Chat thread!

mel hun have you thought about a little night light, i have always and still do slept with the bathroom light on but have got a low wattage night light for when baby comes :D
yeah we havementioned it a few times, always forget when we go shopping though :lol: Gal is a ******* though, Hope did something naughty this morning and he had to go to work, i said just go ill keep an eye on her, he snapped at me 'you just had your eyes closed how are you supposed to watxh her' Cheeky fucker, i do an ok job during the day nob head as if im just gonna let her run riot, id like to see him running around after about 6 hours sleep in two days :roll: bum clump
:wave: Morning ladies,

Mel, I think Growbag (I think that's what they are called) do a special type of night light purposefully for babies.

Hen, hope your well, can't beleive the way Southmead are treating you, I'd get on the phone and ask to speak to a senior midwife.

Lea, don't be silly, I'd miss you if you didn't post on here. How is little Lola doing? How are the boys and Lucy with her? I reckon she'll be spoilt rotten being the baby of the family.

Sam, have fun making the decorations, I can't wait until Phoebe is a little older so we can do things like that together. Hope your hips not too painful.

ROM, glad you got the pram sorted.

Becky, Have fun with the dog

Jaydesmummy, good luck at the clinic.

NW, we can have a race to see who goes first as I've been booked for a section on the 19 December. Yikes. Hope your well honey.

Lisaspoon, hope the thrush clears up. It isn't pleasant is it, at least you can't reach your foo foo to have a proper scratch.

I am feeling shattered today. Kept Phoebe off nursery yesterday and took her to playgroup which was nice as I got to catch up with friends in the village, we then went to lunch at a friends in town with all my other mummy friends. It was lovely as since I've been back at work full time, we haven't seen much of all my friends so Phoebe has lost contact with all her baby friends, but it all just feel into place yesterday and it was like they had never been apart. I then went out for a meal with my mummy friends as one of the is moving back to Canada so it was a farewell dinner. I didn't get home till 11pm, which is so late for me. I feel almost like I have a hangover!! Feel dead rough.

Still feeling sad about my grandad dying, but in some ways its a relief as the last few years he's been so down (since my grandma died) and he's had no real quality of life. I've decided not to go to his funeral as it'll be all the way over in Redditch, and I just worry that if I were to go into labour, it would be horrible to be so far from home as well as the hospital not knowing my pregnancy history fully. I feel bad for not going, but I'm sure he would understand my reasons.

Right I'm off now to do some washing up then have a snooze.

Take care girlies.

B x
Yeah what about a little lamp or something mel??
Hope everyones ok, i never normally post in here due to not being able to keep up!!! especially if i dont come on for a few days then i have a peek and its like whaaattt?! lol!
Its OHs bday today and i feel awful that i couldt get him anything buit i think he understands. got him a nice card with lovely poem in to give him tonight anyway and hell love that im sure! i looked allover for something with dad 2be on but cudnt find anythin!!Had midwife yesterday and the doc gave me a huge lecture for taking too many gaviscon?? i really didnt think there was a dosage limit as i thought all that was in them was chalk! im sooo stupid i felt really thick and wanted to cry!!! he said im allowed 8 a day now and im lucky i didnt kill myself as they have alot of salt in and i could have got salt poisoning lol!! i was soooo :oops: :oops:

Hope your all well anyway, hope ur thrush clears up Lisaspoon, i hate it sooo much and i cant stand having cream down there :puke: so mine never clears up lol!!
Have a great day everybody xxx
I dont think a lapm would work, deffo gonna look into getting a night light, although its not for baby, more for me so i can sleep :oops: My oh thinks im stupicd and should grow up but i cant help what im afraid of :(
:wave: Mel, hope you get some sleep

:wave: Christmas, glad your MW appointment went well

:wave: Bexie, I had a dream everyone had their babies and I was only one left! I think you will beat me lol. Sorry bout your grandad hun :hug:

:wave: Henn, sorry your nhs trust are being such tw*ts to you!

:wave: Sam&Alice, hope you hip gets better

:wave: ROM glad you like the pram!

:wave: Becky! Legs crossed! lol

:wave: Lea, you stick round as much as you like!

:wave: Jaydesmummy, hopé you are well!

Well bubs has turned, and is back to front (I can tell lol), so movements are different, but the bum pushing is painful! Im feeling ok, just tired and achey, but nothing to bad! Still think bubs is gonna be late, so am sitting back and relaxing for a few more weeks lol

:hug: to you all!
Hi hope everyone is ok......only just managed to get myself ready to face the day even tho I woke up at 4! - just got out of the bath! :oops: ho hum, never mind - thats what maternity leave is for right?!
:wave: hi all missed you all loads :hug: glad to see youve all kept them babies in till i got home :D just a flying visit today will explain in seperate post catch up with you all later hugs to all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxx
Hi all hope were all well, i am feeling good today only because its pay day lmao :D

I am still in my pjs as i have only been up an hour but i am itching to go out and spend money :rotfl: :rotfl:

I am buying a new tens machine today as i want one with a boost button as the one i bought doesnt have one and as i am planning on having no drugs i think i will need that boost, if anyone wants my other one its brand new never been turned on with all the pads and everything i will sell it for £15 inc postage it cost me £30 comes in its own travel case etc and full instructions for use in labour.

Well im going to go and get dressed and go and brave the world and get my tens machine, i have a feeling i will be needing it sooner rather than later :D

Welcome back rach hope all is well with you and the babies bet your constantly got your hands full now :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
So much for going out, i had a shower and got dressed, looked outside and decided i cant be arsed lol, i have my tens machine reserved at argos and am meeting daryl to do the shopping at 5 so im going to wait until i really have to go out. :(
:cheer: Great to see you back Rach, I've missed not seeing you on here. Hope Owain and Ryan are both doing well and little Christopher hasn't been missing his mummy too much. Look forward to hearing all about your progress.

I've just got up after a nice snooze as I was so tired after my late night (well late for me, normally in bed by 10 at latest).

Also my present for my Secret Santa person has arrived. It is so difficult buying for someone I don't know, I just hope she likes her pressie.

I'm starting to get scared thinking that 3 weeks today (unless I go into labour before then) I will be with my little baby. It's like a reality hit, OH MY GOD I'M PREGNANT!! I know I've had approaching 9 months to get use to the idea, but like last time, it didn't hit me until I was actually holding my little girl. I have to sometimes look down at my belly just to check I am pregnant and it's not all a dream (forgetting all the ailments!)

Hope your all having good days.

B x :wave:
:wave: yay to last baby Christmas!

:wave: Chok, Im having a lazy one too!

:wave: Rach, good to see you hunni!

:wave: emmie, yay to getting tens, and enjoy shopping!

:wave: Bexie, I keep doing that lol

Im an unsociable bitch today, my OH boss is coming round later, and I said Im gonna hide upstairs :roll: , just cant be arsed making small talk and being sociable. So not like me :lol:
Supposed to be watching a film right now with OH, but hes watching it and I cant concentrate on it so am mooching on here!
ninjawomble said:
Im an unsociable bitch today, my OH boss is coming round later, and I said Im gonna hide upstairs :roll: , just cant be arsed making small talk and being sociable. So not like me :lol:
Supposed to be watching a film right now with OH, but hes watching it and I cant concentrate on it so am mooching on here!

at least its only his boss, i wanna do this when the in laws come round :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i know i am a bitch lmao :rotfl: :rotfl:
Sh*t Bexie you just reminded me about the secret santa! :doh: Thank goodness I didnt miss the posting dates :shock: Thankyou hun!!
Hi Girls! :wave:
Hi Girls,
Hope everyone is well :hug: :hug: I'll do some individual replies tomo, I'll have more time and energy to spend on you all :D

just a wee update.... tried to get cream for thrush from the pharmacy yesterday and they wouldnt give it to me because i'm pregnant...was sooooo frustrated!!!!

So ended up phoning the doctor today to either get an appointment/prescription. Ended up getting asked in for a swab just to check everything :oops: hate swabs... :( anyway, thats done and he gave me a prescription for canesten cream for the weekend until I get the results back on monday afternoon. I asked that if the Group B strep showed again would I need another course of ABs....apparently so! might protest this one since I'll be getting ABs in labour anyway....

on a positive note.. I have my last dose of ABs tonight, so I'm hoping my body can get back to some normality with me stuffing pro biotics and natural yoghurt down it! :D :D
:wave: LisaS, hope you dont need more anti-bs hun

:wave: to everyone who pops in in the morning!
I cant sleep now, my minds on Ruth and Teddie :( Hope everything turns out ok and its just a blip :pray:
I hope everything is ok too! Poor little man! Poor Ruth! Oh gosh I hope we hear some good news soon! :(
I cant stop blubbing for poor little teddy and ruth, hope there both doing well and he has a speedy recovery :pray: :pray:
Morning all...

firstly... love to poochie and teddy..hope eveything is ok :hug: :hug: :hug:

ninja - hope you are ok hun... :hug: :hug:

emmie - glad you got a tens machine you are happy with! I'm looking into getting mine sorted, looking to rent I think, but most dont send out till 2 weeks before due date.... however managed to find one that was 4 weeks may go with that! convinced i'll be going early....however, having said that..prob be 2 weeks overdue!! lol!

Bexie - I'm getting scared too.. still cant get my head around the fact there is a baby coming out! oh well, still 9 weeks to convince myself it IS actually happening! :D

Chok - hope you're having a nice time on mat leave... I cant wait to start mine! Only 17.5 working days left,..I remember when I said it was 35 or something :shock: maybe time is going quickly!!

lea - good to see you hun! we dont mind you gatecrashing! :D

:wave: hen, millie, rach, jadesmummy, becky, Sam&Alice

ROM - glad you got your pram all sorted in the end! Ours is still in the neighbours garage,...probably a good thing otherwise I would be putting it up and down all the time!

Mel - hope you manage to get a good sleep soon.... I had a bad week last week, but the week just past I seemed to have slept like a baby :sleep: no idea why... had no sore hips or anything in bed and not needed my pillows...

christmas - yey for last baby! :cheer: :cheer: glad your appointment went well.

hope i've not missed anyone :hug: :hug:

Not up to much today,... OH away playing football, just had a wee tidy up round the house and going to nip down to asda to get something for the tea tonight.... then settle down for X factor! :cheer:
glad to have finished my antibiotics now... they tasted rank! :puke:
Think we are off shopping tomorrow to get me an outfit for my works xmas party next weekend.... not found anything yet but going for a trouser/top combo....

Hope everyone is well...up to anything exciting this weekend? :hug:

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