Chat thread!

hi everyone hope were all okay and some babys come soon i have a bad headache and cant seem to shift it got to go to asdas later but really cant be bothered to go out in the coldxxxx
Good moaning :wave:

EllieBelle said:
Just spent ages writing in here, and the site errored and lost it all so trying again!!!

Gah, it's so irritating when that happens!

Hope everyone is well. It was my birthday yesterday. I never feel much like celebrating come my birthday/after the festive overload, I reckon I have one of the crappiest-placed birthdays ever so it was a low-key affair but I got well and truly pampered. Hubby made us breakfast in bed aswell as a yummy dinner and he even rustled up some chocolate truffles in the afternoon. The most strenous thing I did was lowering myself into my bubble bath :D There are still some truffles left in the fridge but I don't reckon they will last that long :wink:

I was wondering if any of you ladies have dry, flaky patches on your face? I've got sensitive skin and it does tend to get a bit dry in the winter ordinarily but it's really bad right now and I wondered whether it could be pregnancy-related?
Hi Liza :wave:

ooooo snow!!! lovely! We just have frost and icey paths!! Managed to go out for a half hour walk to the shop... not too bad.... :D wish I had a dog to walk.... both me and OH really want a dog but we know that now is not the right time :lol: maybe see if I can pursuade him towards the end of the year :wink:

I'm not sure how long I'll be in hospital for either.... as I have this Group B strep I know that they will want to monitor bubs for a wee bit, but unsure how long.....need to ask on friday.. are you far from the hospital? I guess your DH can pop home for some more stuff if needed? :hug: :hug:

My OH's SIL was in for a C-section on 23rd december and she was out on 24th december! :shock: :shock: so you never know how long they keep you in for... that could be because it was before xmas... but she was still very sore when she got home...

:wave: jadesmummy, hope your headache clears soon :hug:
Midwife has just left.

Perhaps my worries I was talking about last night weren't so irrational... :(

BP has gone very high (140/80 - I normally sit at about 100/65) and there is some protein in my urine (although I couldn't even manage to wee in a pot so I literally dribbled on the dip stick! :oops: Not sure how effective that is :doh: ).

Midwife is coming back tomorrow to recheck everything and will make a decision then whether to admit me into hospital to be induced early/monitored until my planned induction on Friday. Either way my nice natural birth with the majority spent at home is looking less and less likely. :( Also, midwife was a bit concerned about baby's movements so I have to go to hospital at 6pm to be monitored if things haven't improved significantly in that area by then (and she said they may decide to keep me in so take stuff with me). I did everything possible to try and avoid going to hospital at all and little by little it apears to have got to the point where I appear to be moving in! :wall: :?

On a slightly more positive note, she said all the above could be because everything is rather imminent and baby is intending to come very soon (although I have a feeling she might have been trying to make me feel better as she looked very grave... :think: ) She did another sweep and really went for it this time! It really hurt (and I only say that as I know kmac has gone for hers now - I wouldn't want to scare anyone!) but I think she was trying to get things going because of everything else. Apparently cervix is fully effaced, 3cm dilated and very stretchy. Baby has dropped incredibly low and there's not much fluid so membranes are very tight over her head (apparently midwife could feel all the separate bones in her head! :o ) Which all sounds good. I just hope something happens now as getting her out is the only way to fix all the other things (including the carpal tunnel that midwife thinks I have too! :roll: ) and I would really like her to come because she is ready rather than being forced out.

Sorry I'm such a misery guts today, hope everyone else is okay. :hug:
pickled_onion said:
I was wondering if any of you ladies have dry, flaky patches on your face? I've got sensitive skin and it does tend to get a bit dry in the winter ordinarily but it's really bad right now and I wondered whether it could be pregnancy-related?

Yes me. Everyone kept telling me you bloom but I never got that. My skin on my face has been incredibly dry and flaky and I have also had quite a few outbreaks of spots (I didn't even have spots as a teenager! :wall: ) The little pot of Sudocrem I got in my first Bounty pack has been quite useful for this though - it's incredibly thick though so I only put it on when I go to bed.
Ah, sudocrem. Cheers! Now why didn't I think of that? Regular moisturiser isn't doing a thing :shakehead:

Sorry to hear that things aren't going to plan, Julie. No wonder you are feeling a bit fed up :hug: Here's hoping baby gets a move on and you are able to avoid a hospital stay :pray:
Bloody hell 3 pages! :shock: u lot are natter boxes lol!!!
i have just woke up :oops: and i went to bed at 10!!! haha lazzzy time!
no more signs, no more show or pains or anything so things arent looking promising! sweep tomoro and induction friday at 3 although i might refuse it...

sorry about ur BP and urine julie! :hug: my midwife said that sometimes we can just sense when somethings wrong, maybe thats why youv been all emotional/worrying as you said! :hug: maybe theyl induce you before friday then, but if ur fully effaced and 3cm dialted thats great and you might even just go on ur own! im only 1 cm out of 3 effaced lol and cervix still closed :cry: :cry: :cry: why doesnt my body work lol????

kmac hav u been given an induction date? sorry if u have already said but my brains are abit mushy too lol! how funny if we were all being induced on fri!!!

OH is back at work today!! the poor thing lol!

ROM i was :rotfl: when you said you feel like an expectant father lmao!!!!!

apparantly weve had snow, but i dont know as iv not been out of bed yet lol!

pickled onion - if sudocrem is a bit too thick then i found that when i had dry flaky skin around my nose and that from the flu, e45 cream seemed to clear it up and cos its very thin you can slap loads on lol! it worked wonders and i got it in poundland lol

well come on baby you neeeed to get out before friday!!!!!
Hello again everyone...

Julie - sorry things aren't going to plan :hug: :hug: The main thing is that you are being kept an eye on and that baby is ok :hug: :hug:
I kind of sympathise as it ain't going to plan for me either now!!

My BP and urine are fine. Baby has moved so she thinks it is slightly back to back with limbs at the front, but it could easily move back into the right place again. I'm trying not to obsess about that.

Midwife tried to do a sweep - twice - but she couldn't reach my cervix. What the hell is up with my cervix that no-one can reach it?? At least this time it wasn't my fault, I did let her go for it uncomfy as it was. But no luck anyway.
So my induction is booked for Saturday at 5pm - I've to go for the first lot of gel and will be monitored then either sent home overnight or kept in. Then I go back on the SUnday for more gel if necessary. You can get 3 lots - if they don't work then it's onto the drip. If taht doesn't work then a C-section.
I'm still hoping something happens before then. :pray: :pray:
I've to go for a scan on Friday just to check fluid levels. I'm already fretting about that.

Anyway, came home and had a good cry. Haven't had any lunch so just going to go and eat something now.

Sorry for the downbeat post :(
Kmac......... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im sorry the sweep didnt go well, but lets hope your LO decides to make an appearance before Sat :hug:
Sorry youre feeling crappy :hug:
Just think this time next week we will ALL be mummies lol god that is still such a daunting thought lol!!! but great at the same time. i know the cervix thing is annoying she couldnt get to mine either lol! i hate it when they say "and relax" well how can i relax with your fingers rummaging around up there lol! :oops:

good that ur bp and urine are fine, my bp was slightly high yesterday but she didnt seem concerned! howcomes they arent going to induce you till saturday? is that when you want to leave it till? they only let u go 10-12 days at my hosp, but they all have diff policies dont they. id rather wait longer!!!
kmac said:
Anyway, came home and had a good cry.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

These naughty babies, they'll all need a stern talking to when they get here for all they have put us through.

I fell asleep for a couple of hours and am feeling a bit better now. Have some serious pains where she did a sweep but that's not surprising as it felt like she was trying to turn me inside out (and there was quite a lot of blood :puke: )

Midwife has just phoned again and she has said if I don't end up going in tonight for monitoring (which is looking likely as baby hasn't moved at all) she's booked me in tomorrow for them to do BP, urine, take blood and monitor me and baby for a couple of hours. By the sounds of it they aren't planning to let me out (although won't necessarily induce me there and then so I might be in for a while).

Still, what will be will be and as long as me and baby come the other side of this okay I suppose it doesn't really matter too much how we get there.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to you kmac and christmasbabygirl, what a rubbish time. Babies soon though and we can put all this behind us! :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: to you too Julie
Do you have a text buddy?? Keep us posted with how you get on.

My mum just randomly turned up. She lives in Glasgow but works in Edinburgh. Was quite touched she took the 40 minute bus ride just to see me as I rang her earlier when I was upset. I specifically told her not to come round but never mind.

And yes we should all be happy that one way or another our babies get here and we are all ok - however it has to happen.

Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: girls - I feel like we are going through this together which is nice :oops: sorry to be soppy!

Kmac :hug: I was convinced when I got home you would have some news :hug: :hug: :hug:

I bet you are having a boy - they are always so lazy :D

Jane x
Aww, kmac that was lovely of your mum. I think we try to appear brave and strong but we still a cuddle from our mums sometimes. :hug:

My text buddy is Petra but I'm guessing she's rather busy after the arrival of her little one.

I agree with the sentiment that's it's nice we are all going through this together. I've felt really low a couple of times and its nice to be able to think you and christmasbabygirl are having the same feelings etc - it doesn't make me feel quite so rubbish that I can't manage to evict the little squatter! :wink:

I'm going to jump in the bath now as am very sore and still bleeding (sorry tmi!) :oops: Neil bless him rushed him at 4 to be with me and made me tea etc. I moan but he's lovely really. He also just said straight away he would be coming with me tomorrow (normally I get 'ooh, I'll have to check with work that it's okay' etc) for the hospital stuff. If he couldn't I would have been stuffed as I have to be there for 9.30 and my mum has to do with school run (3 different schools) and lives about 40 minutes away! I'm hoping she might come tonight though. :pray:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for everyone. :)
Julie - I am PMing you my mobile number.
Thinking about you
:hug: :hug:
Ladies I have a while before my LO arrives so if you need a text buddy then I would be happy to help.........just let me know!!
Gah up again, im sick of this crap now, i think i best go try sleep soon other wise ill be pooped tomos like i was yesterday :sleep:

Awww look at me getting all emotional !
i know i was saying to OH its so nice that all 3 of us are going through the same thing as its so much easier to get through when you know its not just you! i dont know anyone else who is pregnant and dont get any1 to babble to, which is why i joined and i am sooo thankful i did! im gonna miss this part of the forum sooo much!!!

well im up been awake for about an hour and a half with niggly back pain, its not that painful its more annoying and umcomfy! but i can get into a position when it stops so i spose its nothing to do with labour? been getting some tummy pains in bump too but iv had 2 big clear outs in the last hour so im thinking its more to do with that lol! :oops:

something def feels strange though, i dont wanna get my hopes up as it will prob all amount to nothing!!well iv set the tens machine up anyway incase im in too much pain to do so later, and OH hasnt got a clue how to use it lol!

I just wish my body would let me know if this is it or if i just need the loo again lol! its soo annoying getting twinges and pains and then its just nothing its like my body is playing tricks on me, i really dont like it!!! :cry:

well iv got to ring in morn to book another sweep so hopefully when she examines me SOMETHING has been happening up there !!!

oh also those of us booked for inductions, are u taking ur hosp bags when ur induced?? im not sure weather to take them or not..

come on naughty naughty babies!!
oh CBG that sounds very positive to me - when I had my other two my labours always started with a clearout and then gentle pains - before you know it you will be holding that LO in your arms I feel :D Keep on your feet as long as you can now, I remember doing a whole load of ironing with Josh :D and walking upstairs with each piece to put it away :D

How you feeling now???

Jane x
i know i shud be trying to be active but im sat in bed lol!!! dont really know what else to do with myself and cant march up n dwn stairs as ppl r in bed and ironing bored is in bottom of cuboard with lots of heavy stuff on top :wall:

im not really sure if they r contractions or notm, the back pain stopped then the pains intensified a little and become more regular and just as i got a contraction timer up it all seems to have come to a halt lol, getting a pain now and then but nothing major!!! im fed up of my body playing tricks on me i just want it to either be starting or not starting lol!!!!!

hmm i think ill go and have a bounce on my ball then.

also still pooing alot lol!!! :oops: xx

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