Chat thread!

Exactly why I'm planning to breastfeed too (apart from it also costing a fortune to byu formuia and being a right faff to sterilise and make up bottles etc). Otherwise between Neil, my parents and my 5 brothers and sisters I don't think I'd get a look in! :roll: (I don't think other visitors will get a look in to be honest!)

Aww Mel, I'm afriad I don't have MSN. I never reinstalled it when I got a new PC. The only people I really spoke to were my eldest younger brother and sister (now 17 and 15) and they eventually both blocked me because I accidentally kept letting things slip to my mum that they didn't want her to know! :oops: :rotfl: They stupidly still speak to Neil on MSN though so I still know when they are up to no good! :shhh:
Thanks honey. I shall let you know how it goes (hopefully well and not too painfully!) :pray:

Have a nice sleep. I shall try and get to bed now too - just in case the midwife turns up early and I'm still in my nightie! :oops:
Well im back again, i cant sleep without my V pillow but dont have the heart to take it off my OH :(
My goodness - a lot of chat going on in the early hours!!

Good luck with your sweep today Julie. My attempted one was at 40+2 which I thought was quite early. On monday I will be 40 + 9 but I have also heard there is a backlog of inductions at our hospital :roll:

I'm hardly feeling anything - if I get a tiny twinge i get all excited but I only ever get one at a time - and I think it's just wind or something anyway!!

I just hate not knowing when it's going to happen. i expected it to all be over now! And I worry something is up with baby in there...
Anyway, here's to another day of waiting around!! DH is away to work. I might go back to bed for a bit! No idea what I am going to do today!!

lol lots of chatting last night!!

Hope you ladies managed to get some :sleep: time :hug: :hug:

kmac, I'm the same, no idea what to do with myself..... OH back at work today... sooo lonely :oops:

Julie - good luck for your sweep today :D hope it does the trick...

ok here's a question.... see when baby's head starts to engage.... is that them "locked" (in a sense!) or do they still move about from side to side? sorry if that doesnt really make any sense!!! :lol:
morning all hope some of u managed to sleep!
Mel i got a V pillow for xmas, and i sooo wish i got one earlier!! (when i do sleep,) i sleep sooo much better with one!!

LS i think that once the heads engaged they can still wriggle, mines been engaged for weeks and wasfully engaged at last appt, and she still manages to move about loads and wedge her feet in some sore places lol! the head can also unengage!

aww sorry your hubbys are back at work!! my OH supposed to go back monday but hopefully i will go into labour and he will get his paternity on top of his xmas hols so a nice long break for him!!hes not coming round today i dont think either so im allalone too lol

ooh have u had ur sweep julie let me know what its like and how mortifying it is lol!!

think i may also return to the pitt kmac... nothing better to do and cud do with a few more hours lol!! x

:wave: to anyone else
:wave: Good morning everyone.

Gosh how many of us are now over due? :hug: to Kmac, Julie84 and christmasbabygirl hopefully it shouldnt be too long now!

We are having the day sorting out the house - tree is coming down and we are going to rearrange the front room ready for the baby's stuff :D My friend dropped off a huge bag of maternity clothes which I need to sort out - bit late but some of them will be good for afterwards so I will put them away for a couple of weeks.

I actually slept last night which was lovely but I did miss your middle of the night chat :-)

Jane x
hi everyonesome babys come soon i hope my baby comes early so i dont have to have the csectin :pray:
Hello! :wave: Still here.

Haven't had my sweep yet but I feel asleep on the sofa for a while - I hope I didn't miss the midwife... :doh: I wish she would give me a more precise time than just 'Friday' (although the one time she did give me a time she was 2 hours late! :wall: )

I actually thought things might have started to happen after I said I was going back to bed last night. Alas, it only last an hour or so and we are very still very much as one! :roll:

LS - they still have a good wriggle when they are engaged but they can also be naughty and disengage (either slightly or fully). :roll: These babies definitely seem to have the upper hand!

ROM - glad you got some sleep last night. It's so nice when you wake up after a nice sleep as it's so rare later on! Have fun sorting through your clothes.

Kmac and christmasbabygirl - :hug: :hug: :hug: Just because I think they may well be needed!
Thanks Julie :hug:
I think I am entering the very fed up stage now!
And my bump is either wriggling like crazy or ominously quiet - I guess it needs to sleep sometimes! Are the rest of you finding that too? I don't want to start fretting about movements again!! :roll:

Have only had 2 texts today asking me if anything has happened, no phone calls yet - makes a change!

I am going out for a bit - meeting up with someone I met at ante natal class - just going to the local garden centre which is becoming my second home - it's only a 5 minute drive and they have an amazing selection of cakes!! :D
(I am starting to wonder how much extra weight I might have put on while pg!)
kmac said:
And my bump is either wriggling like crazy or ominously quiet - I guess it needs to sleep sometimes! Are the rest of you finding that too? I don't want to start fretting about movements again!! :roll:

Exactly like that. I'm not sure if I even had 10 movements yesterday but today she's been having a rave in there.

My midwife still hasn't materialised and I don't know who I'm more fed up of waiting for - midwife or baby! Will try and ring her again now. :wall:

I'm very fed up too - but just think, even if the naughty babies don't try to escape themselves we will be cuddling them one way or another next week! :hug:
hi ya girls

ive just been for my 36 weeks blood test. Cant believe how fast time seams to be going.

Im happy for baby to make an appearnace from next week,

Hope you all well, x x
Julie84 said:
kmac said:
And my bump is either wriggling like crazy or ominously quiet - I guess it needs to sleep sometimes! Are the rest of you finding that too? I don't want to start fretting about movements again!! :roll:

Exactly like that. I'm not sure if I even had 10 movements yesterday but today she's been having a rave in there.

That helps put my mind at ease. Thanks :hug:

Julie84 said:
[My midwife still hasn't materialised and I don't know who I'm more fed up of waiting for - midwife or baby! Will try and ring her again now. :wall:

That's ridiculous!! Did you get her on the phone??

Julie84 said:
[I'm very fed up too - but just think, even if the naughty babies don't try to escape themselves we will be cuddling them one way or another next week! :hug:

Well, when you put it like that.... :shock:
Finally managed to get hold of her (well she phoned me as I'd left a few voicemail messages :oops: ) She apologised and said she must have transferred things to her new diary wrongly as she had me down for Monday. :roll: I've been so very fed up today and there wasn't even anything on telly.

Anyway she has just left and it wasn't as horrific as I thought - not pleasant but I'd probably choose it over a blood test. :wink:

I can't read her writing especially well but she has put 1cm dilated (and she said she could feel baby's head as it was pushing so hard on the cervix!) and it's effacing nicely. Anyway, more importantly (as that doesn't necessarily mean anything) she seems quite confident baby will arrive this weekend. :pray:

After nothing, this sweep has given me the worst period pains ever so hopefully it has done it's job. I'm going to jump in the bath now and wait for Neil to come home as I'm going to insist on a takeaway I think! :wink:

Don't worry about your sweeps. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so worried last night and have been getting myself very wound up all day but it wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be in my head. Fingers crossed you start before you get to when your sweeps are booked though. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well ive been having a few BH since having a good sort out of the dining room and kitchen, prob means nothing but i seriously want things to happen now :pray:
Any developments julie?

Calm down mel and get back in line!!! :D

Well I have now done the deed. It was much nicer than expected so now I feel a bit guilty I have been depriving hubby for a while! He is now sound asleep and I am feeling for any twinges or pains!! Anyone else still up?
Me I'm up! :wave:

Nope nothing really - bit of a bloody show but that's no surprise really considering what happened. I slept for ages after tea so am wide awake now. Have a bit of tummy ache but nothing that feels promising!

Glad you had a nice time with your hubby. Hope it does something for you (as it did bugger all for me despite multiple attempts! :oops: Even Neil got fed up of it! :rotfl: ) He seemed quite relieved when I said it might be the last time for a little while on new year's day! :oops:

Mel, strictly no queue jumping! :shakehead: You've only got a week to wait though! :hug:
:wave: hello!

A bloody show is a good sign isn't it?

If I got any signs of anything happening I don' know if I'd be really excited or totally panicking!!
It's a good sign - it's just it wasn't really anything to write home about. I've probably had more blood from a paper cut before! :oops: :rotfl:

I must say I got a couple of pains last night and one of them I had to actually concentrate on not crying through it and I suddenly though what the hell have I done, I don't want to go through lots of pain! :oops: Baby obviously heard me as no more pains since! :roll:

What are we like on here at 2.30am?! I had good intentions to do the rest of my ironing so I could finish packing my hospital bag but just can't seem to find the motivation. :oops:
I've had no pains of any sort. Don't think I've even had any braxton hicks!
I hope there is a baby actually in there!

Get your hospital bag sorted girl!
I'm just lying here trying not to disturb hubby. But he can sleep through anything. I just had a major coughing fit and he never moved.
Trouble is typing on my I touch is a bit of a faff and seems to take me ages!

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