Morning ladies
Poor you Kmac, I would really loose my patience with a bunch of teenagers. I don't envy you. Do you teach a particular subject?
Chok, hope you got home safely, def sounds like the coffee had an effect on you.
Hen and Charmed, hope your scans go well
Lisaspoon, hope appointment goes well
BD, I don't envy you with all the running around you have to do. When I start my leave i will be taking my DD into nursery in the morning and collecting her in the evening, it's half an hour each way, which mean 2 hours of driving a day, which take up quite a chunk, it also means if I want to do something in town at lunch time, I will have to hang around for the morning!!! Listen to me, moan, moan, moan!!
Rach, glad your appointment went well and also really glad to see you are 34 weeks today. Your boys are very well behaved
Lea, glad to see you around, hope your well
Mel&Bean, I'd love to try a natural birth at home but I;m too much of a scaredy cat, we live half an hour from town which I think is too far if anything went wrong, plus they wouldn't let me anyway as I had a c-section with my DD. You just have to go with what feels right for you.
I'm feeling really sick again, had a bath last night and couldn't get out as everytime I moved I just wanted to heave. Ended up in bed by 8.30pm, got up this morning and felt ok, half an hour later I'm feeling sick again. I am so glad I start my leave today

I really need it, plus I just want to take care of bubba. I've got a scan next week which I hope will tell me my fluid levels have risen and the baby has grown.
Hope you all have a good day B x