Chat thread!

Hi everyone! :wave:

Rach :hug: :hug: :hug: sorry you had such a bad night but not much longer now and imagine the relief your going to feel when them babies are born! Not only will you have 2 gorgeous boys but also no more pain or pressure! :hug: :hug: :hug: Im sorry you son is having a hard time with stress! :hug: My sister is the same! Shes in her last year and having exams all the time too! When I was at school we just had exams at the end of the year?! Its crazy!

Jane that is gorgeous and does look in perfect condition! Im sure it will be! :hug:

Chok hope you well hun!? You seem it with all them happy laughing smileys!! :cheer:

Hen Im sorry about your mum! :hug: She will still be there with you hun! :hug: YAY on one trip to the loo! Its funny actually I only did one last night too!? And only woke up in total two times!

Babydust I havent even gotten a bra yet! Somethings just slip through my memory net when Im out! :wall: :lol:

LisaS, Bexie, Liza, NW, anyone else (Im sorry if you forgot you) :wave: Hope your all well!?

Well I had a better night last night!? Woke up only 2 times! :dance: But took the kiddies to school and came home, went to sleep for couple of hours! OH went to build some stables or something lol and woke me up to tell me at about 12 ish, I fell straight back to sleep till about 1?! Im still so tired now?! Im guessing I will get the kids from school at 3, then come home and have another nap before tea!? I cant keep sleeping like this! Its like I have been given sleeping pills?! I had my iron tested not long ago and it was fine, do you think it could have quickly dropped low? I tend to get very pale gums and eyelids when Im anaemic but I havent got that but cant understand the sudden complete, uncontrolable tiredness! A few years back, after I had Lucy, I would drop to sleep like a penny falling! I couldnt fight it I had to sleep! The docs pondered on Chronic fatigue syndrome but never got any treatment (dont know what they would have given me anyways?! lol) but I dragged myself out of it as Joseph started school and I couldnt risk falling asleep and not being able to get him! So I would go out and walk and walk about until I got him then go home! Eventually it got managable and eventually I didnt need to sleep in the day at all! I hope its not that again!? :pray:
I feel guilty for not catching up properly,but Im so tired and rough I can hardly be bothered to type.
Just popping in to check on my girls :wave:
Im back in bed so hopefully will be better later!! :cheer:
Well I got my blood test results back and they are slightly higher than last time?! (the LFT) what does it mean?! Can anyone tell me!? I have been thinking it would come back all ok now but for it to increase is weird?! I do have an app tomorrow to see the doc at 10.30 and she will tell me more but its weird?! Do you think thats why I have been so mega tired?! :think: :think:
In fact Im going to ask in the "Ask mum" section too to see if someone else had the same and can tell me what it means?! :think:
Hey everyone....just a quickie as I'm dashing off to my first antenatal class soon!! eeeeek!! makes it seem all the more real!

Hope everyone is well.....I'm quite tired today and have a funny scratchy throat if you know what i mean!!!

Lea - is the liver function tests related to the itchy feet/hands thing...think there is a thread that was moved to the Ask a Mum bit about it.... hope everything is ok tho :) Oh..on a different note I dreamt last night that you were in labour!!!! so maybe it will happen soon! In my dream it started when it was any time between 430pm and 730am!! :lol:

will post more when i'm back from AN class! :D :hug: :hug:
hennaly said:
sorry about your nan, i know what you mean about time going so quick, my mum died 4 years ago now and it still seems like yesterday, its gonna be so hard having this baby without her :(

I agree with you Hen, my dad died 11 years ago now, it just doesn't feel that long ago. I feel like I'll never stop missing him, I have just got use to missing him. :( Hope you sleep well tonight honey. I'm lucky and don't seem to suffer to much until about 4am, then I am awake on and off.

Rach, hope you took it easy today. You should have come with me to do my christmas shopping, there was a demonstration chair that gave a fantastic back massage, I could have sat there all afternoon. DD was scared of it though and didn't want to walk past it, very cute.

Lea, hope you start to feel a bit more perky. It def sounds like Lola's on her way. Hope your feeling better.

BD, the bra shop in town here won't measure you until you are 38 weeks as that's suppose to be when you have a big growth spurt.

ROM, love the pram, my friend has got that model and it's lovely

COmputer is starting to play up, so gonna finish this message quick, hope everyone else is well
Hey ladies! :wave:

LisaS the LFT was initially because of itching but they ruled out the thing that causes that so still dont know what else it could be!? :think:
Yay on your dream! So funny my aunt dreamt the same last night! Its dark now and I lost my plug and possibly some of my waters!! :cheer:

Bexie Hope your well hun! ? You didnt say lol
:wave: ladies!

I've realised that I've started looking for any sign that I'm going into labour, is this natural? I found a tiny bit of something, kind of like mucus down below... started thinking its my mucus plug :oops: there was the smallest blob

I hope this is it for you lea, definitely sounds more real than mine :lol:
morning all :wave: no long posts this morning am too busy clicking refresh to see if lea posts :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: cmon lea :D
hope everyones ok :hug: to all will catch up properly later lol am sat here in desperate need of a shower and getting dressed and too excited to leave pc :roll: xxxxxxxxxx
Hello girls. Hopes putting a bucket on my head :? Popcorn one that is, Hope eevryone is well :hug:
Mrning girls :wave:

Lea m where are you hun :think: oh god i am soooooooooooooo excited for you :dance:

Im the opposite to the rest of you, i know i wont have Levi early so any pains etc i get just piss me off cause i know it is just pregnancy, my waters have never gone before delivery and i have never seen any of my plugs :roll:
Hope you all have a good day and good luck to any of you who may have something happening :D :hug:
Ah Lea, is this it. How exciting, even if Lola's not making her arrival now, it won't be much longer. God it's so exciting.

I just bumped into a friend from the village who I rarey see and it was so funny, she looked at me and went "oh my god your up the duff", that tickled me, I did tell her months ago, but we so rarely see eachother that she must have forgotten!!

We had a lovely day yesterday, went to Coed y Dinas in Welshpool, I don't know what you'd describe it as (garden centre/shopping complex/homeware?), but anyway we managed to do a load more xmas shopping, had lunch and took Phoebe to softplay while there, I even went down the slide with her, luckily she didn't enjoy it as, as soon as I'd been down the slide I reaslied probably not the best thing to do when you are almost 5 weeks from your due date!! OH brought me some wellies for christmas, not the most exciting pressie, but I can't wait to wear them and go jumping in puddles with Phoebe. We also brought Phoebe a water crab toy that you fix to the bath, pour water into and it does all sorts of crazy things, it also blows bubbles.

I'm loving being on maternity leave, still have to get up early with Phoebe, but it's lovely just being able to take things easy.

Hope all you girls are well and your bumps are growing/kicking well.

See ya B x
Oooh Lea that all sounds very exciting! :pray: :cheer:

Thanks for asking after me girlies - Im ok - had been sleeping ok for a few nights til last night when it all went wrong again and I just couldnt stay asleep! never mind....I guess thats normal now! Junior still wriggling away loads and don't think my bump has dropped yet - wasnt engaged at the last MW appt last week and I will have to wait til next weds to see if there has been any change.

Started sorting out some of the baby things last night and started packing my bag yesterday - thought I had most stuff for it but had to write out a list of other things left to get! Gonna get them today or tomorrow when my sister comes round to go shopping. Cant say I'm looking forward to going into town that much as she is a serious shopper! but I know it needs to be done and I am gonna try and get a few more xmas pressies while Im there too - that way I can make her carry the bags :lol:
:wave: Chok, have fun in town

:wave: Bexie, lol at you on the slide ya nutter!

:wave: Henn, you may be wrong and Levi may surprise you!

:wave: Mel, lol at the bucket :D

:wave: Rach, Im excited to!!

:wave: Babydust, Christina, hope you are both well

:wave: Lea, hope you are not on here and in hozzie having a bubba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Im a lazy moose, havent long got up. Have my antenatal physiotherapy relaxation bollox at 3pm, and dont wanna go :shakehead: my back and pelvis are too bad, and I know they make you do exercises, but hey ho, I might as well see what the crack is :D

Hope you all have a great day! :hug:
babydust said:
lisa :shock: your dream may have come true i think lea may be in the start of labour :shock: you may have a gift :shock:

lol, talking about that kinda thing, one of my OH's friends wife is expecting her first and she is about 6 weeks behind me and she says everytime she has had a midwife/docotors appointment or shes thinking of texting me...I text her to see how she is! lol!! i'm too talented! just hope I can predict my own labour as well!! :D

Lea - hope this is the start for you!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

rach - hope you're ok today and not clicking that refresh button too much!! lol! :D

chok - enjoy the shops!! I really need to get organised on things like that!!! :oops:

Mel - hope you are ok...seen your other posts :( :hug: :hug:

Bexie - glad you had a good day! :D

Hen, Babydust, Christina, NW, :wave: and anyone else i've missed....hope you are well!

Had first antenatal class last night,......eeeeek!!! Did actually I ready for this?!!??! :oops: as usual shock tactics with the first one being about labour and showing us a video!!!! OH loved it........not!! :lol:
Bubs moving alot today and starting to hurt a bit on the sides.....combined with feeling tired and having a sore throat.....not feeling the best..

one bit of good news...had a call from Mamas and Papas today and they have the cot in stock and can deliver as soon as!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: just have to convince OH to take it early!! :D
:( :( :( Our pram has just been delivered and its handles have been snapped off :( :( :( got to dash out for a meeting but I am gutted.... We have sent an email to the lady on ebay but as yet she hasnt replied......
Hello lovelies :wave:

Haven't been chatting for ages cos was back at work but mat leave has started now so whoop whoop!! SPent the last two days cleaning and vaccumming the house, I'd like to think it was nesting but it's cos the cats have fleas! I didn't want to use one of those sprays as they can't be good for bubs, me inhaling insecticide. Am hoping that the super hoovering will have done the job and have de-fleaed the cats with frontline. :pray: there's no more!
Having a lazy day today after all that cleaning but I will have to drag my ass off to the supermarket later.....oh the strain!!

Glad to hear everyone seems to be doing well.

Exciting about Lea - does she have a text buddy?

bexie - glad you're enjoying ML as much as me!

chok - I'm the same, keeping hoping but I can still feel this little bum right under my ribs! my next MW app is next weds too.

rom - oh no! that sucks! hope you get hold of her - could it have happened in transit?

:wave: everyone else
:wave: hennaly - you never know, Levi might decide to make an early appearance! :)
:wave: bexie - glad to hear your enjoying maternity leave so much and being able to relax! its always nice to hear when someone's doing well. sounds like you had a really nice day yesterday :cheer:
:wave: choco - I hope you get your hospital bag done and manage to get a good nights sleep tonight :D
:wave: ninjawomble, I hope your relaxation session thingy goes well :)
:wave: lisaspoon - I'm dreading my first antenatal class, is the labour video really that bad? I really don't want to see it. I know they say its better to be prepared but I'd rather be a bit ignorant about labour. Ignorance is bliss :lol: hope you get your cot soon :cheer:
:wave: ROM - thats really crap news about your pram :( I hope the lady gets back to you soon, and another one gets delivered

:wave: mel, rach, babydust - I hope you guys feel ok today and are having good days!

I've been really lazy today (how bloody unusual :roll:). My aunt went into hossie today to have a back op but great news is that it all went well and she's doing fine :cheer: will be going to visit her in about an hour or so!
bubs is fine and has been wriggling like mad, seems like he's getting more active and hyper as the weeks go by rather than less. doesn't make it any easier at night as I've been pretty sleepy :bored:

I hope your all well and bumps are good :D
Just a quickie! :lol:

ROM :( thats so gutting!

Babydust :hug: sorry you arent feeling good!

Millie - lets hope we both get good news next weds then!

:hug: to everyone else - 'specially Lea and Lola Mae!
OMG...the whole time i have been in third tri and have only just seen the chat blind am i :shock:

Hope everyone is doing good!

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