Chat thread!

Awww looks like a great time!! :D
I want a BBQ now!! :( hahaha 5am?! :shock: haha
Haha, Dannii you are too kind - I know I look bloated, my face in that one of me with the microphone :oops: Eeek!

I have always had the most ridiculous boobies, they were big enough before I fell pregnant but they are flipping enormous now! I'm afraid I will suffocate lil miss when it's feeding time :lol: At least she'll have some nice cushions to rest on, haha!

I was a bit peed off that people didn't leave til 5am :shhh: If I'd had more energy I would have put my foot down and chucked them out, but I'm glad I didn't go downstairs because rumour has it something dodgy was going on in my garden :talkhand: So I'm glad I didn't interrupt but I bloody hope my parent's neighbours didn't see/hear it :pray: (There were only 2 people involved :lol: so it wasn't too kinky, but bloody hell lol)

C xxx
Oh gosh!!
TBH I think I would be annoyed too! Its not like they dont know your pregnant and wouldnt be partying till 5 am with them! :talkhand: :shakehead: And as for the naughty people in the garden!! :shock: :shock: :shock: Thats out of order! What if they did see and your parents go mad at you!? Not something you need while in the last weeks of pregnancy lol!
morning :wave:

hope your all ok!

had a good weekend? :D

Saturday i went shopping with my mum - bought winne the pooh baby bath, baby bag for the pram and i got 4 maternity vest tops from New Look - they were reduced too - 2pk and it only cost me £4 - wooohooo lol

when i got back from shopping (went at 9 got back home at just gone 12!) my feet and back were in agony, i couldnt do anything for the rest of the day but sit and put my feet up - i also felt extremely tired!! :(

Yesteday went shopping to a shopping centre in Doncaster - was only there about an hour - but i could feel my feet and back hurting so kept having to sit down :( - bought some gorgeous baby pink addidas trainers though - soooo tiny!!! :D

only 3 more weeks till my mat leaves start and i seriously cant wait now, im in agony with my back and feet all the time now and just want to go to sleep - still not sleeping good at all!!! :(
Have you spoken to you doctor hun!? They might be able to give you something to help?!
Glad you got out and got some good things though before your feet and back hurt! :hug:

I did nothing all weekend lol! Well nothing as in didnt go out!

I feel sick again today! Its each morning again now! :puke:
I "think" we're going to paint the babies room later! :cheer: Been dying to do it for ages but just havent! I dont want to start it on my own and end up hurting my SPD or something :(
I was going to do stripes on one wall with lighter and darking pink but my dad told me its a bit of messing to do and get right so not now hahaha I will wait until he comes up for a visit and let him do it hahaha (hes a decorator by trade)
I also might do the toilet too! Finish stripping the bathroom and do that tomorrow!? :think:
no havent spoke to doc, i think the fact me and OH are in a single bed and the house is always warm is not helping me sleep - once my Mat Leave arrives (:cheer:) i will be able to have a lie in every day once OH is up at 7am so im hoping i will get some proper sleep then!!!

ooooooh how exciting about painting baby's room - wish we had our own house do be able to do that! but im sure it wont be long!!!! :cheer:
Yeh I cant wait! Joseph has his own room but the other too didnt! :( We were living in a 2 bed flat with all 3 for a while! :(
Yeh Im sure it wont be long! I remember reading baout you going to view a house in "off topic" I think :think: Did you go?
lea m said:
Yeh Im sure it wont be long! I remember reading baout you going to view a house in "off topic" I think :think: Did you go?
Yeah went to see the house - it was a right dump lol! we are both getting agitated now because there is not one house we like, there was one we went to look at, in the perfect location, but the garden was TINY and i wouldnt even call it a garden, the house was nice excect the walls were lumpy and the bathroom needed sorting out BUT it was a nice house, all downstairs was done up - the only other thing was, it was bang next to a field and OH has hayfever so that was a no-no!

i dunno....dont think we'll ever get our own place LOL we definately wont get a place now until Ruby is here - that is definate - im due in just over 7 weeks!! :lol: just got to make most of living with OH parents until we can find our own place!
I always think that things happen for a reason! The reason you didnt find somewhere is because the place your meant to get just isnt available yet etc! Thats my theory hun!

Killer heartburn tonight!! :( :x
Doing my head in! :wall: :wall: :wall:
Not done much today!? Apart from pace around waiting for texts off Dannii and worry everyone that read my small post on the emergency bunker hahaha :lol: (sorry ladies)

Oh I tell a lie lol went to tax the car! Had to go to the DVLA office though about 10 miles away and wait 20 mins to get seen as it was registered disabled and had to change it back! I forgot that was this morning?!?! :think: Feels like days ago?!?!
Morning girls, have been lurking for a few days, but havent felt chatty (Ive been a miserable cow!!) My eldest starts back to school tommorrow & I still havent got her shoes, so will be popping out when Hubby gets home to find some! Had to leave it as late as poss due to the speed her feet grow!! Will be spending today washing & ironning uniforms, what fun!! My other daughter doesnt start till the 11th, then I'll be kiddie free for a few weeks (hopefully!!) Will give me time to get ready for the new one!!

What is everyone up to today?

hope you get the shoes for your daughter hun! :D

I'm at work today, feel crap, in pain, hurting, feet and legs hurting - i only have to stand for a couple of minutes and it feels like i have been stood up all day - i have e-mailed HR to ask if i can bring my maternity leave forward as im in too much pain to work!! :( sorry for the moan!!!!

how is everyone else today??

Leanne, sorry you are in so much pain!! :hug: I think thats why Ive been so miserable lately, Im just so sore & uncomfortable!!!! I cant see why your work wont let you move forward your leave, esp. for health reasons, hope you get an answer soon!!

Yeah i think the fact im not sleeping isnt helping, i cant seem to get comfy - i cant lay on my tummy for obvious reasons, my back i know your not supposed to but i cant anyway because it hurts, so i either have to lay on my right or left side BUT can only lay on one side for an hour at the most because i then get cramp in my leg and arm :roll: so there is no way of having a full nights sleep which is getting me down, then when i come to work im in pain and just want to go to sleep!! argghh its a vicious circle lol - im just hoping :pray: Missy makes an early appearance!!!

:hug: :hug:
Hi girls :wave:
Doesn't look like anyone is still up! I'm so tired but theres no point me going to bed because I can't seem to settle until around 4ish and then when I do finally fall asleep I wake up about an hour later because I'm so uncomfortable! And LO keeps me up all night too! Hope everyone is ok
:hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm up! :wave: I'm always up late, usually until about 2am :oops: Then I'm up every 2 - 3 hours going to the loo or shifting about changing positions in bed etc :wall:

Hope you girlies are all well. I've got a cold sore come up on my lip :( It's very sore and OH keeps teasing me about having the lurgy :( So I keep trying to kiss him to get my own back :rotfl: He reckons he's never had one before, so I keep threatening to give him herpes, muahhaha! Sorry I am gross :oops:

Oh well, it keeps me amused! :lol:
Hi ladies! :wave:
I have been the same Lisa! Ive been so down last few days! Really struggling you know but it will get better! Lol It HAS too I cant go another 12-14 weeks like this! Cant take my pills now as they can affect baby so dont want to risk it! But looks like the minute shes born I will be stuffing my face with anti-depressants (lol no not trying to OD :roll: ) heehee wow that was a crap attempt at a joke hey!? :shock:
My kiddies start back at school on the 8th! Poor kids have had a crap summer hols :( Constant rain and cold! :(
Leanne I think you should get a sick note hun! Your really suffering and thats not good :hug: :hug: :hug: I couldnt do it! I can tell you now when you said the other day you were stood at the photocopier for 2 hours and still needed to do more I nearly cried for you! I struggle to stand more than 10 mins with the SPD and the belly aches! You moan as much as you like! :hug:
Lauren & Claire each night I get in bed and lie there till about 2 ish! Then wake up about 4-5am for an hour or two then get up in the morning knackered! Soooooo annoying!
hey girls :wave:

:hug: for you Lea

Im sure the kids have enjoyed the time off though, even rain and cold is better than school im sure they would say? :lol:

im in pain again today, hardly slept last night AGAIN i feel its getting ridiculous now, im going round and round in a vicious circle. I dont want to go on the sick from work, so going to try and push it out, only got 2 weeks 1 day left so hoping i will manage to get through it :pray: although today already my feet and back have started hurting!!! :(

i think my bump has grown in the past week - which is when all these horried pains started, im just hoping it doesnt get MUCH bigger, but i think this last 2 months or so is when baby grows the most? :think:

I think im going to pack my hospital bag this weekend, i said that last weekend, but its getting so near now i really NEED to pack it! bought a nightie with 'moody cow' on from Primark for when im in hospital - £3 bargain or what!! lol no point spending alot when its just going to be covered in crap and blood!

how is everyone else today? :D
Leanne - you really should go on the sick hun, its not good for you being at work, you need to be at home resting. I LOVE Primark! I'm packing my hospital bag this week and gonna treat myself to some new slippers!!

Lea & Claire - Hope you both managed to get some sleep last night! :hug: I didn't get a lot AGAIN! Was up and down to the loo and couldn't get comfy. The joys of pregnancy!!
I agree Leanne if it hurts so much you really should give yourself a break and go on sick ! :hug: :hug:
I need to go Primark!! I love the Moody cow ones I love all cows haha
I still have my nighties I wore when I had the others! In fact i might even wear the one I had for Lucy! That would be nice wearing the same nightie! (dont worry lol they aint all stained like you would think :lol: !!)
I agree, take the sick leave option. I can't remember being as bad as you describe at work, so take it easy on yourself.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, hoping for a sweep and maybe some movement soon :)

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