Chat thread!

I remember the Hungry Caterpillar!! In fact my youngest loves it & every time we go into Borders or Waterstones, we have to find the really BIG version & read it to her!!

Leanne, have a chilled night!!

Lea, glad your appt went ok, sorry that you didnt get a chance to ask all that you needed. I'll probably do the same tommorrow!!

Well, I spent absolutely ages trying to do my Tesco shopping online, my lappy kept freezing & losing the connection..... AARRRGGHHH!!!!! So now Im going to bed to watch Bones in peace!!

Have a good night.

LisaPink said:
I remember the Hungry Caterpillar!! In fact my youngest loves it & every time we go into Borders or Waterstones, we have to find the really BIG version & read it to her!!


I had no idea there was a big version!

Loving the chat thread :)
Oh and, sorry, I'm getting carried away with this thread!!

We just picked up Alex's new toy, another Elise. Can you imagine the sight of a nine month pregnant woman getting in or out of it? It's tiny, and defo not like any other two seater sports car, you sit literally on the floor and have these huge sills to hoist yourself over. It was... a mission! We love it though, very happy :)
Oh geez i cant imagine I would even try to get in that Nicky hahaha
I have trouble getting into a Golf GTI with bucket seats hahhaaha
NickyB said:
LisaPink said:
I remember the Hungry Caterpillar!! In fact my youngest loves it & every time we go into Borders or Waterstones, we have to find the really BIG version & read it to her!!


I had no idea there was a big version!

Loving the chat thread :)

Its HUGE!!!!
Awww yay for the hungry catepillar - one of my absolute all time favourite stories that is :D you seen any of his other stories? they are lush :D

Well I've just noticed that my ticker baby has moved up another space!! :D :D :D :dance: :cheer:

Gettin sooo excited now!

Am mullin over what to do with meself today - i might waddle across town n go see my friend but not if she's in a moanin mood as am not in the mood for that lol or i might waddle down to town n go buy a little greenhouse in the argoos sale.. tother half has got the gardenin bug but at the wrong end of teh season :lol: me thinks his courgette n tomato plants might need some encouragement!! I probably should just spend the day with me feet up cos have had rather a hectic couple of days.. slightly over did it playin cricket with me family on sunday, then went shoppin with MIL on wednesday which was quite knackerin n then yesterday me n mum n charlie went to Longleat for teh day.. was great but full of people - never seen it quite so packed! Charlie got pisswet through on the splashzone in the adventure castle.. had a lovely hour watchin little tiny dots splashin about in their nappies :D nice to see not all parents are paranoid of lettin their kids run free range :) :) :)
:wave: morning girls!!!

its FRIDAY!!!! - thank goodness - im knackered!!!!

one month today i will be leaving for maternity leave and i cannot wait, i am ready to leave now, but will try plod on for the next month!

had a bad night's sleep again last night, i just can't seem to get comfy (not suprising in a single bed with OH lol) and i was getting all hot and sticky, then thirsty, then needing toilet!!! i just want ONE good nights sleep :(

what's everyone upto this weekend?

OH is working in the morning so im taking mum shopping as she wants to buy us a baby bath, i need a changing bag for the pram, going to TRY and find a couple of maternity tops and any other little baby bits i see!!! :D
Good morning ladies!! :wave:

Yeh Nicky the big book is like what they had at school!! (well they did in my school :think: ) so all the class could see it!

Fly Yay on your ticker moving!! :cheer: I think you should put your feet up for a bit! Sounds like you have been doing lots!! :cheer:

Leanne Yay for Friday!! Good luck shopping tomorrow! I hope you find all you need!! :cheer:

Well Im waiting for OH to get back from looking at a car!!
Just by chance I spotted a Ford Galaxy for sale locally for only £650! Im hoping nothings wrong with it but for that price :think:
Would be great though cheap and gets us from A to B! After the clutch going again in my car I just broke down! Ive been so stressed about how to afford a new car and christmas with 8 children to buy for and a new baby with the prams and everything she needs but if we can get that for so cheap then we will be ok!! :cheer: :cheer: Fingerscrossed!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
oooooh hope the car is ok for the price hun, are you going to go and look at it? :pray:

we are going to be looking for a new car, cant afford both cars so we are going to sell them and buy one to share. i only have a crappy old corsa but its getting me to work and back so not bothered about selling it, but OH has a Honda CRX and its his pride and joy and i feel bad for him having to sell it but its impractical and there is no way we would get a pram and baby seat in the car - im struggling to get in it at the moment :lol: plus the insurance is WAYYYYYYY to much!!!!

ooooooh roll on 5pm - today is going sooooooooooooooooo slow!!!

Ive been thinking about Christmas too Lea, and i will only have one child so i feel for you! lol i told OH we are going to just have to spend the minimum of family and spend the most on Ruby, it will be her first christmas so im sure family will understand! x
YAY we got the car!! :D
Theres nothing wrong with it at all mechanically which was all I was bothered about! A couple of small scrapes etc on the bumpers and an odd chair in the back ( lol the lady said one got stolen! :shock: some people are weird) it was an old couple who were getting a mobility car so just wanted rid of it! Thats why it was so cheap! OMG we got it for £600!?!? I will take some snaps to show you! Just needs a clean etc but I feel so much better now! My children go back to school on the 8th Sept and they go to a new school (well their school got rebuilt and joined with others) but now its a mile away! I was so upset thinking I wouldnt be able to take them as I cant walk so far and back with this SPD! :(:( So the relief to know I can now is great!! :D:D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Christmas should be fine now too thankfully! Spending only £600 on a car is just great!
I know what you mean Leanne! Apart from our kids and Joes other children we only buy something small for my neices and mums and dads and thats it! Cant afford everyone else! This year we said about £200 on Joseph, Dillon and Lucy, £100 each on his 4 lads (as they will get some off their mam obviously) and about £50 on Lola-Mae! (A play gym and clothers of something!?)
So with everything else should be able to do xmas for about £1300 YAY! :cheer:
Hi girls, just got back from my midwife appt. Had to take the girls with me but they got to hear babys heartbeat, which was cool. This babys heartbeat is a lot slower than what the girls were. My measurements are correct but Ive possibly got a wee infection, which would explain why Im feeling so crap lately. Wont get the test results until Weds/Thurs, how crap is that!! Apparently if Im feeling bad over the weekend I should go to the oncall docs at the hosp, but also to drink lots of water & cranberry juice. Have to go back in 2 weeks to see her aain & she has advised me to get my bags packed ( :shock: !!)

Lea, hope the car is as good as it sounds!! I know what you mean about money & xmas, Im trying not to stress about it, but its not easy!! My parents have refused to let us pay them back for the pram they have bought, as they said the baby wont need lots this xmas!! Still have to get everything else though!!

How organised are the rest of you girls??

Yay Lea!!! Glad you got the car!! :cheer: I think for the girls we are getting them a bike each, then a few smaller pressies to open & their stockings. As for the baby, have seen a playmat in ELC, & possibly a few little toys. Only buying for my parents & my nieces & nephews, we dont buy for the adults anymore as it costs too much!!
Hope you haven't got an infection Lisa! I had ketones in my wee yesterday (don't know what that means?!) and an infection showed. They made me do another sample there and then, and there was only the ketones but no infection!! Soooo wierd! Hope it's the same for you or they just clear with antibiotics.

That must have been lovely for the girls to hear LOs hb! :cheer:

Glad you got the car lea!!

I'm organised (I think?!) but I can't help feeling like I'm forgetting something massive! :doh: xx
Danni, I cannot even begin to think of what Im going to need!!!! All I have is a steriliser, buggy & car seat, & some baby clothes!! Im sure Ive seen a list on here to have a look!!

dannii87 said:
I'm organised (I think?!) but I can't help feeling like I'm forgetting something massive! :doh: xx

Yeah you are ........... EVIE hahahah :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Sorry hun! Im sure you have everything! The most important things like a bed for her, sheets and blankets, a car seat, babygros and vests, bottles and milk (if not or cant BF) nappies and cotton wool, hat, thats it I think!? :think: As long as you have them then anything else can wait really! She wont need anything else kwim? But I have no doubt you have everything!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Here is my new (to me) car

I went swimming today and it hurt me :( I knew to be careful with the SPD but I thought it would help with the belly ache! :shakehead: Nope! Made it worse if anything! :( Cant believe it! I see the doc next week so will bring it up again with her! Swimming cant possible hurt!? Made me sad though! I wanted to go swimming a lot over the next couple of months to regain some strength
Wow!!! That's an awesome car Lea!! :cheer:

I bet the kids fight for the furthest back seat don't they!? Kids either want to sit right at the front or right at the back haha!

I've got everything you listed!! (I do want to BF, but got formula and bottles just in case I can't) Haha, yeah, just need Miss Evie now!

Awww poor you about the swimming. I thought it was supposed to be good for SPD?! Maybe you have to go a few more times for it to help!?

Thanks hun!! :D
Yeh well strangely Joseph and Lucy want the back seats but Dillon wants a middle seat!? :think: :shock: hes a funny lad hahaha
Yeh Im wondering if maybe I go so excited today about the car (lol anyone would think it was a house or won a million quid haha) that I hurt myself without knowing and swimming just aggrivated it!? :think:
When I go next week I will see, if it hurts again I will tell doc as that isnt normal is it?! :think: I think swimming is ok for SPD as long as you dont breaststroke which I didnt (which was hard as thats my normal swim haha especially with the kids so Im not going to fast for them!)
lea: I went swimming two weeks ago and found it really hurt my hip. I haven't got SPD (at least I don't think) but my right hip gets very sore and swimming actually killed it :( Just proves my theory, excercise is bad for you :lol:

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