Hi everyone!
sorry you had such a bad night but not much longer now and imagine the relief your going to feel when them babies are born! Not only will you have 2 gorgeous boys but also no more pain or pressure!
Im sorry you son is having a hard time with stress!
My sister is the same! Shes in her last year and having exams all the time too! When I was at school we just had exams at the end of the year?! Its crazy!
Jane that is gorgeous and does look in perfect condition! Im sure it will be!
Chok hope you well hun!? You seem it with all them happy laughing smileys!!
Hen Im sorry about your mum!
She will still be there with you hun!
YAY on one trip to the loo! Its funny actually I only did one last night too!? And only woke up in total two times!
Babydust I havent even gotten a bra yet! Somethings just slip through my memory net when Im out!
LisaS, Bexie, Liza, NW, anyone else (Im sorry if you forgot you)
Hope your all well!?
Well I had a better night last night!? Woke up only 2 times!
But took the kiddies to school and came home, went to sleep for couple of hours! OH went to build some stables or something lol and woke me up to tell me at about 12 ish, I fell straight back to sleep till about 1?! Im still so tired now?! Im guessing I will get the kids from school at 3, then come home and have another nap before tea!? I cant keep sleeping like this! Its like I have been given sleeping pills?! I had my iron tested not long ago and it was fine, do you think it could have quickly dropped low? I tend to get very pale gums and eyelids when Im anaemic but I havent got that but cant understand the sudden complete, uncontrolable tiredness! A few years back, after I had Lucy, I would drop to sleep like a penny falling! I couldnt fight it I had to sleep! The docs pondered on Chronic fatigue syndrome but never got any treatment (dont know what they would have given me anyways?! lol) but I dragged myself out of it as Joseph started school and I couldnt risk falling asleep and not being able to get him! So I would go out and walk and walk about until I got him then go home! Eventually it got managable and eventually I didnt need to sleep in the day at all! I hope its not that again!? 


Jane that is gorgeous and does look in perfect condition! Im sure it will be!

Chok hope you well hun!? You seem it with all them happy laughing smileys!!

Hen Im sorry about your mum!

Babydust I havent even gotten a bra yet! Somethings just slip through my memory net when Im out!

LisaS, Bexie, Liza, NW, anyone else (Im sorry if you forgot you)

Well I had a better night last night!? Woke up only 2 times!