Chat thread!

Leanne: Deffo take the sick leave! You'll be so grateful you did it when you can relax at home hun :hug:

Hmmm, how is everyone feeling about labour? Honestly? We're all so close now...

OK, I'll start :lol: I am shitting a packet! :shock: I think it's because I know roughly WHEN it will happen, that's a scary thought for me?! Being induced isn't the route I wanted to take, but it looks like I have no choice. I'm getting really panicky and worried about it! I know it's all worth it etc when I have Evie, but I still have to go THROUGH it and that scares me! Suddenly it's all become veeeeery real!

I was so calm until now!? Wierd. I think if I suddenly went into labour tomorrow I'd cope a lot better iykwim?! :think:
dannii87 said:
I was so calm until now!? Wierd. I think if I suddenly went into labour tomorrow I'd cope a lot better iykwim?! :think:


I'm not too concerned about labour, I know it'll hurt, but EVERYONE says it's worth it. Now I'm pretty much at my due date I'm ok with it happening now, but I hate not knowing when, and I'm feeling exactly like you and scared of being induced.
Labour doesnt scare me either lol Woman have done it for years so it cant be too bad :rotfl:

Im excited and cant wait.

:hug: Dannii you will be fine hun, you are a brave lady :D

dannii87 said:
Hmmm, how is everyone feeling about labour? Honestly? We're all so close now...

Im blinking not :( I still have 3 months lol! :wall:

Im ok with labour! When I was in tri 1 and 2 I was petrified! Not sure why but absolutely scared to death! But now I cant wait! Odd as it sounds! Makes it easier that I kinda know whats coming though! I think your even worse hun because you are waiting on it! Then got to the date and more waiting! I think if/when I go over I will start to stress about it!
I'm still feeling really relaxed as far as labour is concerned, more worried about the internals actually! but put a post up about that in ask a mum. I'm getting fed up of people telling me LO will come early, its driving me mad! They keep phoning to see if I've had any "signs"!. Wish I hadn't told anyone they are slightly engaged because thats when it all started! Should have kept my mouth shut! They will come when their ready and not before! Oh and family seem to think that when I am in hospital having LO its a nice day trip out for them all! They've kind of invited themselves to sit in the hospital and "wait for news"!! I've told OH and my parents not to tell anyone when I am in labour and just let everyone know when LO has arrived.
Dannii you will be absolutely fine, your a strong woman and I'm sure you will cope really well
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Laura, that would drive me crazy. I'm getting it this week, but would've eloped it it had started sooner.

What is it with due dates? I'm tired and moody as hell :/
Dad's due over in an hour, I want to have a birth and cheer up!
Woo, grumpy again. I'm that awful combination of bored and lazy, I fancy making cupcakes but can't be arsed to get off the sofa!
Ive been docs this morning!
I have been researching the use of antidepressants a lot recently (with me being so bad again) and I found that the pro's for taking them now far far outweigh the cons! So had a chat with the doc and discussed everything and she agreed that it would be so much better for me and baby to take them again! So I agreed but said I would prefer Prozac as they are the most researched and basically come up best in this situation! Also Im going to try taking one every other day to see if just that little bit is enough to help yet without feeling that Im taking too much or cause me to have any more hypermanic episodes!
So i feel much better about it all now!
Also she had a quick feel for me and babs could be either head down, or head up hahaha Shes funny my doc! But for today shes not lay across me like she has been for the rest of the time! I forgot to get full length stockings :wall: and something for my heartburn (though tbh Im going to get some bicarb in now its getting worse so not to bothered)
Lea, good luck with the tablets, Ive been off the anti-d's for a few years, but I think I may have to go back to the Dr's soon.

Nicky, I was bored & lazy yesterday, it drove me mad!! How are you doing now?

Nothing major to report here, tired & grumpy & sick of the rain!! Just waiting to hear about Dannii!!

:cheer: chat thread!

Hey girls! :wave:
I have been painting the bubbas room hurting now lol.
Gone for the highly original "dunno the sex so lets go for yellow" option :roll:
And have the Winnie Pooh range of accessories from Mothercare (although ordered on line as its all 20% off :cheer: ), just gotta put border up when it comes, and hang curtains! Thought Id better get it done now while bumps small enough to cope with, and OH is hardly ever here with his crud job (how I ever managed to get impregnated by him I'll never know :rotfl: ), so at least its done :dance:
Appetites starting going through the floor due to lack of space in there (after what Ive pigged out on the last 6 months, its about time!)
Gonna enjoy my two weeks off (although must paint over the gopping colour in the bathroom :roll: ), then four weeks in work then mat leave!!! :cheer:
My lifes one big countdown this year !!! :roll:
LOL NW Yay on painting the nursery!! :cheer: I still havent done it! :roll: Really want to but just cant get the urge! So because I dont OH doesnt either! :roll: Hes like a child! I have to suppervise everything he does! I keep going out somewhere like shopping with my sis and coming home hoping he will have suprised me but no :( heehee
My first boys room was yellow and winnie the pooh!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
My appetite has gone pretty much too! Im drinking things like Horlicks to get the extra vits lol and one cup fills me up! :shock:

Lisa thanks hun! Hope your in a better mood today!! :hug:
Awww :hug: Im just glad its a small room...dunno if Id of had the oomph to paint it otherwise :rotfl:

:shock: at one horlicks filling you up!! Mind you Im getting that way! Ah well at least Im not scoffing enough chocolate and crap for five :roll:

Im meant to be painting bathroom...but I woke up and Mums started it!! And theres not enough room in there for the three of us once bump enters the room!! So Im relegated to the sofa and t'interwebnet...yay! Go Mum!! :rotfl:
Yay on mum doing the bathroom hahah I need to do my bathroom too! :doh: I have mad mad urge to do them when I cant like at midnight or something stupid! Then in the day when I can I find other things to do lol!
Lolas room is tiny! Would actually take about half hour to do lol :lol: I will do it! I will I will!! (yes this is me trying to get the urge!) Cant today though as Joes other lads are coming! (well 3 of them) so with 6 kids in the house not a good idea!! :shock:

I love horlicks! YUM I just ate 2 bourbons! Just 2! Now Im full! :think: In about 10 mins though I wont be again so will just eat something then too! lol something healthier hahahaha
Three words:- one coat paint...cheaters paint but sod it, it only took an hour. Just leave the top cutting in for other half..Ive strained me bump doing that..ouchie!!

Now I want bourbons :shock:
Hahaha :lol: Thats what I got!! Dulux one coat!! hahahaha
I wish I hadnt had the bourbons! :( Heartburn city here I come!! :wall:
Oh crap yea hadnt thought of that!! Damn heartburn taking the bourbon biscuity enjoyment away :wall: :hug:

I actually cant face eating, had a glass of OJ and thats me breakfast done :rotfl:
Hahaha yummmmmm orange juice!! Oh I think Im going to have to send OH to the shop hahahahha
Its official... I have cabin fever and am sick of the town where i live!!!! :wall:

I really want to go out for a drive somewhere n just get out of town but i don't have a car and its pissin me off!!!

My OH is doin my nut in - how DARE he go out and get a job to make our lives more comfortable and leave me at home here all on my own feelin bored stupid!!!!! :rotfl: Pffffft!!! Am not happy :shakehead: he came in yesterday and said hello to the dogs and the boy before he said hello at me.. felt like throwin his sodding cup of tea at him in all honesty!!! :cry: andddddddddddddd what's worse is that the only reason he is treadin round eggshells with me at the minute is cos i'm like a hormonally challenged dragon with PMT!!! :twisted:

Am sick of askin my son to put his clothes in the machine instead of on the floor cos it really fekkin hurts when i bend down there now - sick of jumpin up to answer the intercom when he's out playing, when he don't even come back in to ours but goes in his mate's flat :wall:

Oh and am sick of my baby deciding that bedtime is the time of day where he has to have a humungous wriggle about, kick me repeatedly in the foofoo and then prod me between the ribs until i have to roll away from his daddy.. its not like i can get anywhere near Lee anyways with me bump n as for sex pfffft :talkhand: would seriously love to but everytime i feel remotely frisky my bits start stinging like i got a basketball shoved up there and it puts me right off!!!!

Infact everything and everyone is pissin me off at the minute but the good news is that a lovely friend of mine that lives RIGHT at the other end of somerset, is driving all the way over here today to spend some time with me :D :D :D bless her!!!

I am so sorry for the rant girls.. do feel better for havin a moan though :lol:

Lots of Love to all :hug: xxxxx
:lol: :lol: You rant away hun! Sounds like you need it!! :D :hug:
WOOOO both rooms painted! Now what the eff am I gonna do with my fortnight off :roll: :lol:

Aww Fly bless ya, have some of this :hug: , and what a lovely friend you have coming to see you. Mine havent, and they know OH is in Iraq, I have to go see them :roll: Lazy sods. Just coz they live in town and I dont, sheeesh.

Gaah gotta go do the roast for my folks, having pork today, just so as I can snaffle all the crackling! :cheer:

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