Chat thread!

kmac said:
I hope there is a baby actually in there!

My mum was trynig to feel baby move on new year's day (she doesn't tend to perform when required though!) and asked me if I was sure it wasn't just wind! :rotfl:

I don't envy you trying to type on your itouch - I'm rubbish normally at texting but with my extra fat fingers at the moment it's near impossible! :shakehead:

I'm in the study. Neil too can sleep through anything but I'm in the study as he has a cold at the moment and I might smother him if I have to listen to any more of his snoring! :oops: :twisted:
Morning ladies :wave: Tis a lovely 3am start if i ever did see one :sleep: Sick of this not being able to sleepcrap i really am, come out now baby mummy wants to be up for a reason at 3 am apart from restlessness.
How is everyone??
It's SO FU*KING annoying when you type a huuuge reply then it gets deleted :cry: :cry:

Sorry rant over!!

Cant beleiv i missed the early morning chat girlies!!! i slept like a loggg lol! from 12 till 11! normally jujst get from 4 30 till 7 haha! im thinking todayi s going to be a good day for labour with this energy lol! yay on your show julie i want one lol!!

I think me and kmac will be those ones who just go into labour with no signs lol! iv also had no BH, no twinges or backache or anything! oh had a HUGE nesting spurt yesterday actually lol. OH has gone to town to get me rennies and go for a beer but hes left his phone at his house so i hope my waters dont break or something! sods law :roll:
my bag is all ready now just need lucozade and snacks but mum can get them at
last minuite as dont want them to go mouldy lol!!!

also iv been getting pelvic pain but thats prob just due to carrying baby around! i think she has had a growth spurt as she feels HUGE!

im glad your sweep wasnt too bad!! i hope mine isnt either but me and oh did the deed yesterday and sorry for tmi but i was like a born again virgin lol cudnt get it up there for ages and when we did it really hurt!!! so it prob will hurt me! hope my midwifes nice and gentle lol, but i suppose the more vigorous they are the more chance of something happening!
Christmasbabygirl - the last time DH and I tried to do the deed it really hurt and we had to stop - that's why i haven't let him near me for ages!! I was dreading trying it again but it actually didn't hurt at all, I was quite amazed! Not that it has made the slightest bit of difference though! :?

this is getting annoying now - I really don't want to leave the house just in case...
Might enlist DH's help and clean the house (again!)

How are you today Julie - any developments??

yeah it just reaaally hurt in every position and didnt seem to fit and hes not exactly huge lol sorry tmi again!
also does just the sex act get things moving or does he have to come? as were using condoms at the mo as i have thrush :oops: god i am sexy today lol!!!

hopefully julies in labour :cheer: x
No developments - I'm back to feeling perfectly normal!! :wall:

However, you will be proud - at about 5am I got fed up and ironed my pyjamas and a few sets of clothes, sorted a few bits out and pretty much finished packing my hospital bag! :dance: :rotfl:

Christmasbabygirl - far tmi but everything down there is tighter than it has ever been (Neil agrees and he was actually my first! :oops: ) I was incredibly worried because I tried to get Neil to have a go (oh the shame of admitting this!) and he hasn't got fat fingers at all but failed miserably! :oops: :oops: :oops: :roll: Midwife had loads of lube (which incidentally I seem to be allergic to - ouch!) and seemed to find it relatively easy to have a rummage about. It wasn't comfortable but it didn't hurt if that makes sense? If this baby doesn't get a move on, midwife is coming again on Monday for a 2nd go so I hope it's as painless again! :pray: You'll be fine. :hug:

Oh I so wish nesting would kick in. The majority of the house is okay as despite having no enthusiasm I have been cleaning and tidying a lot because people keep coming round (and the bedroom is spotless as the midwife was obviously up there yesterday! I think I'd actually forgotten what colour the carpet actually was! :oops: :oops: :oops: ) But the room that will eventually be the baby's is still a junk room and has got worse over the last few weeks with Christmas presents etc being dumped in there. :doh:

Today I am going to take down all the decorations and clean all the animals out and hope it does the trick! :pray:
christmasbabygirl said:
yeah it just reaaally hurt in every position and didnt seem to fit and hes not exactly huge lol sorry tmi again!
also does just the sex act get things moving or does he have to come? as were using condoms at the mo as i have thrush :oops: god i am sexy today lol!!!

hopefully julies in labour :cheer: x

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Not a chance!

Semen is the thing that is meant to set it off so he needs to make a 'deposit' really! :oops: However, I will say we tried it lots and lots and it didn't do a bloody thing for me (apart from make me waddle for ages after the event! :oops: )

My mum keeps trying to get me to have some pineapples but I know I'll get ulcers and they are about £2 each at the moment (and I doubt they will actually do anything - nothing else is!)

I tried blue radox but thought it might get a bit diluted in the bath so had a really bubbly bath and also slathered loads all over my tummy! :rotfl: Not a thing happened but I'm super clean! :dance:
Hi Julie :wave: glad you got your bag sorted!!

CBG - It's the hormone in the semen that helps - prostaglandin i think - it supposedly has an effect on the cervix - so i guess a condom makes it a bit pointless!!
Have you got something to sort your thrush out? :hug: :hug:
Dont be ashamed julie! i would ask my OH to have a go but there is no way he would lol!oooh so iv had this sex for nothing! so much effort toooo lol! i know i hope im like this after the labour, im like a nun down there lol!!!!

wwhooo on the bag julie!! shit am i supposed to iron my pjs? ill look like a right scruff in hsopital mine are all creased lol!! :oops:

yeah iv got some canesten, im not sure if it is thrush as its not irritating or itchy or smelly ect its just LOADS of discharge!!! :oops: sorry again lol!!! its getting so annoying im having to change my undies 10000 times a day :lol:

my midwife actually advised me to try a pineapplle she said she knows alot of women it has worked with but i just couldnt cope with the heartburn lol id have to practicly OD on rennies after!!!

mums just popped to get my tens machine and iv told her to ask in tesco if they hav clary sage oil! arent we leaving things a bit late lol!!!! had 9 months to sort this out :rotfl:
I know - what on earth would we have done if the babies had actually come on time! :rotfl:

Blue Radox has clary sage in it (I think they are lying to me!)

I only ironed my pyjamas as it was the quickest way to try and get the cat hair off! :oops: They are sort of brushed cotton and I swear the cats only have to look at them to completely cover my pyjamas.

This is the worst offender!

I didn't think the covered in cat hair look would go down especially well at the hospital with a new baby! :oops:

Doesn't sound like thrush to me (which is very good news) - the couple of times I've had, the itching has near driven me insane. I've got loads of snotty discharge - apparently perfectly normal (just plain disgusting!)
Aww i like your kitty cat lol! even though cats scare the hell outta me as one bit me when i was little and there claws scare me im such a wimp lol!!! but they look all cuddly and purry lol!
Yeah i think its just pregnancy iv heard alot of women get it, its just annoying as i keep having to wash knickers lol! ( i hate wearing pads and avoid it unless im bleeding!) its more creamy then snotty though but thick, its not nice!!!

i dont know if tesco will do it? iv heard its good in a bath if your contractions have started although can slow things down? i dont know worth a try though eh!

glad i havnt got to iron my pjs now lol! if i have her at the midwife led birth center then i wont mind what state im in as there ward is always empty as its only a small town but if i decide on epidural or have to be induced or any other complications and go to the big hosp then ill be :oops: lol!!! x
Also, have either of you girls noticed that your bumps seem to be growing by the day at the moment?

At 39-40 weeks everyone kept saying how neat I was but the last week she seems bigger every morning. I see my mum most days and even she says she can notice a difference from one day to the next.

I was looking forward to a nice little baby and I think I'm going to end up with an elephant! :shock:
My midwife just said as long as it isn't itchy, doesn't smell and doesn't hurt when you wee it's perfectly normal.

I think anything is probably worth a try now (apart from castor oil, I'm not trying that! :puke: )

I was meant to be having a home birth but for various reasons that has all gone wrong so my midwife has written in my notes that I want to be discharged from the delivery suite rather than going to the ward unless there are any complications - so I may not even get to wear my pyjamas!! :lol:

I'm sure you wan't mind either way where you are when you have your little girl. :)

Kmac - do you kow what you are having? Maybe this overdue thing is a stubborn girly trait?! :think:
:lol: what a waste of ironing time if u dont get to wear them!!!
Im gonna stay in a few nights i think as our birth center is LOVELY lol most mums dont want to leave! and i wanna get help with feeding if i do BF.
i would love a homebirth next time (if there is a next time lol) but where i live at the mo isnt much of a home to be honest and housing situation isnt ideal!
i wouldnt bother with caster oil if the way it works is by making you poo,as iv had the runs and it hasnt stimulated my uterus at all lol!! i hatee spicy foods also, dont fancy the pineapple, cant have semen up me, so what else is there lol?!?!
ah well got sweep tomoro so that may kick something off, i dont really want to be induced but i guess if it has to be done then so be it!!
and yes these last couple of days i have been feeling fit to burst, she is much bigger then ever and seems to grow everyday lol! my bump has been big all the way through but now its HUGEEE lol! fed up of the triplets comments lol :roll:
Hey everyone :wave:
Haven't had a chance for a nosey in this thread yet so spent Brody's nap time having a bit of a nosey! :lol:

Just wanted to say there's no need for sex if you can't be bothered :lol: - apparently swallowing it has the same effect :wink: :oops: :lol: :lol: It definately worked for us last time :oops: :oops: :lol:
this is a great thread especially if you cant sleep at 3 am lol!
yep tried that- no luck lol!! id much rather do that then sex right now!!!!
well your all mean notletting me jump the que :shakehead: :rotfl:
Anyway im not desperate enough to kick start labour as to give oh a BJ every night, think ill just wait ta, altho9ugh i will tell him its another way to induce labour and if he has the same views as sex atm he will fook off and leave me alone
haha i just let the OH sort himself out and then opened my mouth lmao too lazy for that!!!!
just had a huge row and told him to feck off anyway, and he has, so i wont be getting any semen lol.
just tried out the tens machine, although im not in any pain lol, and it is quite a nice sensation and i can see it helping contractions actually!
Ooh, I might be tempted now you've said that (by the TENS obvisuoly, not anything else!) :think:

We do abuse these men (not that they don't deserve it!) :twisted:

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