Chat thread!

Sleep well kmac. :sleep: Hope everything goes well tomorrow and that baby puts in an appearance soon! :hug:
morning girls
Hope you all had a restful night. Mine wasn't too bad compared to how it's been recently and I feel fairly awake now. I am also being booted in the ribs now which makes it difficult to doze off again!

Any developments christmasbabygirl?
Good luck with midwife julie. Hope she arrives at a decent time!
I have to go to my midwife but the health centre is really close to my house I just have to remember to leave plenty hobbling time!

The plan is to clean the bathroom, mop the floors and do my ironing this morning. Don't want to get out of bed too early though!

I just ended up lying in bed all night so haven't been to sleep but don't feel too bad for it. I finally gave up and got in the bath at 5.30 because all I did was keep bursting into tears! :oops:

Glad you had a good night kmac. Hope today goes well. :hug:

My midwife is only in the surgery on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings which is why she has been doing home visits. The surgery is just round the corner and although it's nice knowing I don't have to waddle or drive home after the sweep it would be much more useful to have an actual time (although I have been sat in the waiting room at the surgery for 90 minutes before because she was running so late! :roll: )

I'm contemplating whether to drive over to my mum's house this afternoon (depending when the midwife turns up) - although I'm going to have to see how I am after the sweep and whether this snow melts away I suppose... :think: I'm just sick of the sight of my house! :doh:
I know what you mean! I keep seeing dusty dirty bits in the house that I haven't noticed before. It's only because i'm here all the time. It's 4 weeks since I stopped work and weird to think of everyone going back today after the christmas hols!! I'm not sorry I'm not there though - but they will all be expecting to hear what I had!!

So you've got snow? It's just very frosty here. Be careful if you go out!!
kmac said:
I'm not sorry I'm not there though - but they will all be expecting to hear what I had!!

If one more person says 'have you not had that baby yet' I may not be responsible for my actions! :oops:

Not a lot of snow, but everywhere is covered. I haven't seen snow for ages but imagine I might get a shock as it's nice and cosy and warm in here!

What time is your appointment kmac? Sorry if you've already said - my brain has completely turned to mush! :oops:
That's ok - it's not until 1pm!! i'm still dreading it!!
Hope your MW doesn't keep you waiting all day..
Morning ladies

:hug: to Julie and Kmac - I really hope your sweeps work today :hug: as I've said Kmac I am predicting that you will go into labour at about 9.30 am :D that's when we are leaving and will have your baby by 4.00 pm as thats when we will be back :D I havent left our house since New Years Day :D Please text me though if you do - I feel like an expectant father :D :D :D :D

I feel a bit better today and I dont feel I can let my niece down so will wrap up warm and find the nearest coffee shop when we get there :D

Hope everyone else has a great day :hug:

Jane x
Course I will text rom :hug: :hug:
9.30 you reckon - right, I had better get my chores done before then!!

Glad you feel a bit better and hope you have a nice day out!
Oh my goodness I've just noticed I'm on my last baby!!!!!! Thats terrifying and exciting at the same time :D

Jane x
Ooh, kmac that's a nice prediction! :cheer: :hug:

If you're not in full blown labour by 1pm I will be crossing my fingers for you.

I've suddenly thought maybe my midwife might have trouble getting to me because of the (thin dusting of) snow? :think: No doubt, nobody would thnk of phoning me if that was the case! :doh:

Anyway, hope you all have a good day. Make sure you wrap up warm Jane! :hug:
My god my belly and sides are killing me :cry: It hurts so much im struggling to sit back in this chair, its gone again now, but now my tummy hurts, owwwwww :(
seesh just waiting for my sausages to cook :rotfl: It wont come to anything dont worry i prob just slept funny
sorry rom - it's past 9.30 and no sign of anything.
In saying that, my pains in my lady bits are worse today - I can hardly walk - but I don't think it means anything, just the baby pressing down.
Have done all my chores, except for ironing which I am avoiding, just having a sit down and watching Jeremy Kyle!!
kmac said:
sorry rom - it's past 9.30 and no sign of anything.
In saying that, my pains in my lady bits are worse today - I can hardly walk - but I don't think it means anything, just the baby pressing down.
Have done all my chores, except for ironing which I am avoiding, just having a sit down and watching Jeremy Kyle!!

Have curry and some jiggy jiggy for brekkie!!


Hey I'm a kmac as well (kim maclean)!!!!

Kim x x x x
lol! I go to bed and miss 2 pages of chat!!!!! :lol: :lol:

Well thats me officially on mat leave.......hmmmmm what can I do!!?! Now I understand why pregnant women go through nesting...because there is NOTHING else to do!!!!

Need to go out to the shop, but may wait to see if the frost has melted a bit, last thing I want is to be on me arse! :lol:

under strict orders to get my birth plan started and hospital bag started as well.... think OH is panicking!! hehe!

Hope your sweep goes well today kmac and Julie :hug: :hug: :hug:

ROM - yey to last baby! :D :D hope you have a nice day!

:wave: mel hope you're not feeling too sore..... :hug: :hug:
Meggiewoo said:
kmac said:
sorry rom - it's past 9.30 and no sign of anything.
In saying that, my pains in my lady bits are worse today - I can hardly walk - but I don't think it means anything, just the baby pressing down.
Have done all my chores, except for ironing which I am avoiding, just having a sit down and watching Jeremy Kyle!!

Have curry and some jiggy jiggy for brekkie!!


Hey I'm a kmac as well (kim maclean)!!!!

Kim x x x x

:D Had a curry last night. DH away to work so no jiggy available!

I'm not technically a kmac, as mac was part of my name before I got married... I think when I was registering with forum I couldn't get any combinations of my name now that I liked!! I didn't want anything that made me too recognisable, and wasn't imagiative enough to come up with something else!
Hi lisaspoon! :wave:
Your house will be spotless before you know it!!
kmac said:
Hi lisaspoon! :wave:
Your house will be spotless before you know it!!

hi kmac! :wave:
lol! I'm trying to spread the chores out otherwise knowing me it will be done in 3 days :oops: :oops: i've got another 4, possible 6 weeks to keep myself amused!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!
Well good morning ladies......... :wave:

Just spent ages writing in here, and the site errored and lost it all so trying again!!!

I just managed a lovely 45 mins walk with the dog, it was absolutely glorious being outside with the sun shining and the fields all covered with snow - plus Im trying to prove to my body that I can still do it :D

Jane - From memory isnt it your scan tomorrow? If so I hope it goes well and that your LO has turned - do you think he has? :hug:
Lisa - Hope you are enjoying your maternity leave, feel free to come and clean my place after you have finished your own - I actually hoovered and mopped most of downstairs yesterday - but am still waiting for my nesting instincts to kick in :D
Mel - Take it easy today hun :hug:
Kmac - You must be so frustrated :hug: I have been keeping my fingers crossed for you, and your LO must want to make an appearance soon :D

Everyone :wave:

Right need to tidy the nursery..........its all finished apart from putting up the border! I also need to finish packing my bag -but havent a clue how long I will be in hospital for??? :(

Hope you all have a lovely day :hug:


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