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hi all hope we all had a good new year and cant wait to meet my baby on jan 13th now but im getting scared about having another section again :(
Mel&Bean said:
Holy crap just rialised, im due this month :shock:

Me too scary now :shock: keep thinking am i ready have i got everything! At least i have finished work :cheer:
Well my theory that planning a party might lead to someone deciding to make an appearance and ruin my plans didn't work! :roll: Still we had a nice little gathering at my house and I insisted on paper plates and cups so the house took 5 minutes to look nice again after everyone had left. :wink:

I've got the midwife coming round to do a sweep today (which is why I am pacing about desperately willing baby to come!) I'm not looking forward to it at all (and just don't think it will have the desired effect). I blame Neil, she is obviously being stubborn and lazy like her daddy already!! :roll:

Come on baby, you only have a a week left now before they want to induce! :wall:
Grrr i should really be in bed but im sat hee eating Doritos, mmmmm yummy, i want proper milk though, we only have skimmed and itsa like white water :cry:
ooh iv got a sweep on sunday im dreading it lol! if i get any signs before then im gonna turn it down and just let nature take its course! just dont really fancy that at the mo lol, plus to be honest im not in that much of a rush to get her out anymore! the further away the labour, the better lol! do feel like i just sit awake alll night waiting for something to happen though lol!! x
i was the same a few weeks ago but now the fear of the pain is making me not mind so she can stay put lol. ooh doritoes, do we have any dips?
i cant wait for thepain, BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!
we have salsa but i dont like it:( so just plain for me, but i have now got a lovely creamy glass of milk had to add cream to my white water they call skimmed :rotfl:
christmasbabygirl said:
do feel like i just sit awake alll night waiting for something to happen though lol!! x

I'm with you there. I keep thinking I can feel my tummy tightening and then realise it's just a big bony baby bottom moving from one side of my tummy to the other - I'm glad somenoe can get comfy!! :wall:

I refused the sweep on Monday (I was only one day over then) but midwife said even if I don't want a sweep at 40+5 (today) she wants to have a look to see what if anything is going on. And after the indignity of her rooting about in there, she might as well do a sweep while she is there I suppose - at least I might get a baby that way!!! :pray:
I wish my middy would take a look up there see if owts going one, they generally qwont concider a sweep till quite far over your due date here i dont think, ive already tried to blag a c- section at 37 bang on but no can do :rotfl:
Ooh, I did nachos earlier - stuck some grated cheese on top and whacked it under the grill and then scoffed them with guacomole and sour cream. Yum!

We only have full fat milk (or blue milk as I like to call it!) as I can't stand anything else on cereal and certainly can't drink skimmed/semi-skimmed on it's own. It's so watery. I blame my nana who always used to save my the cream off the top of the gold top for my porridge when I stayed at her house - that was practically solid (but tasted so nice - my poor arteries!)
wish i had ur posative attitude mel!!!! u brave woman lol! iv got full fat here ill swap a swig for a handful of crisps lol

your midwifes keen! there gonna do me on sunday, so ill be a week over. didnt get offered one wen i went yesterday at 3 days over. but i think i wud hv sed no anyway to be keeps tricking me too, im like omg my tummys hard is that a tightening?? noooppe its just tubby tubbster in there rolling around lol!

i know im dreading the internals you loose all ur dignity when ur preggas dont ya ladies!! iv been getting twinges and little dull pains now n again but nothing regular or intense just in my pelvis and stuff so its nothing x

omg nachos with cheese u are making me drooool lol!!!
Well concidering my labour with Hope was 38 hours ill just say im a bit mad :rotfl:
twas the only thing left at the shop, and you can tell its pap as even Hope wont drinkit and shell guzzle anything haha.Its not so bad now but was really weak earlier,
Its oh fault im awake tonight, i gave him my V pillow to lay onh while we watched a film as he couldnt see the telly and the git has just kept it to himself, byrights though he deserves it, he has had a dicky tummy all day and still got up with Hope so i got another lie in bed, hes beign an angel atm :hug:
I think my midwife only offered me a sweep at 40+1 as my previous appointment at 39+2 (2 days before Christmas) all I did was moan the whole time - when I got home she had written 'feeling very fed up' in my notes!

The general course of action round here is first sweep offered at 40+5 and then I think they play it by ear as to the result of that as to when and how many more sweeps before induction at 40+12.

I just want my baby now!! My mum was cuddling the shawl I had bought for baby earlier and all that was missing was baby. :( I have a feeling I won't get a look in when baby is here though. My brothers and sisters have already started arguing about which order they get to hold her in and how long each one's turn is! My baby brother Jack is enjoying making sure all her toys are okay though! ;)
I might ask what they do atmy surgery next time i go, just to be nosey, inever had one at my middy appointments as went into labour on my due date so will see. God im getting so impatient though,i really want my baby now :(
yeah i think they got the hint that i wasnt too keen on the sweep thats why they put it off till a week over, then they will induce me at 40+ 10/12. i dont use msn but might get an account soon- sorry. yeah u shud ask about it n ask how long they let u go over b4 they do it as it varies, i dont think ul go over if this is ur 2nd and u had hope on time tho.

aww i know i keep folding and unfolding blankets and clothes lol im also worried about no cuddles!!! luckily im hopefully planning to breastfeed, if that goes well then noone else can feed her lol so my excuse to get her all to myself.. my friend sed when she had her little boy evry1 else wanted to hold him all day so she actually enjoyed waking up wth hikm for night feeds and changes as it was the only time she got alone with him in the early weeks x
I think ill go over, i can just feel it. Im not so fussed really its so close now so im sure i can wait that little bit longer :D
Right bed time for Melly i think now, i may be up again very shortly though haha, Hope you girls get some sleep, im gonna go wrestle oh for my pillow back :wave: :sleep:
hmm i dont think ul go over i can feel it in my waters as they say lol, not long now like u say!. night girlies im off now too gonna try and get some sleep! good luck with the sweep julie!! hope its not too uncomfy and hope it gets things movin!! x

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