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Try pineapple,for the last 4 i was eating it and just been told it should have been going in a different hole :oops:
Hi ladies!! :wave: :wave: Just thought I would pop in and say hello and I hope you all have great christmases!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
christmasbabygirl said:
sueken said:
Try pineapple,for the last 4 i was eating it and just been told it should have been going in a different hole :oops:

ARe you serious?!?! is that true? surley it would burn :shock:

I don't think I'm that desperate! :oops: More than a small amount of pineapple makes my mouth raw (and I think you need to eat 6 or something for it to have any chance of having an effect). I don't fancy going into labour with a mouthful of ulcers! :shakehead:

Christmasbabygirl - are you feeling any better? Have the antibiotics kicked in yet? Hope you are being well looked after. :hug:

Luckily I have only had two people ring me so far to ask if anything had happened. Neil on the other hand is getting badgered left right and centre and is getting really stressed about the whole thing (which I find hilarious!)

I suppose I really ought to go and finish packing my hospital bag.... :shhh:
eeek have u not packed it yet then? get ur bum in gear girl lol !
Yes i am feeling alot better today is the first time i left the house since xmas day lol! i am foookin tired though! went to OHs parents and his sis gave us 100 pound for baby and his dad gave us 300 but there gonna hang on to it and were gonna take bits as we need it as we have everything for now. he also got 100pound off his dad for himself and has some to come off his mum.. spoilt lol!!! bless them. then we went 2 town so im pretty tired but feel good to have had some fresh air!
still have the runs too :oops:
Iv only had 2 texts lol whoo! xx
christmasbabygirl said:
eeek have u not packed it yet then? get ur bum in gear girl lol !

My nice hospital pyjamas and going home clothes are in the ironing pile which I keep avoiding! :rotfl: I just can't be bothered! :oops: Other than that it's just my hairbursh and snacks etc which Neil can throw in if need be - I don't imagine anything is going to happen too quickly (or anytime soon!) :roll: Baby stuff is all ready to go - that bit was fun! :wink:

Glad you are feeling better and how nice to get all those gifts of money. It's nice to have a little bit stashed away somewhere for you to fall back on if you need it.

I went food shopping today and had to keep stopping because of Braxton Hicks (I stopped in convenient places so I wasn't blocking aisles or anything) but the filthy looks I got, I thought it was the season of goodwill! :roll: :talkhand:
Hello ladies. I should say good morning but that would be taking the piss at nearly 4 am. Im only up coz i fancied chocolate :rotfl: so i have eaten some celebrations.
I have done somethign stupid you know, i said to gal 'are ou gonna poke me from 37 weeks as it may help baby come out' well he wont bring his little guy near my hoo ha what so ever as ive made it 'dirty' what ever he means by that i dont know. What do i do, i wouldnt mind but im really horny now, so much so when we were playing mario cart last night i went from getting 1st place every time to 12th as i couldnt stop thijnking bout getting some naughties, but he wont :roll: well he just wont do sex but thats just not the point is it.
Sorry i rambled, hows everyone :wave:

There ya go mel :lol:
I could have done with choc at 3 am you cudda bought me some!!

Oh thats not too bad julie i have no pjs in mine as i keep getting them out to wear them becos iv got none clean due to doing no washing :oops: also i need to put snacks in but that can be a last min thing. i really enjoyed doing the babies stuff lol iv packed and repacked it 1000 times tho!!

I havnt had braxton hicks or if i have then iv not noticed! no other signs STILL either but i still have the runs :oops: and im getting worried as iv had it since xmas eve?!!!
Aww im sorry how rude of me, id offer one now but more then half a box has gone and i only opened it 2 days ago :oops: hes gonna kill me.
Plus i got some with one of those :wink: not the same though, i want some spunk :rotfl:
2 days ago and theres STILL half a box? thats remarkable mine wud be gone in the hour lol!
oh and i dont wanna know unless there are malteasers and galaxy truffles aplenty lol! :talkhand:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
I know they need to invent one that comes for us due/overdue ladies lol!! x
you can have the truffles, they are pap but im afraid ive scoffed all the malteaser ones :rotfl: they should make chocolates with prostoglandin in for the over due ladies, but then again it would mean it would have to go up your fuff, i aint wasting lovely chocolate on my muff :talkhand:
lmfao we are SO going on dragons den with that idea!
Somebody put on here that if u swallow it it works better?? spunk i mean lol!!!
that wud b gd if it did then i dont have to go through the great ordeal of having sex lol.
no i am not wasting good chocs up my foo either!!!! if only we had taste buds up there :rotfl:
I jumped on Neil at about 4am (well as I couldn't sleep and there was nothing better to do! :rotfl: ) and he graciously obliged. It wasn't quite so romantic when the first thing he said afterwards was ' so, are you in labour now?!' :oops: :roll:

I feel awful today though - I think I've managed to catch yet another cold. :roll:

Also, does anyone else feel like time has just stopped? 40 weeks whizzed by but the last 3 days seem to have been the longest of my life! :bored:
Julie84 said:
Also, does anyone else feel like time has just stopped? 40 weeks whizzed by but the last 3 days seem to have been the longest of my life! :bored:

I'm with you there!
does it only work if they come inside you or can just the movement make it work aswell lol sorry for gross question!

Sorry ur still feeling crap julie, will soon have ur little one in your arms and it will all be worth it!! iv had no more signs still! midwife said she is very low today and fully engaged soooo..\

iv got a strech and sweep on sunday if nothing happens before then.dont really fancy it though :puke:

hmm i wonder if either of us will have a new year baby?the race is still on for me and julie and anyone else due!

to be honest it is still going pretty quick for me! sorry for those who its dragging for it must be sooo frustrating!!! xx
fook me the pressure in my foof is huge right now, i am walking like someone whos shite themselves :oops: holy crap this hurts
Hi Everyone!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope you are all well! :D

I've just realised I'm on the last baby on my ticker... :shock: :shock: :shock: aaaaaaaargh!

Happy new year ladies!!
Congrats on the last baby Lisa!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Happy new year to you all

Janurary babies roll on.... im going to meet my soon soon :dance:

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