more signs, no more show or pains or anything so things arent looking promising! sweep tomoro and induction friday at 3 although i might refuse it...
sorry about ur BP and urine julie!

my midwife said that sometimes we can just sense when somethings wrong, maybe thats why youv been all emotional/worrying as you said!

maybe theyl induce you before friday then, but if ur fully effaced and 3cm dialted thats great and you might even just go on ur own! im only 1 cm out of 3 effaced lol and cervix still closed

why doesnt my body work lol????
kmac hav u been given an induction date? sorry if u have already said but my brains are abit mushy too lol! how funny if we were all being induced on fri!!!
OH is back at work today!! the poor thing lol!
ROM i was

when you said you feel like an expectant father lmao!!!!!
apparantly weve had snow, but i dont know as iv not been out of bed yet lol!
pickled onion - if sudocrem is a bit too thick then i found that when i had dry flaky skin around my nose and that from the flu, e45 cream seemed to clear it up and cos its very thin you can slap loads on lol! it worked wonders and i got it in poundland lol
well come on baby you neeeed to get out before friday!!!!!