Chat thread!

Morning all,

Wow so much to catch up on. Don't know where to start really.

NW - Sorry to hear stretchmarks have appeared. Try bio oil, that's suppose to be good for helping them fade, although prob best to wait until the LO has arrived.

To all you girls who say you feel like you moan loads, don't be stupid, I can't think of anyone who I think moans loads, you all just talk about the trials of pregnancy honestly. (A right unconfortable pain!)

Was it you CHristina who said about wearing your baby? I'll be doing the same, I didn't want to pay out for a double buggy for my DD and baby, as my DD will be walking everywhere soon enough, so felt it was a waste of money, so DD will be in the buggy and baby in the papoose, tbh I always found that my DD was so much happier in the papoose than in the buggy anyway.

So today I am officially a lady of leisure and it is heaven. Started that day taking DD to nursery, then did a boring food shop, then home and started to rearrange our bedroom to make space for change station and moses basket, stupid idea as the bed was so heavy to move around, OH is going to go mad when he sees that I have been moving furniture.

Later we are going into town for dinner then taking DD to the fair, can't wait. :cheer:

Do any of you think this is a bit odd? My ex husband's best friend (who I was never close with - didn't really know him that well) keeps on contacting me through facebook asking how I am, I haven' bothered replying. Should I just ignore him? I don't have any contact with my ex and don't want any either as he contributed to one of the most unhappy periods of my life. I think it's odd that he's been contacting me. This may just be a coincidence, before I got the first message through facebook, my friend bumped into my ex husband who was asking after me, a week later his best friend contact's me (odd or am I just being paranoid?)

Hope you all have good days xx
:wave: all
Sorry - its not as easy to get on at home - thats the one downfall so far from finishing work (the quick computer) ours seems like something out of the stone age compared to it so I get frustrated really easily with it!

Had a nice lay in today (wasnt asleep but it did feel nice not to have to get up early to get sorted out for work)

Hope everyone is ok, I am starting to get uncomfortable now - the top of my bump was really hurting yesterday but I think part of it is due to my ribs (have a pre-existing condition which is all very complicated but basically means they move about of their own accord a lot of the time and you can see/hear them move! now Im getting really big they are getting squished up against each other - what with my uterus being higher than average too they are getting a bit of a pasting!) ho hum.....

One of my cousins had her baby on Sun - its a bit scary - two of my cousins got PG aroudn the same time as me - one was due just before and one is due just after - now that one has had her baby that means its getting very close for all suddenly seems a little bit more real!

Bexie -that does seem a little odd.... :think:

(sorry I really cant remember who else said what as I have been AWOL for two days and I feel like Ive missed 6 weeks of info!)
Yay for the last baby Chok!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Bexie that does sound odd to me too!?
Rach this LO hurts me when she stretches never mind two! OMG just the thought scares me lol!
Charmed, Jane , Hen :wave: I have to nip off shops now and have a cracking headache so will re-read everything in a bit and reply properly! I feel so crap today! Dont know if its a bug or what but feel like I just need to sleep! Yet I have been asleep all morning after school!?! Cant keep my eyes open though :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
bexie i left you out earlier too hun sorry :hug: yeah i would think it a bit odd if my ex hubbys mate was contacting me too just ignore it hun maybe he will get the message hope your enjoying mat leave :D xxx

jane good luck hun hope you find the right pushchair soon :pray: xxx

charmed :talkhand: stop watching those awful programmes most of them are not true to life lol and the rest of them will just scare you half to death they do me and im on 4th pregnancy :rotfl: i just love the mums who are led their in full labour with immaculate hair make up and nails :rotfl: cant you just tell they know they are on camera :lol: god when i had my 1st i looked like a greasy sweaty heroin addict :oops: xxx

chok nice to see you hun :hug: hope your ok and enjoying your mat leave and yay :cheer: for last baby not long to go now hun xxx

lea hope your feeling a bit better now hun :hug: xxx

well girls was feeling not too bad this morning so thought id go out and get a few bits for xmas was only gonna be a few bits and should have taken an hour at most but 4 hours later id bought half of town centre and had to phone my step dad to come and rescue me as i was stranded with loads of bags in absolute agony with my spd and constant contractions :( think i did too much :wall: but at least ive almost finished now thank god i need 1 more trip to get the older boys some clothes which will be 1 shop and take half hour and then i should be done :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: its definately worth the pain im in now to know i can stop worrying now about it all and just concentrate on resting :D
hope everyones had a good day xxxxxxxxxxx
Hey there everyone! :D

rach - glad you had a productive day despite the pain etc... thank god you had someone to come rescue you! :hug: you put your feet up now and reeeeest! :D xxxxx

Jane - have you made your pushchair decision yet!? its tough I know! I was totally bamboozled when choosing thats done, I'm totally confused about choosing a car seat! :doh: xxxx

Chok - hey there! yey for last baby! :cheer: hope you're resting and enjoying mat leave!xxxxx

lea - hows your headache? hope you're feeling better now! not long for you to go! :cheer: :cheer: xxxxxxxx

Charmed - I agree with rach, dont watch those programmes!! I used to love watching the programmes about babies in SCBU etc (just cause i have a medical background) but NO way could I watch it now! would freak the hell out of me!! xxxxxxxxx

grrr computer just posted my post when I wasnt finished..and doesnt have everyones replies now! :wall:

NW - sorry to hear your stretchmarks have appeared...I have a few under my belly button and they look angry and red :( have the bio oil on them! xxxxxxxx

:wave: Liza, Hen, and anyone else I've missed..... xxxxxxxxxxxx :hug:

Not much happening with me, did a big shop yesterday, payed off the cot and got more stuff for the nursery! Cant wait for the cot to arrive!! :cheer:
Have started the compulsory toilet stop at about 4am each morning, then takes me half an hour to get back to sleep....

off to hit the smoke alarm with a hammer......beeping intermittently...something about battery I think....but I cant get it off the ceiling!! Got the TV up loud but still cant drown it out!!! :wall: :wall: :wall:
Just popping in to see you are all ok :wave:
Feeling rough so am off to bed, lots of love to you and your bumpages :hug: :hug:
Hey Girls

Rach, I know how you feel, just pushing Phoebe in her buggy leaves me with a sore back, the only way to relive the pain is a nice hot bath. I'm aching loads at the moment as we picked her up early from nursery to take her to the fair, but the weather was too miserable so just went for a short walk, I'm in agony now, actually don't think moving the bed this morning on my own helped much!!

Hope your feeling better NW and Lea

Lisaspoon, Get a broom and knock the smoke alarm off, ours was doing the same recently and just needed a new battery. How exciting getting all your final baby stuff. I've just started rearranging our bedroom and put the moses basket in there and it's looking lovely, also making DD's room look more like her own as all the baby stuff was being stored in there.

Chokmunky, Yay on last baby :cheer: Not long now till you get your real baby

Well, my first day of maternity leave has been good, wrapped up a load of chrissy pressies, still loads to do, but it's a start, took DD for a fringe cut (she looks so cute) and made us spaghetti with sausage meatballs bolognaise from a recipe in the Morrisons magazine (it was horrible! or maybe it was just my cooking :lol: ) Looking forward to just having a bit more energy now I'm not working. Got another scan on Thursday to check babies growth and my fluid levels, I'm guessing also if the baby is still breech, they may book me in for a section (which they cancel if it turns) I'm sure they booked me in for a section at around 34/35 weeks last time.

:wave: to all the girls I've missed, hope your all good

Becks x
:cheer: we have just bought a mamas & papas pliko pramette in polka dot 2008 model for £103.... I cant believe it and am so excited I just hope its as nice in real life as the photos :D :D :D
Fantastic Jane!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: What a bargain!!!! :dance: :clap: :dance: :clap:

Hi everyone! :wave: Im just feeling rough lol! (as usual :roll: ) my headache is still there so Im not going to stay online long, just need to check something out at asda for xmas and thought I would pop in here lol
I will definitely catch up properly tomorrow! :hug: :hug:
:hug: Lea - I hope you feel better soon - headaches are awful :hug:

Thanks Lisa - I am so chuffed - to be honest with both of us being self employed things are pretty tight at the moment but now I feel at least George is going to have a lovely pram - he wont know its not new will he :D it leaves me some of my savings for other nice things too..... Did you make a decision on the car seat? We have been offered one by a friend (its like new and has been well looked after) but I quite fancy one that matches the buggy :D seems a bit daft to spend over £115 on one though as we got the pram for such a bargin :D

Jane x
Oh any ex chartstalkers need to check out the thread in Off Topic!!! :shhh: someone has a secret :cheer:
morning ladies :wave:
I already have a feeding bra so hoping to make do with that other wise i will just go out and get another one :D
I seem to have managed 1 trip to the loo last night and i think i had a fairly good sleep :dance:
Have a good day girls :wave:
:wave: morning all :hug:

hen glad you had a good nights sleep hun it makes all the difference the next day :hug: xxx

babydust know how you feel about the cramping hun i seem to spend half the time crying now that i cant go on like this for another 3 weeks :( i feel like everything is imminent been like it a couple of weeks already its like being in constant labour :hug: xxx

jane :cheer: well done on the pram cant wait to see a pic what a bargain :clap: :clap: :clap: will pop into the chart stalkers thread in off topic now but i think i know who it is anyway as i had a little nosy in there yesterday :D xxx

lea hope your feeling better hun :hug: just keep thinking any day now :hug: and you will be holding baby and have forgotten all about everything else xxx

lisaspoon :wave: hi hun hope your ok and managed to stop smoke alarm beeping :cheer: yay on the cot hope it arrives soon for you xxx

bexie was just thinking that sounded yum till i read on further and seen you said it was horrible lol sorry your in a lot of pain hun hope your feeling better today :hug: xxx

ninja hope your feeling better this morning hun xxx

really bad evening and night last night babies been on the move big time not sure exactly what they are trying to do think the one at the top that was lying transverse decided he wanted to go head down and as there is no room to move he decided to move outwards instead so i had alien belly for about 15 mins and was crying in agony thought my belly was gonna split open still dont know if he managed to do it or not but i was up to toilet 5 times in the night with awful pressure so will be interesting to see what midwife says about their positions when she comes on thursday :think: im really paying for my shopping trip yesterday cant walk today my hips back and pelvis feel like they are all broken :( need to get out to the cemetary today as its the 1st anniversarie of my nanas death cant believe she has been gone a year already i miss her so much :cry: think that will probably be all i do today its gonna be a day on the sofa for me
hope everyone has a good day xxxxxxxxxx
Rach hun i think you need to do as little as possible, sorry about your nan, i know what you mean about time going so quick, my mum died 4 years ago now and it still seems like yesterday, its gonna be so hard having this baby without her :(
Try to get some rest
Rach - naughty you doing all that shopping and putting yourself in pain! :shakehead: Dont be doing that too much more young lady or I'll be having words!!! Sorry you had such a bad night too :hug:

LisaS - we've been having trouble with our smoke alarms too - stupid things go off EVERY time you grill something in this house - when it's not burning or anything.....its so annoying and Im sure the neighbours think I am the worst cook ever! :lol:

Bexie - wish I had been as organised as you on my first days leave! I was a bit lazy really but was just so tired I needed to :sleep: Gonna try and be a bit more productive today.

ROM - :cheer: on the pushchair!

Babydust - I was wondering that too - I havent got any nursing bras yet either.

Hen - :cheer: on the reduced loo trips! :lol:

Ninja, Lea, Kmac, and anyone else......hope you're all ok

This is it I hope its as good in real life :D
hen :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry about your mum hun must be so hard for you i cant even begin to imagine :cry: not sure id know what to do without my mum :( xxx

chok :hug: its ok hun have had a telling off from everyone think il be more or less confined to home now :( everyones really cross with me :oops:
how you today hun? xxx

jane the pram looks fab hun immaculate :cheer: well done when will you pick it up? xxx

bored stiff at home luke got sent home from school just after 10 with a migraine :( bless him not sure if its all the pressure of the final year in school and exams left right and centre and trying to decide on colleges or work placement apprenticeships think hes feeling the stress now and not coping well with it all :( xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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