hey girls

for you Lea
Im sure the kids have enjoyed the time off though, even rain and cold is better than school im sure they would say?
im in pain again today, hardly slept last night AGAIN i feel its getting ridiculous now, im going round and round in a vicious circle. I dont want to go on the sick from work, so going to try and push it out, only got 2 weeks 1 day left so hoping i will manage to get through it

although today already my feet and back have started hurting!!!
i think my bump has grown in the past week - which is when all these horried pains started, im just hoping it doesnt get MUCH bigger, but i think this last 2 months or so is when baby grows the most?
I think im going to pack my hospital bag this weekend, i said that last weekend, but its getting so near now i really NEED to pack it! bought a nightie with 'moody cow' on from Primark for when im in hospital - £3 bargain or what!! lol no point spending alot when its just going to be covered in crap and blood!
how is everyone else today?