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he is being the king of arseholes!!!
hes tried to call me but i just cant be bothered to talk to him, i dont want him to come to my sweep tomoro either. he needs to get his blimmin priorities right and realise that im due to give birth at any given time before he swans off to the pub :twisted: sorry lol im really fed up with him at the mo, all we do is argue anyway we are on the verge of breaking up, but i couldnt care less right now!! ok im done lol!

its a really nice pulsing/vibrating sensation i quite liked it felt like my muscles were relaxin. the pads were on all wonky though haha so if i do go into labour and we have broke up the midwife will have come round n put em on cos i wasnt very good at it lol!
my goodness - i just went for a lie down and missed all this!!!

Julie I don't kow what I'm having it wil be a surprise!
I think my bump is changing shape rather than getting bigger.

So is the conclusion that there is no point having sex then? That's good, I can't be bothered. And there is NO WAY I am swallowing anything :shakehead: :puke:

CBG - hope you get things sorte with your OH. What the heck is he doing at the pub??????? Unless my DH is at work he doesn't leave the house!
Ooh, how exciting Kmac. :cheer:

My conclusion is there is no point in having sex - I'm certainly not going to bother again! :talkhand:

CBG, you definitely need to give your OH an earful! I don't think these men have any idea. Neil wouldn't go to the pub but I'm sure he's working extra to avoid me and my moaning! :roll: He left for work at about 7.30 this morning and won't be home probably until nearly 9. He rang me about an hour ago to ask if the baby had turned up (just in case I forgot to ring him or something!! :wall: )

I hope your OH comes to his senses and starts being nice soon. :hug: :hug: :hug: I think these men might be in for a bit of a shock once baby is here!

I wouldn't have wanted Neil at my sweep. Despite obviously being intimate with him it would have just felt a bit weird. :? I'm glad he got home soon after the midwife had gone because I was feeling a bit sorry for myself but he fiddled about on his pc for most of the evening anyway! :wall:

The tens sounds quite nice actually. I thought it would feel all funny. My mum brought Neil one of those games where you get an electric shock if you choose the wrong answer (or something like that) a couple of Christmasses ago and I thought it was horrible - that's how imagined the tens to be. :think:
he was gonna come and just wait outside lol he said he wanted to but didnt wanna come in the room i think he just comes so i dont have to get bus ect on my own lol.

yeah i couldnt even be botherd to shout at him so i just looked at him glazy eyed, started to cry and told him to fuck off home lol! he tried to call earlier but got diverted cos i was on fone to mum and i havnt botherd trying to call him back. i cant see the point as he wil just say oh stop over reacting bla bla bla and i just cnt be assed lol! id rather have a hot bath and snuggle in bed with the tv on!! its a long story but i dont even know what were doing together, all we do is moan about eachother never anything nice to say and we argue CONSTANTLY so i dont know why were wasting out time. just gonna see how things go.
i really didnt think id like the TENS but i do like it actually, i dont know what its like for contractions as iv never had any!

saying that iv been havinbg a few niggling pains in my back and tummy but its not regular and not very painful so i dont think anything will come of it, but its nice as iv had no signs yet lol!!! bring on the pain train!!

ur lucky kmac lol, i didnt mind him popping to the pub for one but he just needs to get his priorities right and realise im sat at home due to pop any min!! and he never had his fone on him as he left it at home so if i went into labour i wudnt have even been able to tell him!!!!! x
CBG - I hope you get things sorted with your OH :hug: :hug: How long have you been together?

My DH came with me to my attempted sweep last week. I thought it might be weird but she pulled a curtain round so it was OK! Not that I got one anyway!!

I've rented a TENS from mothercare. I've had a quick look at the instructions but I'm too scared to try it out!! My worry is if it all starts when DH is at work how will I stick the pads on myself in the right places? :think:

Julie - my DH does spend a fair bit of time on his PC too, but he usually waits until I am dozing on the sofa or watching Eastenders or something. I can't fault him though he's been brill through the whole pregnancy. He has made most of our dinners, even since i stopped work. And he never complains - but he does really enjoy cooking.
In saying that, I'm quite pleased with myself as i made the dinner tonight! That's the first time in ages!!

We took down our tree and decorations this afternoon. Haven't done any cleaning yet though!! I had a bit of a snooze so that probably means I'll be awake until goodness knows when!!

just over 2 years weve been together.. theres a big age gap but thats never been a problem as im mature for my age and hes immature for his lol.

we broke up for a while at the beginning of 08, due to him drinking too much and me realising he was an arse and not putting up with it.. i was due to go traveling round europe with my cousin after we broke up to get away for a bit, but we wernt together but still sleeping together which is when i fell pregnant therefore didnt go abroad, when i told him i decided that i wanted to get back with him if he stopped pissing it up, and he has been sooo good. he has not been hammered once, he never goes out in the evening.he used to go to london/manchester/glasgow/milan/ allover for the weekend ect for football and concerts, get HAMMERED and sleep in a bush or tube station and thats when i just realised the relasionship wasnt going anywhere.. hes nothing like that since finding out hes gonna be a dad he has got so much better but he just needs to get his priorities right sometimes! he really does annoy me lol!!

sorry for big post!!! :oops:

you shud give it a go kmac as its quite fiddly and better if either u or OH know how to do it before the labour! i stuck the pads on myself and it wasnt too bad u havnt got to be too precise, they were a bit wonky but its not a prob.
hmm i know it sounds stupid and i dont know why but iv got a feeling that tonight could be the night lol x
Christmasbabygirl I hope it was :D If you are still with us sorry your OH is being insensitive, goodness only knows how men would cope if they had to give birth!!

Kmac :pray: today is the day that you meet your LO :hug:

Well I feel awful - I am coughing so much that I am being :puke: my head hurts and even my nipples ache :( I was in so much discomfort last night I am convinced that George turn back to breech!! I had the most awful pain just under my boobies :( being sick seemed to ease that a bit so perhaps it is just to do with this virus... I feel so sorry for him, he must be feeling poorly too :( Given up on trying to sleep now and have dragged a quilt onto the sofa so will see what delights are on the tele this time on a Sunday morning. Poor Dave didnt know what to do for me last night and to be honest I just cried so didnt make him feel any better at all :(

I hope everyone else has a better start to the day.

Jane x
Morning all :wave:

Well im officially a week overue now lol! im not as cranky as i thought id be. got my sweep at1 o clock today but dont know if it will work or not and i reaaally dont want to have it lol!!!

kmac hope something is happening with you!! you must have the nicest womb in the world lol!

sorry to hear you feel crappy ROM, i had the flu thing all over xmas and luckily its just getting out oif my system! bloody horrible aint it! at least uv got it now and not when ur little one will be here so thats good i spose?

this morning i was woke up at 6ish by flashing lights! i was reaaally :? and still half asleep and was looking allover my body at where it could be coming from lol! :oops: i thought those bloody women have forgot to tell me about this labour sign havnt they im in labour im in labour lmaooo! i was looking at my foo and everything! then i woke up and there was a fire engine out the back and lots of sexy firemen staring at me topless and half asleep thru the window :lol: i was mortified yet i continued to stand there lol!!!!

iv been having a few sharp pains and niggles during the night, when i wake up for pee pee i realise that im in a little bit of pain but it cudnt have been bad cos i had no trouble getting back to sleep lol, and this morn im ok once i get into a comfy poisition so its nothing to do with labour!!! :wall: x
Hi Everyone :wave:

Hope you are all well???

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to those overdue.... I cant even think about going overdue.... I think I will be tearing my hair out!

CBG - hope you get things sorted with your OH.... and fingers crossed your sweep goes well too! :hug: :hug:

kmac and Julie - hope things get moving for you too!!

:wave: ROM and anyone else I've missed!

I got my tens machine yesterday....eeeek! its all becoming so real! Mum took me shopping yesterday for some sheets and blankets for the pram/moses basket and also some essentials for my hospital bag...

off to mothercare today to get last few bits and bobs.... need to get fitted for nursing bras too.... still feel like theres tons to do... but I dont think there is! :think:

xmas decorations coming down today as well.... :( awwwww lol! Also, I feel like i'm meant to be going back to work tomorrow but I'm not..... I've been dreading this time "in between" before LO arrives......
ooo one exciting thing was I got my TENS machine yesterday..... bit nervous about giving it a trial though!! :oops:
All I've done since last night is cry! :oops: I had the worst back ache last night (but knew it wasn't anything promising iykwim) and just want my baby now. I've got to the point where I don't care how, it just needs to be now!!! :oops: :(

My mum and brothers and sisters came over this morning and my mum made us all lunch which was nice. Neil didn't get home until gone 10 last night and doesn't think he'll be home at any decent hour tonight either. I know his boss is completely unreasonable but I don't think it would hurt him to say 'Julie is 41 weeks pregnant so I'm going home on time!' I spent all yesterday on my own feeling sorry for myself, he came home had tea and went to bed because he was so tired. I don't mean to but end up shouting or moaning everytime we speak or see each other! :oops:

Ooh - where's kmac?! :pray: :cheer:

CBG - I would have died a million deaths if those firemen had been outside my window! :oops: At least they were sexy! :wink:

I hope your pains are the start of something. :pray: I have been having pains when I have a wee (I thought I was going to pull the radiator off the wall earlier I was clinging on to it so hard :rotfl: ). There's definitely something going on, it's just not very productive and/or not doing anything quickly! :roll: :wall: :wall: :wall:

How was your sweep this afternoon? Has your midwife booked you an induction yet? My midwife is coming round tomorrow to give me another sweep and book me an induction - I have a feeling I may cry. :oops:

Lisaspoon - how exciting. I can't believe you are almost at d-day! Enjoy the start of your maternity leave. I've loved every minute of mine and haven't felt bored or missed work at all (my mum admitted to me the other day she thought I might never have children because I was a bit of a workaholic and even when I went on holiday I was usually dying to get back to work by the end of it! :rotfl: )

ROM - hope you feel better soon. :hug: There are lots of nasty things going round so I hope you shake it off soon. I also can't believe you are so close to meeting your LO - the time seems to have just flown by! :dance:
Hi girls!

Sorry to cause excitement by my absence, I still have nothing to report. I was just too lazy to get myself moving this morning! :oops:

Julie :hug: :hug: I know what you mean. I haven't had a crying day this week, but I am exceptionally grumpy today and being a bit snippy with DH. It must be hard on you that Neil is working such long hours :hug: I don't really like being on my own for too long either at the moment! It's a good excuse to stay in bed for as long as possible!!
I am also dreading my sweep tomorrow :hug:
At least you have had some pains though!! Maybe you will start before the sweep.

CBG - hope the sweep went ok - keep us posted!! And I'm sorry but I was :rotfl: at your fireman story!! :hug: :hug:

Hi Lisa!! Enjoy mat leave. It's good!! I can't believe I've been off for 4 weeks already!! Although I did expect to have a baby by now...

ROM - lots of :hug: :hug: for you! Hope you start to feel better soon. It sounds like what I had a few weeks ago, although I was never sick the coughing was agony. And I still have random coughing fits now! Try putting some Olbas oil in boiling water and breathing in the steam, I found that helped a bit. :hug: I really sympathise - I ended up in tears a few times too!!

Well,we never got the cleaning done yesterday so off to do some now I think!!
Maybe it will set me off - although I still have not had so much as a twinge!!!

Aww, kmac - I got all excited that you seemed absent (that sounds awful! :oops: ) You do realise you are holding up the queue! :wink:

My midwife gave me a sheet a few weeks ago that shows 'positions to make labour shorter and easier' (if it ever happens!) Anyway, one of the diagrams has a little bit of text that says the midwife might get you to walk up and down the stairs sideways if labour slow or stops. Well, in my infinite wisdom I thought it couldn't hurt to see if doing this might help to start things off and managed to stand on both the cats at some stupid hour this morning (they insisted on walking up and down with me which is hard enough anyway!) :roll: Anyway, it's another thing which I can honestly say isn't worth trying! :rotfl:

I think I may have actually lost the plot... :shhh: :rotfl:

I'm sure your sweep will be fine tomorrow and will have everything crossed that it works and you will be holding your baby soon! :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry for holding up the queue :oops:

We live in a bungalow so I can't try the stairs thing but that's funny about your cats. I would have the same problem. Our 2 seem very interested in what i'm doing when i get up at ridiculous times of the night.

Well, I have just sent DH off to do the food shop on his own as I couldn't bear the thought, so I really MUST clean something!!

I am becoming a bit preoccupied with the worry that there will be something wrong with the baby when it comes out :( I have no reasoning for this, but I keep thinking about it. I think it's because where I live you only get a 12 week scan, unless there is reason to think something is up, and if you want one at 20 weeks you have to go privately. We thought about it but decided even if there was something showed up, we wouldn't have been able to do anything about it anyway, so we didn't get one. Now I wish we had and I'd be a bit less worried!
Incidentally, as of this month 20 week scans are being done as routine! :roll:

Well, at this rate I will still be sitting here when he gets back!! Must go and do something!! Will be back soon!
Kmac - I think it is perfectly normal. I started worrying last night (another reason for all the tears) that there was something dreadfully wrong which is why I was a week overdue with no signs of that changing any time soon. Something was wrong with the baby, something was wrong with me and it would all end up dreadfully etc. :( Logically I don't think there is any reason why it should and clearly there are a few of us in theis position but it's stilll nagging away at the back of my head... :doh: I had a scan at 11 weeks, 21 weeks and 2 private scans at 28 weeks and am still a paranoid wreck!

But lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: as I know it doesn't make a blind bit of difference what anyone says. Irrational thoughts are precisely that and until we have our babies in our arms and can give them a once over ourselves (and tell them off for making us worry so!) I don't think they will go away (and I can't even convince myself at the moment! :wall: ) :hug:

Incidentally the cats are obviously sleeping off the traumatic experience as I can hear them snoring from upstairs!! :rotfl:
Now i'm noticing the absence of christmasbabygirl................................???
Hope something is happening!!
:wave: Hi all!

Aww how sweet that you noticed i wasnt on! i feel all loved and tingly lol!

hope your feeling better now julie :hug: i have days where i just cry contsantly till my whole face is red and puffy lol :oops: its horrible aint it? when i do this my OH jujst tells me to shutup! :cry: unsympathetic *******! he came with me to my sweep and was being all nicey nice and took me for tea ect but i hardly spoke to him lol! i think iv let him stew enough now lol.

hope your worries go soon kmac. i think its very natural to worry this late on. get a semen pineapple curry cocktail down ur neck and get that bubba out lol!!! our LOs may all have the same bday!

:wave: to everyone else hope u had a good day!

I went to the birth center and just as we pulled in they called me to say they had a woman in the delivery suite and that they were too busy to do it and would call me back within 2 hours, they didnt so nearly 4 hours later i called them and they sed ring at 6, well i ended up going in at about half 7 in the end!!!

the midwife attempted to do the sweep but unfortunatly my cervix is still closed, but its 1cm effaced out of 3 cm she said. so only 2 more to go lol. she said although cervix is still closed its looking promising with effacing starting as at least something is startinng!

well i got home and went to the loo and all this gloooopy mucusy stuff came out and i think it was maybe a teeeeny bit bloodstained? so i rung her as i wanted to make sure it wasnt just the lube or gel she used falling back out lol :oops: and she said thats a white colour but the gloop was definatly clear not white at all so she said it sounds like it was a show!!!! even though she said the sweep was unsucsessful? :?

well iv got another sweep booked for tuesday if nothing happens before, and if that does nothinmg then im being induced at the big hospital on fri at 3 pm!! really hope it doesnt come to that.

sorry for the big post but iv not been on all day and my fingers went crazy on the keys haha!

oh and thanks for all laughing at me for the firemen seeing my papperoonies lol :lol:
get bouncing down the stairs woman or something ive got a close eye on my phone atm, and plus you can text at anytime as im usually up :rotfl:
Sorry to hear about the sweep though, you never know it may happen in the middle of the night :hug:
fingers crossed that sweep has started to work then hun, it wont be long now :hug: :hug:
Hope the sweep does the trick for you cbg. I am dreading mine tomorrow and I really don't want to be induced. I am also going to ask if I can go to a different hospital as I have heard too many horror stories about our main one. I just hope I get a nice midwife tomorrow!

Going to really try and sleep at normal times tonight so will go now - I may be back soon!

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