Chat thread!

Found out that Grandad had had another heart attack, there is nothing more they can do for him as they diagnosed him with cronic heart faliure earlier this year and basically told him its only a matter of time then so they have just made him comfatable and will be sending him back to his nursing home Friday :o :o

All im thinking now is i really hope he gets to see his great grandson before he passes as he was so excited about meeting him.
Emmie, really sorry to hear about your grandad, hope he manages to hold out to meet your LO :hug: :hug:

NW, I did a lisaspoon last night and dreamt you had your baby.

:wave: Gonna have to dash as DD is screaming her head off!!!!
Morning ladies :wave:
Sorry to hear your sad news girls :hug:
Im not up to writing long replies at the moment but it doesnt mean im not thinking about you all as individuals as i honestly do, its funny how you can get quite attatched to people on here.
Take care girls :hug:
morning :wave:

sorry to hear everyones bad news :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

im not to bad today just got a sorethroat other than that im okay :hug: :hug:
:wave: girls,
Was in a bit of a bad mood yesterday so I didnt come on here...

Babydust - hope you are ok Hun :hug:
Rach - glad the boys are doing well :hug:
Bexie - sorry about your Grandad :( :hug:
Emmie - :( I hope your Grandad stays with you and gets to see your LO
Christina - Glad Bubs had a wiggle! It is worrying when they go quiet!
Charmed - I so so hope that your Hubby can be with you at the crucial time. You are so close now..... :hug:
Ninja, ROM, kmac, Lea, Mel - Hope you're ok
Hen - I know what you mean about becoming attached to people on here - I'm often wondering what various people are up to.....(not in a stalkerish way I promise peeps :lol: )
Jaydesmummy - sorry about the sore throat - so annoying! get some honey and lemon down ya!
Millie - Glad your MW appt went ok, and thanks for asking about mine.........
(ok who did I miss this time?! - there's always someone! DOH) I am FULL TERM!!!!!! :D but the thing is, Junior is still not engaged at all AND is back to back! :(

Think thats a lot of why I had the grumps yesterday. I knew really before I went to the MW that my bump wasnt any lower and that nothing felt any different but I still had a vain hope that things would be going in the right direction...I am worried now that either my placenta is in the way, (as its anterior and it is possible) or that my pelvis is too small for Junior to get into. Also I found out that I still have white blood cells in my urine but they sent off last appts sample to the lab and it came back that there was no infection so I dunno whats going on there :think: ALSO :roll: , my MW is on holiday now til the week Im due so I have to see the other MW who I've only seen once before and she messed up as she had someone else's blood results and couldn't find anything she needed and didn't even bother doing half the stuff she was meant to so I don't really think that highly of her tbh- I am not looking forward to seeing her but I have to wait two weeks for the appt so thats not great either....I just feel a bit down about it all really.

People havwe started saying I look small considering how little time I have left - I was measuring a week ahead up til my last appt and now I am measuring just about right, but that is also worrying me a bit as I feel like Junior might not be growing right..............oh, I dunno - sorry for being such a whinger today, I can't help it :( Just can't help but think I could be pregnant for another 5 weeks whcih seems like ages - I was so looking forward to getting to 37 weeks but I just feel like it doesn't count as it doesn't seem like Junior is gonna be coming any time soon.
I know how your feeling hun time is just standing still for me now :(

My auntie has left for her friends now and when she left she just gave me £30 for baby so i think i am going to stock up on nappies and wipes and stuff as i have loads and loads of oney off coupons which need using up to.

Sending love to everyone and loads of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Everyone :wave:

Sorry not been on much past few days, been feeling a bit under the weather....

Bexie - sorry to hear about your grandad :( hope you are ok :hug: :hug:

emmie- hope your grandad is settled in the nursing home and gets to see your LO :hug:

hi lea, hen, ninja, millie, charmed and christina, :wave:

babydust - good to see you, hope you are ok :hug:

chok - congrats on full term :cheer: hope you are ok tho :hug: hope junior starts to engage for you soon,.... :hug:

mel and jadesmummy - hope you are ok :hug:

Sore throat and cold starting to clear up now, only 2 more days on antibiotics as well....:cheer: which is a relief, really dont think they are agreeing with my system at the (sorry for TMI) but feel a bit "irritated" down below....I just hope its not thrush that has developed from being on the ABs :oops: does anyone know what they treat you with for thrush during it just the pessary and cream? like canesten?

anyway.... my LO has been having quite days too.... worries me sometimes.. then decides to boot me sensless! :lol:

getting my hair cut nice for a tidy up! lol!

hope everyone is ok :D oooo i forgot to mention, our cot arrived on wednesday... all built and looking fab :cheer:
:wave: everyone

sorry to hear all the bad news. emmie - I hope your grandad gets to see your little one. I really feel for you, I have only one surviving grandparent and he's really important to me :hug: and for bexie too :hug:

chok - hope you're feeling a bit less grumpy! I know how you feel, I really can't bear the thought of being pregnant for another 5 weeks! and I am so anxious and excited..I just want this LO out!!

lisaspoon - try counteracting the unpleasant effects of AB with yoghurt. fresh yoghurt down below (though maybe check the safety of this during pregnancy - sure it's fine) and then drinking those probiotics etc. thats what my mum always advises anyway!

:wave: everyone - hope you are well!

Is it normal to be soooooo tired?? I am literally dragging myself around the flat. I slept from midnight until 10.30, got up, had breakfast and napped again for half an hour. Now I am totally shattered again!! I haven't even done anything! I feel like a 90 year old!! So frustrating.
millie - thanks for the advice.... never thought of the au natural methods.. :doh:

will nip up to tesco tonight! :D
Lisaspoon you can use canestan cream and i would probably start using it now before it get worse as that is bloody miserable and if you are anything like me you wont be able to reach your chuffer anymore for a good itch anyway :doh:
hen - lol! nope cant reach my chuff very well either!! hehe! i take it the cream is ok to use then?
ok, so cream, yoghurt and pro biotics...not all in the same place tho! hehe!
:wave: ello!

Have done an individual post for each of you then it bliddy went wrong and cant type it all again. :sleep:
My internet is playing up bigtime, takes about five years to load a page, so having a hard time catching up with threads! :roll:
But Im not ignoring anyone, and Im ok!
Lots of love to you all :hug:
Bexie said:
NW, I did a lisaspoon last night and dreamt you had your baby.


Dont! My mums convinced its gonna be born on 28th of Nov...thats tomorrow!!!

(Im going for the 20th of December :lol: )
Hi everyone!! :wave:
Im kinda feeling like I shouldnt post here now :( I feel sad! I will still post but kinda feel like people think Im silly hahaha :lol:
I think I will keep posting in the chat thread more as like you Hen, I want to keep up with everyone and make sure your all ok!
Im sorry about your grandad Emmie and hope he gets to see your LO :hug:
Sorry your feeling down Chok! :hug:
Ooh babs is making noises!
hi everyone :wave: just a quick hello today as i ned to get dressed and get jayde ready as got the diabetes clinic this morning wish me luck :hug:

hope everyone and the bumps are all doing okay and everyone has a nice day :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good luck with the clinic this morning! Hope it goes well for you!

I'm having another day the same as all the others today except my mum and dad are bringing the dog round as we're dog sitting over the weekend as they're away till Monday visiting my brother and his family then when they're back they're getting the kitchen done so I've offered to keep him till they're done :doh: My poor mum is paranoid that baby is going to arrive this weekend while she's in London! So I'm under strict instructions to keep my legs crossed!

How's everyone else today?
:wave: morning all

Hope everyone is OK - goodness there are a lot of you so very nearly due to have your babies it will be dead quiet in here when you all pop :D

I am still working full time (although spending too much time on here) cant see me being able to give up until my due date really but as I work from home its not too bad :D

Our new pram arrived today - after the hassle of the one with the broken handles and it is gorgeous although i do say so myself - I expect I will be spending all day putting it up and down before my mum makes me take it over to hers this evening as she says its bad luck to have it in the house!! :D

Jane x
hey everyone!! :wave:

how are we all today? I love lazy fridays off work!! :dance:

im going to make salt dough xmas tree decorations with alice today :dance: going to pop to my mums and get our tree so we can put it up this weekend. so excited!! Alice is going to have her own mini tree in her room! we popped into tescos yesterday and all their decorations are on sale so we got her some little pink bits to go on her tree :dance: :dance:

my hip is really playing me up today :( i was ok till i lifted my leg to put my jeans on. getting really fed up with it now!

whats everyone got planned for the weekend?

Hello ladies
Hope you and alice have fun today hun, sorry to hear about your hipthough :hug:

Well im totally fooked,this is gonna sound so daft but im terrified of the dark and for the past 2 and a half years, ive slept with the telly on, well for two nights ive tried to sleep woth nothing on, no lights, telly, anything. Well i have hardly slept a wink, not so much because im scared, i dont know why tbh but its doing my head in, i know i have to crack this for new babies sake but lack of sleep is seriously taking its toll on me now, im so worn out atm.

Hope everyone else is ok xx

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