Chat thread!

Ridiculously fed up! 3 days late now and worried about it coming xmas day.........

Also fed up with the endless stream of text messages saying 'any sign of the baby?', 'have you had the baby yet?' etc - like I wouldn't tell anyone! :evil:

And my MIL keeps texting and ringing constantly - even to tell me she is nipping up the shop in case we need to get hold of her! My DH is so fed up of waiting, he has gone off to work despite being on annual leave - he will get time & a half so worth it financially and we are just tripping over each other in the house coz everything is ready to go!
I'm torn - fed up and want my baby but also don't really want her to have a birthday so close to Christmas!

Hopefully the festivities will keep me occupied (also my dad's and uncle's birthday on 30th and 31st) and she will arrive in January and make the most boring month much more excitnig!!

But I'm still going to be fed up and uncomfortable I bet!! I think it was the sudden splurge of babies being born on here - I'm so very jealous! :oops:
Hi allll
Congrats to all who have had there LO's! very happy for you but has to be said..very very jelous lol!!
im also verrry fed up of the waiting now..9months is a long bloody time to be preg isnt it girls!! i reaally want her out now im fed up of being breathless and too big to put my shoes on and get out of the bath lol! getting so impatient now just want her here! idont mind if she comes on xmas day, or how close to xmas it is just want her out haha!!! get out now bubba! i do feel like she has dropped as iv got alot of room in my ribs now and i havnt had heartburn today for the first time in months! im gonna go n have a bounce on my ball i think!

:hug: to all those overdue, i know i will go overdue too just my luck lol!
Hi Everyone,

Sorry not been on the chat lately...been ill with the horrible cold/flu thing going around...feel lousy! :( off work today, hoping to get back in tomorrow though as its our secret santa at work and also need to tie up loose ends before I go on mat leave!!! Couldnt bare the thought of going back in January to do that!

Had 34weeks midwife appointment today, she said everything looks fine, measuring 35cm which shes happy about, baby heartbeat, wee, BP all good and baby is head down at the pelvic brim.... :cheer: :cheer: she wrote on my notes 5/5 for 5ths palpable...which makes me feel fab! (although I know its the same as getting "Free" written!)

Hope everyone is well.... :hug: :hug: :hug:

congrats to all those who have popped recently and :hug: :hug: :hug: to all those nearly/overdue
Well hello ladies congrats to everyone whos popped recently i dont know if im coming or going at the mo with little blake but its great i love it :D

Sorry i havent got time for more chit chat but having to type one handed as blakes a bit clingy today
:wave: everyone - life is so hectic here at the moment trying to get ready for Christmas Day and its our wedding anniversary on Christmas Eve!! Yesterday I made 96 mincepies and today I have to do two large hams - that along with the food shop and picking up our present from my Mum is going to make it a really busy day again :D

Love to all you ladies who have had their babies and :hug: to all those waiting.....

Jane x
Morning Ladies....... :wave:

I havent been on the chat threads for ages, so many apologies!!
What an exciting time its been recently though, with so many new babies!! :D

Off to see the MW today, for my 36 week appointment - not sure what happens next as my LO is definitely still breech - I guess a presentation scan to make sure???

If I dont make it back on here before Xmas (Im sure I will), then I hope you all have a wonderful day on Thurs :hug: I wonder if there will be any Xmas Day babies??
Saw the midwife today - she wrote 'feeling fed up' in my notes so I think I must have moaned a bit! :oops: She is coming round to my house on Monday and said she would like to try a sweep if nothing has happened by then (I'll be 40+1) but I'm not sure whether it might be worth waiting until after new year (or leave natuer a little bit longer)...? I expect I shall be even more fed up and miserable by then but it is my uncle's and dad's birthday on the 30th and 31st and it just might be easier to wait a bit?

It's my own blimming fault for saying all along I wanted her to have a January birthday and not taking into account how slowly the time passes once you get to single figures!! :wall:
Hey girls. How are we all?
Im starting to struggle alot with walking now, just walking to the bottom of my road today gave me the worst back ache, never had it this bad withhope and she was back to back too. I have also noticed ,my bump has shrunk conciderably :( has anyone else who has had a baby back to back noticed that too?????
Hey everyone! :)


Mel - I've noticed my bump changes from looking huge to looking bit flat when baby switches about from front to back...

Hope everyone is well! Thats me OFFICIALLY finished work now! (mat leave starts on 5th Jan, but am now off for xmas!) and my god does it feel weird..... I really dont think its hit home yet as to why I'm off! :oops:
Howdy girlies how we all doing? its a bit quiet in here isnt it hope your all well :hug: :hug:
hi ya girls

how are you all? Im good cant believe i got just over 4 weeks til due date, i soooo excited to meet my little man :dance:

Ive got to have my bloods taken this week at some point. then week after ive got midwife.

:dance: :hug:
Right - i have had a hot curry, going to bounce on my ball once i have digested a bit, and I am contemplating doing the deed later on....
What else can I do?
I want things to start moving NOW!!!!!!
Hi everyone!

Hope you are all well and had a good xmas!!?? As you can prob tell by my ticker I had a VERY good xmas, as OH popped the question on Xmas day! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Soooooo happy! :D

Not much happening here, doesnt feel like LO is ready to come out any time soon.... prob a good thing but I'm getting impatient now!

seeing the midwife a week on friday and it feels like a lifetime away!

Kmac...hope things get moving for you soon ...pineapple is another one to try..... erm...heard some evening primrose oil capsules there can help ripen the cervix too.... lol

Has anyones baby dropped/engaged yet? I've been told my bump looks slightly lower but doesnt feel like he/she is any closer to engaging!
Also if/when did you start loosing any plug?

love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
congrats LS! whooo sounds like u had a lovely xmas!!
My bubs has been 3/5ths engaged since about 32 weeks i think? still not moved any further and they dont think she will untill labour

bloody hell its quietend down in here in the last few weeks!!!
hope everyones ok, this part of my preg has gone sooo quick so hopefully it goes quick for you ladies too! im willing bubba to hold on a bit longer till this virus is gone completley! and also i hate to admit it but im still shaking with fear just thinking about the big L word lol!!! lots of labour dust to due ladies! and :hug: to everyone else!
morning ladies, how is everyone. I have tummy ache today, all over my bump and its doing my head in big time :lol: Going to the middy again today, i seem to live in her office, i may just take a sleeping bag with me :rotfl:
Now completely weaned off my tablets too, woo hoo :cheer:
Hello all, hope we are all well today.

Midwife has just been and I politely refused the sweep (I don't think baby is ready and I don't fancy the indignity while I'm still feeling a bit rotten) so she will be returning on Friday to 'assess the situation then'! :rotfl:

Baby has been fully engaged for weeks now (it actually feels like she might drop out at any point - if only it was that easy! :roll: ) but other than that - nothing. No show, no plug, no nesting (which would be really useful! :oops: ) etc etc. I'm actually reasonably content at the moment though, my midwife seemed more upset that baby wasn't keen on making an appearance any time soon than me. I've just decided that even if she doesn't appear of her own accord it's only days until they decide to induce so I will be cuddling her soon either way (although I would prefer her to make the decision when to come rather than the NHS really!)

Kmac - anything happening after your curry/ball/nooky session?! :wink:

Love to all :hug:
:wave: just a quick catch up as we have been so busy over the past few days.

Cant believe that we are now waiting for more babies.... its going so quickly - Kmac any news honey?

Mel sounds like you could go any day too.... the scary thing is before too long it will be my turn to be waiting.... :shock:

We are off to the sales today to buy the last of the stuff we need and then tonight I plan to pack our bags :D I will feel better when they are all sorted and waiting... The nursery is nearly finished and looks gorgeous I think - I'll take some pictures later.

Hope everyone is OK and things start to happen soon for those waiting... :hug:

Jane x
Just back from midwife. Head is a bit more engaged but apart from that nothing is happening. She tried to do a sweep but couldn't. It was really sore. And she wrote in my notes "failed sweep as too tense". So now i feel like it's my fault. Looks like there is nothing going to be happening any time soon. I feel totally deflated and annoyed that DH took the day off for no reason - we were really hoping it would all start today. I have to go back next monday.
I feel really upset now :(
hi all hope were all okay and some of these babys come soon, i hope mine comes son so i dont have to have the planned csection on jan 13th but i cant see her coming yet :pray:

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