Chat thread!

Thanks Rach - to be honest the mamas and papas one with all the bits I liked was over £500 and I can get one on ebay the same with all the bits for around £200 although it would have been used.... to be honest I dont walk miles - car everywhere :oops: and although I would love to pretend we will spend hours walking with him I doubt we will with our lifestyle :oops: seems that I could get a mamas and papas one for the same price as I would a silvercross new and then still be able to sell it after..... hmmmmm I can see a night on ebay coming on :D Its driving Dave mad as I keep on changing my mind :D
:shock: lea you hit single figures 2moro :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: xxx

ninja :hug: sorry your stretch marks are appearing hun xxx

kmac :hug: sorry your so tired hun xxx

hen im feeling same hun if i last 2/3 hours in bed its a miracle i normally get up in the end and go on sofa to watch a film and doze if im lucky enough xxx

mel go for it with the cheesecake hun doubt any of us will have time to eat soon :lol: xxx

jane i would def go with the cheaper option hun i think when i bought christophers i was going to walk everywhere :rotfl: and it never happened :oops: it was such a waste of money :hug: get on ebay hun xxx

:hug: and :wave: to everyone else am off back to the sofa to watch tv :cheer: im a celebrity starts tonight but someone told me it lasts 3 weeks am hoping i make it to the end lol xxxxxxxxxx
Hi everyone! :wave:

Kmac I know what you mean! Walking about Primark yesterday I just thought everyone was going to bang my belly! A few people did!

NW does sound like babs has turned!

Jane I looked at both the 3D and the Pramette and to me they are bother the same but the M&P is a lot more expensive! I would get one off ebay too as you can get them at a good price hardly used! My aunt got a M&P pramette off there for just over £100 nearly new! Infact, shes putting hers on there soon!
I got this one ... 002_p.html
Its a bargain! lol
And its fab! They have quite a few different colours an designs too!

Rach I have been wondering where you were and was going to post a complaint that I hadnt seen you do a proper post for a while! I dont hear you moan all the time so get posting silly! :hug:
Oooh Jane and Rach, you replied while I was typing heehee
reallyoldmum said:
:wave: love to everyone - just got back from shopping and really confused myself!!

What prams/pushchairs have everyone got? I had set my mind on a Silvercross 3D but now I have been looking at the mama's and papa's Pilko pramette..... Not sure what to do now - I am even considering buying a second hand one off ebay as they are so expensive and I know me I will want to change it to a buggy when he gets a bit older... We will only use it for light use - no off the roading for us :D

Your help and advice would be much appreciated.

jane x

We've got the pliko pramette... mainly cause I was so confused by the choice that the pliko came across as quite simple and something that i could manage! Also didnt appear to be too massive and bulky like some!
We werent too fussed about a travel system even tho the M&P seat will fit onto it. I managed to get mine in the M&P sale....think they are doing lots of offers at the moment for xmas........
obviously i cant comment on useability at the mo as we havent tried it out,.......fingers crossed it does the trick!
Think they are doing the pliko with accessory pack (i.e change bag and footmuff thing) for 240.
Oh bugger Lea thats lovely too and its got a proper carrycot!! :lol: I'm hopeless at making a decision at the best of times but this is stupid :lol: Thats a great price too...... hmmmmmmm need to research a bit more.

Oh my god - lea that is amazing - you posted before I could send this reply..... picks up skirt and runs to grab hubby to see :D :D

Jane x
Yay Im glad I could help a little! (yes steals all the credit :wink: hahahaha :lol: )
lea m said:
Yay Im glad I could help a little! (yes steals all the credit :wink: hahahaha :lol: )

:lol: nice try!!!! :wink:

ROM - I got mine for that is a good price! we were well chuffed! :D

we just need to get a changing bag (not too bothered about matching)...but £55!?!?!! are they takin the PI****!

whats everyone else got/use?
join the boots parenting club and you get a free changing bag!
lisaspoon said:
lea m said:
Yay Im glad I could help a little! (yes steals all the credit :wink: hahahaha :lol: )

:lol: nice try!!!! :wink:

ROM - I got mine for that is a good price! we were well chuffed! :D

we just need to get a changing bag (not too bothered about matching)...but £55!?!?!! are they takin the PI****!

whats everyone else got/use?

Hehe, i too was looking at 3d but decided on Pramette. I love it so easy to use and did not seam as bulky as the 3d.
I went out and bought the changing bag on saturday yes £55 lot of money but it does look good with pram lol/(ive got the freebie from boots to :oops: )

We are lucky where i live as i have a discount store that sells all brand new m&p everything in brochure for 10% less.I live in the shop hehe
we don't have a pram which we can use as a newborn. we got one that can be used from 3 months of age from a nice lady off freecycle! its graco and in very good condition! I hate prams plus we can't really afford one at the mo :(

I'm hoping to just wear the baby for the first few months.. does that seem unreasonable? :?
Hello :wave:

Been off the threads for a while (yet again), not going to keep moaning but just having a hard time with hormones at the moment. DH and I have decided to stay living where we are for the time being - only 9.5 weeks til due date and just think moving now would be stupid - especially as the nursery is nearly finished now! We will aim to move as soon as LO is a month or so old........

Jane - I bought the Icandy Apple Jogger Pushchair (wanted 3 wheels as better for walking the dog etc), which comes with a free carrycot, and also fits the maxi cosi car seat - so have a complete travel system, we also bought the isofix fixed base for the car seat to make life easier - it does everything we need it to do!! Its so confusing though and ended up with a completely different style than I originally thought I wanted!!!

Rach - you moan away hun thats what we are all here for (p.s I also feel like I winge alot at the moment). :hug:

Lea - Hope you are feeling well hun

NW - Hope bubs has wriggled around in the right direction, and sorry to hear you are getting stretch marks :hug:

Henn - Sorry to hear you are still not sleeping well...... :hug:

Lisa :wave:

Kmac - Sorry you are so tired. :hug:

Anyone I have missed :wave: :wave: :wave:

Hope you all had a lovely weekend..........right off to watch the Antiques Roadshow (yes I know Im sad, but love it!!)
kmac said:
join the boots parenting club and you get a free changing bag!

ooooo! thanks!! might just sign up! :D

OH moaning he wants a "trendy" bag.....typical! :roll: :roll:
I havent even got a changing bag!! :shock: hahahaha Totally forgot! Never mind I'll grab a black record type bag while out and about! Im not too fussed about it! I never bothered with a proper change bag, first was a rucksack type bag and then a record type bag! Perfect I found and not even half the price as a matching one!

Christina that doesnt sound unreasonable at all hun! Lots of people baby wear! :cheer:
:wave: morning all xxxxxxxxx

liza maybe for the best hun at the moment moving is awful stressfull and you have enough at the moment :hug: xxx

lea single figures now hun :cheer: sorry hun about not posting much just dont want everyone thinking oh my god there she goes moaning again :( im sure thats what o/h is thinking now im getting scared to open my mouth cos im getting on my own nerves now :rotfl: xxx

lisaspoon :wave: xxx

christina sounds ok to me hun whatever your happy with at the end of the day a lot of people dont buy pushchairs at all these days xxx

mum2be :wave: xxx

kmac thats a good tip for anyone who hasnt got one yet :D i will be using christophers old one its still in perfect condition and i dont care if it matches or not xxx

jane hope you had better luck after last night finding something suitable :D i think choosing the pushchair is the hardest bit lol :hug: xxx

ninja :wave: xxx

charmed :wave: xxx

and anyone else ive missed off :wave: xxxxxxxxxxx

im ok babies moving around all the time although this usually starts off contractions :( im having them all day every day now nothing regular thank goodness but they are quite painful :( sometimes they are half an hour apart other times only 5/6 mins but always there now im sleeping a little better so im assuming they have shifted position again as im only getting up 1 or 2 times for the loo instead of 5 which is great as i was seriously considering begging for a catheter to be fitted :rotfl:
hope everyone has a good day xxxxxxxxx
Morning girls :wave:

Im not even gonna try to catch up with you all, i mean do any of you actually come up for air!!!!!! :roll: :wink:

Rach hun how on earth do you cope with lots of arms and legs squirming round in there, i often say to hubby when baby is wriggling like the clappers, 'thank god it isnt twins' :lol:
It must be like carrying an octopus :D
I still cant wait for you to have them :dance:
:wave: morning hen sorry i just realised you were one of the ones i left off earlier :oops:
hope your feeling ok hun and sleeping a little better :hug: :hug: :hug:
as for the movements its really strange at first lol but you get used to it although they are painful when both of them try to stretch at the same time :shock: alien belly has taken on a whole new meaning xxxxxxxxx
drrrrrrrrr pregnancy brain - I just typed out a long reply and hit the DELETE key!!

Rach you amaze me - it must be so uncomfortable with two wriggling around in there and you dont seem to moan - I am driving Dave mad with my whinging..... I just told him I want to attach a large bag to his stomach, fill it with water, rocks and a couple of ferrets and see how he deals with it :D

Kmac I have just joined the Boots club - cant wait for my bag now :-) I love a freebe.

Spend all night last night on ebay - think we will get a mamas and papas pramette from there, seems we can get a whole travel system for less than the price of a new silvercross 3d!! Some of them have only been used for 4 or 5 months so that seems to make sense..... I can sell it again then when we are ready to change to a buggie - now I just have to be patient and wait for the right one to come along :D

Hope all of you who started maternity leave on Friday have a lovely day - I'm off to do some work now so will catch up with you later.

Jane x
Good morning everyone, :wave:

ROM - that is so annoying when you lose your post, I have done that so many times grrrr.

I hope everyone is well. :hug:

I've been having a few 'down' days. Not sure if its hormones or what but feeling a little better today. I think I'm also dreading leaving on the 29th which isn't helping my frame of mind. :(

Has anyone been watching programmes like Portland Babies, A Baby Story etc. I have and they are starting to freak me out. I think I'm going to stop watching them. :rotfl:

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