Chat thread!

:rotfl: Poochie hun dont worry, we chat too much to be able to keep up here anyway, glad you found us :D
i've never used it either! I only found it as id realised i hadnt seen many posts from you today hennaly and looked for your name. Thought you may have jumped the queue too!
im still here hun but went into town today (big mistake) by the time i got home i couldnt walk or anything :?
Hi Everyone!! :D

hope you are all well!

lea - YEY!!!!!!!!!!!! :D hope you are well hun and cant wait to have you back here! xxxxxxxxx

babydust - hope you are feeling better now? xxxxxxxx

rom - thats crap about your pram :( reallly hope you get it sorted quickly..... not nice when these things drag on :hug: xxxxxx

Christina - video wasnt too bad, classic 80s style!! They also like to show the muff with the head crowning! why o why!! it does make you go.. ooooo ouch... but hey, we never see that.... they'd better not try any mirror tricks in my labour! xxxxxxx

:wave: to everyone else!

well,..phoned up M&P and the cot is coming within next 4 working days!!!!! :D cant WAIT!! means I can unpack all the stuff we bought! wooooooo!!
Had a call from the midwife this afternoon, they got my blood results back and my iron is a little on the low side so shes got a prescription for me for iron tabs... i take it this is quite common when you get to the 3rd tri?

off to put my feet up.....OH working late tonight :(....
lol.. i know that feeling. I made that mistake yesterday.. felt like my lady bits were gonna fall out! Ive realised that i am spending sooo much time on this forum now, ive not actually turned it off all day! I must say that TRI 3 is the best place to get to know people though..
:wave: Nori and Poochie, better late than never :lol:

:wave: babydust, Im not sure hunni, hope its not a long one for you :hug:

:wave: LisaS, have fun unpacking!

:wave: Henn hope you feel better soon

:wave: Chok, hope you are well

:wave: Christina, nothing wrong with laziness, I do it often!

:wave: Millie, enjoy mat leave!

:wave: Rom, sorry about the pram hun

I cant sleep again due to the evil acid reflux :puke: . Poor OH has had me being a mardy cow today, honestly he NEVER annoys me, but Ive been biting his head off something chronic! Moody bitch! :roll:
Hope you are all well,lotsa love to your bumps! :hug:
Poochielove - welcome to the chat thread. :wave:

Hiya to everyone, hope you are all well and if not have lots of these from me. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm feeling a bit anxious today. I had a midwife appointment yesterday and my blood pressure was high, she took it four times over the space of 3/4 hour and still high. Also she tested my urine and it showed ketones, leucocytes and blood which is weird because it was clear on Friday. She was asking did I think my waters had broken and I was like ermmmm no. :shock:

Anyway, I'm popping back there this morning to hand in a sample and hopefully get my blood pressure checked again if she's there.

Sorry for not catching up with everyone individually. :hug:
Morning lovely ladies :wave:
Good luck for today Charmed i hope all is well for you :hug:
Poochie and Nori its good to have you here :wave:
Ninja if i do get acid i suck on a gaviscon in bed and it usually works :D
Good luck babydust lets hope things dont drag on too long for you :hug:
Lisaspoon which cot did you order hun?

:hug: to anyone i missed it is getting harder as we multiply on here :wink:
Hey everyone
charmed:Hope your blood pressure goes down hun
ROM: sorry to hear about your pram thats a bummer
Nori and poochie: ah well eh, you got here in the end :wink:
Hope everyone else is well, sorry to hear you dont feel good Hennaly :hug:
I feel alot better today, thankgod!!!!
Bumpy is making a show bumping about for the past 2 daysits amazing :cheer:
Stop posting while im trying to post ladies, this is my 3rd attempt to post this now :rotfl:
Think ill start tring to post in here, it looks kinda complex tho so ill start small.

Charmed good luck today hope your blood pressure settles down

Hennaly ..good morning.

Mel; Nice to know your baby is making its pressence known

And im getting my home birth kit delivered today, they go on call at 7am tommorow things are starting to get close now
Oh wow chickadee how exciting is that, it will all seem so much more real now :dance:
:wave: morning all

lea huge congrats hun hope you and baby lola are home today and hopefully we will get pics :cheer: xxx

jane :( so sorry about the pram hun you must be really peed off :hug: have you heard off the woman yet? xxx

ninja know how you feel with the acid hun i was up half of last night not sure if i was gonna be sick or what i was munching rennies half the night :( xxx

charmed hope alls well today hun and your BP and urine come back ok :hug: xxx

babydust hope your not in for a slow labour hun :hug: maybe its just your body having a little blip and getting ready xxx

lisaspoon :cheer: yay for the cot on its way :D sorry your iron levels are low and you have to have the awful tabs :hug: xxx

hen hope your pain has settled this morning hun :hug: i did the same on monday i really think we all need to rest more and start listening to our poor bodies :( xxx

chok :wave: how you feeling hun hope your ok xxx

bexie :wave: hope your ok too hun xxx

mel glad your feeling a bit better hun :hug: xxx

nori poochie and chick :wave: welcome nice to see some new faces :D especially seens as everyone is running off to have their babies :( hope you are all well xxx

sorry if ive not mentioned someone or something but there are so many posts and i can only scroll back so far so :hug: for anyone or anything ive missed xxxxxxxx

had a really bad night last night with acid and then belly ache then the runs :oops: sorry tmi
ive had an absolute guts full this morning been up since 5 cant stop crying and really feeling like i cant cope with being in pain any more i know we are counting down the days now but it seems so long away when your in constant pain :cry: got the midwife coming later so have had to dress myself and christopher and have a tidy up and i really didnt feel like it today just want to lie on sofa and be miserable :(
sorry for moaning post will try and be more cheerfull later xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning ladies :wave:

Can't beleive Lea's had he baby it's great news. It makes it all seem so much more real when someone you've known from tri 1 now has their little one :cheer:

BD, I'll be dead jealous if you have your LO this early, although I don't envy you all the pain your in. :hug:. When you text me to let me know your in labour, try my home line as we don't have any network coverage in our village!!!!

ROM, what a gutter about your pram, I would be livid, I'm guesing it happened in transit, did the woman you brought it off take out insurance? Did you pay through paypal, you may be covered by that.

LIsaspoon, your comments about the 80's muff made me chuckle!!! :rotfl:

CHarmed hope your appointment goes well today.

Rach, sorry to hear your feeling crap, hopefully you won't have much longer.

NW, same for you, hope you feel better soon, prob when the baby arrives!!

:wave: to everyone else, I'm sure I've missed a load of you off, too many post to remember them all!

Had a good day yesterday, just doing boring housework, wrapping christmas presents and cooking. I love cooking, Since my DD was born I've hardly done any proper cooking as my OH cooks when I put her to bed, but now that I'm not working full time I've got the energy again. Yesterday I made a gorgeous Spiced rice and mushroom en croute. It was lovely. By 7pm though I was feeling like crap, flu like symptoms, all shivery, hot and cold, sore throat, achey, feel a little better this morning but not 100%. I didn't sleep too well last night and everytime I woke up I kept on wondering if Lea had had Lola. I'm so excited for her.

I'm off for a scan this afternoon to tell me if the baby is still growing slowly and to also check the fluid levels, I'm guessing that if the baby is still breech they may book me in for a section. Last week I was measuring 29 weeks pregnant, when I'm actually 34!! Mind you my DD was tiny, so prehaps I'm in for another small'un. Great news if I get to have a natural delivery :lol:

Hope you all have a good day. See ya B x
good luck at your scan bexie hun hope it goes well :hug: and feel free to dive down the motorway and come and do some cooking here :wink: im too scared to use the cooker as its gas and i keep nearly setting my bump on fire :oops: xxxxxxxxx
I'll catch up properly at lunch chatterboxes!

How is everyone?

Sorry, I'm on a downer today :( my hormones are making me all over the place and paranoid about stuff...
OH been working late monday and wed (not home till 930pm) and was working from home on tuesday..... and too boot he's not slept well as if theres stuff on his mind... thought it was us that was meant to get the insommnia :wall: :wall: so he was up at 1.30 this morning, 2 to the toilet (woke me up) I fell back to sleep for 45mins and then was awake from 245 for an hour..... fell asleep a bit and then he got up at 5 to go to work :o

needless to say i'm shattered, and its making me teary.....spent the whole journey to work in tears and in the toilets at work......
going out tonight to a concert as well...just when i want an early night.... :wall:

sorry for the moan :cry:
:wave: LisaS, aww hun, I know how you feel, hope it gets better :hug:

:wave: Rach, same for you hun :hug:

:wave: Bexie, hope scan goes well!

:wave: Chick, yay to them going on call! Not long now!

:wave: Mel, yay to bumpity bump bumping :lol:

:wave: Henn, hiya hun! Im finding it hard to keep up too!

:wave: Charmed, hope its all ok for you hun

Im having a lazy day today :D Nothing worked for the acid last night so havent slep hardly. So am having a sofa and film day!
Any excuse :lol:
Hi everyone :wave: sorry i keep forgetting about this thread , im feeling really tired at the moment but i think its because my blood sugars are high at the minute and i haveloads of wshing to do hope evryone else is okay :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: hey Jaydesmummy!! Hope you manage to find some energy from somewhere....the washing can wait, go get your feet up with a brew! :hug:

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