Chat thread!

lea m its good they are listening to you hun and doing something about it :hug:
wow, I just realised lea you have 5000 posts, how did you manage that when you only joined in March? :rotfl: I think I have to follow the example of some of you other posters, my post count is shameful in comparison :lol:
.Christina. said:
wow, I just realised lea you have 5000 posts, how did you manage that when you only joined in March? :rotfl: I think I have to follow the example of some of you other posters, my post count is shameful in comparison :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Gosh I just chat crap dont i?! Over 5000 posts in 8 months! :shock:
Thanks BD! I totally agree! Though wil still try and see how i go! :D
Im not doing much this weekend! Oooh might nip to Primark tomorrow for bits of PJ's and stuff for kids for xmas eve! OOOH no Im lying! Its my school reunion tomorrow night! :dance: Though I will probably only stay a couple of hours! Especially if I do go Primark in the day!? :think: Will be knackered!

Ive been a moody cow for the last few days! I had one day where I was ok but in general Im a b*tch! Poor Joe! I just moan and shout and snap at him constantly! :roll:
:wave: morning all!

Im 37 weeks today! :cheer: YAY!!!!!!

I have an early xmas do tonight to go to (a night full of pissed up squaddies, great, not) which I could do without :shhh: , but OH really wants to go :roll:

:wave: Lea have fun at your renunion

:wave: babydust hope you enjoy your weekend

:wave: christina, hope you are well

:wave: Henn,hope you are sleeping better

:wave: Chok and Bexie, yay to maternity leave!! :cheer: :cheer:

:wave: Lisa S, glad MW went well!

:wave: Rach, not long now!

:wave: Chickadee, enjoy the wedding reception

:wave: to anyone I missed, you have all done a lot of chatting :lol:
Afternoon ladies :wave:

Its official, im fed up with being pregnant now :shakehead:
BUT not sure im really mentally ready for baby to come out yet either :doh:
hennaly said:
Afternoon ladies :wave:

Its official, im fed up with being pregnant now :shakehead:
BUT not sure im really mentally ready for baby to come out yet either :doh:

Snap! :shakehead:
ninjawomble said:
hennaly said:
Afternoon ladies :wave:

Its official, im fed up with being pregnant now :shakehead:
BUT not sure im really mentally ready for baby to come out yet either :doh:

Snap! :shakehead:
Double snap!! :shock:

Yay on 37 weeks NW!! :cheer: :cheer:
I had a good time at the reunion! :cheer: It was fun! They might be doing another after xmas! This one wasn't organised very well TBH and a few people weren't happy and quite a lot couldn't make it or just didn't turn up! So hopefully the next one will be done proper and more will come! YAY I get two! hahaha And should be able to drink at the next one!! :dance:
:wave: Im back from the party, feel well rough :roll: Bubs was quiet the entire time, even during the mega loud live band :clap: , prolly scared!
Got a bit tired tbh of people saying "When you due? Do you know what it is? Ooo dont go into labour! God you look tired", plus everyone was hammered and I was on the rocking J20.. al in all a good night :lol:
Cant sleep now, as my backs killing me, plus OH is drunkered and snoring!

Hope you are all ok :hug:
Evening everyone , congrat ninjawomble on being 37 weeks :cheer:
Ive just got in from work and had some cheese cake :oops: greedyMel
Must go sleep soon though as mega exhausted but hey ho who gives a flying mongooose :cheer:
Morning girls :wave:

I decided its not worth bothering to go to bed anymore as i dont sleep anyway :wall: there is no such thing as a comfortable position any more :(
Have a good day everyone :hug:
Hi everyone! :wave:
Im the same hen! I cant be bothered going bed as its worse than just sitting up bog eyed lol! :wall:
Hi everyone :wave:
Just on for a quick hello - hope everyone is ok!
I am absolutely shattered. DH is away dropping his mum at the bus station.
We haven't done all that much this weekend with his mum - lunch out in town yesterday with my mum too then a quick look round the shops. I am actually scaed by how little walking around I could do before I had just had enough :( Also I am scared when it's busy in case someone knocks into my bump :(
Today we went to ikea - same again, I was exhausted less than half way round - then we went for lunch at a garden centre. I am so happy to be back on the sofa now but wondering how on earth I am going to manage 3 more weeks of work :think:

Sorry you are finding it hard to sleep lea amd hen :hug: I'm not too bad that way yet but some nights are better than others. I sometimes wake up with the worst leg cramps.

Lea and NW - well done on the partying! I know what you mean NW - I was at a wedding a few weeks ago and by the end of the night i was fed up of the questions.

Mel - I had cheesecake yesterday - it was yum!!

Sorry to anyone i have missed - too tired to read back any further!!

:wave: Kmac, hope next three weeks fly by

:wave: Henn, hope you get some proper sleep soon

:wave: Lea, hope you are well hun

:wave: Mel, hope the cheesecake was good!

:wave: Rach, hey hun, how you feeling?

Well it only took 37 weeks , thought Id got away with it, but finally its happened... stretch marks have appeared on me belly :shakehead: , dont get me wrong Ive got them on my legs, thighs and hips, but thought belly would be lucky!
Thing is they are only in one place on my left where bubs continously kicks out!

Bumps also dropped today Ive noticed, and bottom of belly is soft and bubs has had a wriggle round other way methinks :think:

Hope you are all having a great sunday! :hug:
:wave: love to everyone - just got back from shopping and really confused myself!!

What prams/pushchairs have everyone got? I had set my mind on a Silvercross 3D but now I have been looking at the mama's and papa's Pilko pramette..... Not sure what to do now - I am even considering buying a second hand one off ebay as they are so expensive and I know me I will want to change it to a buggy when he gets a bit older... We will only use it for light use - no off the roading for us :D

Your help and advice would be much appreciated.

jane x
hi all hope everyones having a good day :hug: not been on much as sick of hearing myself moan :( am officially fed up of being pregnant and all i do is cry all the time ive had all i can take now think the last 3 weeks are gonna go real slow :( hugs to all xxxxxxx

jane just get a cheap one hun if you feel like that i would :D i bought a beautiful travel system with all the added matching extras when christopher was born cost a small fortune which we didnt have at the time but bought it anyway and since he was 6 months ive had him in a £25 pound buggy :wall: and wishing id never wasted the money the buggy is so much easier for in and out the car on and off the bus takes up no room collapses and sets up with 1 hand its fab :D this time round ive no choice as i have to have a good sturdy pushchair for the twins as il be doing more walking doubt il get on and off the bus with a double pushchair lol xxxxxxx

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