Was in a bit of a bad mood yesterday so I didnt come on here...
Babydust - hope you are ok Hun
Rach - glad the boys are doing well
Bexie - sorry about your Grandad
Emmie -

I hope your Grandad stays with you and gets to see your LO
Christina - Glad Bubs had a wiggle! It is worrying when they go quiet!
Charmed - I so so hope that your Hubby can be with you at the crucial time. You are so close now.....
Ninja, ROM, kmac, Lea, Mel - Hope you're ok
Hen - I know what you mean about becoming attached to people on here - I'm often wondering what various people are up to.....(not in a stalkerish way I promise peeps

Jaydesmummy - sorry about the sore throat - so annoying! get some honey and lemon down ya!
Millie - Glad your MW appt went ok, and thanks for asking about mine.........
(ok who did I miss this time?! - there's always someone! DOH)
Well.....today I am FULL TERM!!!!!!

but the thing is, Junior is still not engaged
at all AND is back to back!
Think thats a lot of why I had the grumps yesterday. I knew really before I went to the MW that my bump wasnt any lower and that nothing felt any different but I still had a vain hope that things would be going in the right direction...I am worried now that either my placenta is in the way, (as its anterior and it is possible) or that my pelvis is too small for Junior to get into. Also I found out that I still have white blood cells in my urine but they sent off last appts sample to the lab and it came back that there was no infection so I dunno whats going on there


, my MW is on holiday now til the week Im due so I have to see the other MW who I've only seen once before and she messed up as she had someone else's blood results and couldn't find anything she needed and didn't even bother doing half the stuff she was meant to so I don't really think that highly of her tbh- I am not looking forward to seeing her but I have to wait two weeks for the appt so thats not great either....I just feel a bit down about it all really.
People havwe started saying I look small considering how little time I have left - I was measuring a week ahead up til my last appt and now I am measuring just about right, but that is also worrying me a bit as I feel like Junior might not be growing right..............oh, I dunno - sorry for being such a whinger today, I can't help it

Just can't help but think I could be pregnant for another 5 weeks whcih seems like ages - I was so looking forward to getting to 37 weeks but I just feel like it doesn't count as it doesn't seem like Junior is gonna be coming any time soon.