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Hi ya hun, im looking forward to getting snuggled up to watch the x factor to, ive got a big bar of cadburys to enjoy while munching to lmao.

I have been cooking my socks of today, made another 8 meals for the freezer so im really not going to have to worry about cooking when bubs is here, just defrost and go :)

Really tired now though, was supposed to go crimbo shopping this arvo with hubby as hes still got some things to get but it was to cold outside so i couldnt be arsed :rotfl:

Hope everyones having a good weekend :hug:
:wave: Lea,me too. Hope you and lil Lola-Mae are good!

:wave: emmie, aww hun, hopefully all will be well :hug:

:wave: LisaS hope you found something to wear

Well Im off out for a meal with OH tonight, for an indian (not trying to shift bubs, just fancy a curry like crazy!)
And OMG, only 7 days to go :shock:, scary stuff! I really do have a feeling bubs is very comfy and will be hanging round till after, but as long as he/she is happy in there, Im happy to meet them when they ready! :cheer:
Cant believe its so close! :cheer:
lol tis freezing outside!

Thats me settled for the night, just waiting for OH to get home from footie...he's in a bad mood...let in two goals apparently...oh dear! :roll: :roll:

bring on the x factor for some light entertainment! heh!

damn....forgot the big bar of chocolate when i was asdas.... doh :wall: :wall: :wall:
hey babydust! :wave:

Good to hear from you! nice to see your still cooking bubs for a bit longer! :D
welcome home babydust lets hope you can keep bubs in for a couple more weeks :hug:
:wave: Babydust! Glad bubs is still comfy inside

:wave: LisaS, emmie and Jaydesmummy, hope you are well

I went our for curry lasy night...THE hottest curry! Was yummy! Although I ate too much and ended up with the worst trapped wind ever :roll: So had to come home early. Then I apparantley snored really loudly all night, poor OH had put ear plugs in :lol:
Ive lost all mystique and dignity during this pregnancy :lol:
Hello l;adies. I hada decent nights sleep at last :cheer: And had a long nap yesterday afternoontooo, had to have the telly on but oh didnt mind as long as i got my sleep :cheer:
Morning girls :wave:
Crap sleep, my hips keep going dead now and i wake up in pain constantly :? got in the bath to try to help this morning but im even finding that uncomfortable now, i had to wash my hair too so now feel sick, roll on one more week so i can get out the pineapple and start bonking :rotfl:
:wave: Mel, yay to decent nights sleep!

:wave: Henn, sorry you are in pain hun, and get stocked up on the pineapple..although I think Id :puke:
ninja you crack me up, my hubby now thinks i am a fart and burp monster :oops: :oops: They say you loose all dignity when you have a baby they are sooooo right lmao :D :rotfl: :rotfl:
:wave: hey emmie, I STILL have gut ache now, gawd knows how many chillis were in that curry, but I think I had Indias share :oops:
Ive got an asbestos mouth, but not tummy :lol:
emmie said:
ninja you crack me up, my hubby now thinks i am a fart and burp monster They say you loose all dignity when you have a baby they are sooooo right lmao :D :rotfl: :rotfl:
My OH was only saying last night how I kept him awake farting all night as well as snoring!! As well as that I'll constantly burping, all ladylike manners are out the window! :rotfl: :rotfl:

HAd a good day here, been over to the christmas fair with my friend and our DD's spending for chirstmas now LO is having a snooze, so I might pop back over for a better look.

So glad to hear that things are looking better for little Teddy.

See ya
hi everyone have we all had a good weekend?

I didnt get up until half 12 today then got washed and dressed straight away and went crimbo shopping with hubby, i and i am now abosolutely shattered and i only been awake 4 and a half hours lmao :rotfl: :rotfl:

Great news about teddy and ruth :D
:wave: Good afternoon everyone - we've had a really busy weekend but I have all but finished my christmas shopping :-) Just got to get Josh's Wii (spending hours comparing packages online this evening as I am totally confused!!) and a small something for my stepmum but other than that it is all done :dance: Just have to wrap it and write the cards.....

We are now cooking a roast beef dinner with proper beef gravy and yorkshire pudding yummmmmm it smells so good I cant wait for it to be ready and I've got a pavlova for pudding too :D Dave thinks I'm going to share - silly man :lol: :roll:

It was lovely to see Ruth's post - what a terrible time she has had poor love - do they test for strep B normally? I'm worried now......

Jane x
they dont test for group b strep here which is absolutely ridiculous when you realise how serious it can be. :(

Can i come to yours for tea please i sooooooooooo want roast beef and yorkie pubs now :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
You would be welcome - I love roast dinners - we are having roast potatoes cooked in goose fat, roast onions, roast parsnips, baby carrots cooked in butter and sugar, sprouts, leeks in cheese sauce and home made gravy - along with the roast beef and yorkshire....... Sitting here watching the oven :lol: I cant wait..... :lol: Should be ready in about 30 minutes - can you make it????

Think I am going to ask my consultant next week about testing - seems mad as I've just been reading up and its a really quick test - just a simple swab!!

Jane x

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