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chok awww hun it was probably the coffee i had 2 cups of latte when i went to town with my mum a couple of weeks ago in the afternoon which i would never normally have and i felt so awful i had to come home and go to bed :( the babies were going mental which set off contractions needless to say ive not drank coffee since hope your feeling better this evening :hug: xxx

hi hen :wave: hope your ok hun xxx
Hi ladies! I have so much to try and catch up on but just nipping over to my aunts so will later!
Chok I hope your ok now hun!? :hug:
How are you feeling now chok? Hope you got home ok :hug: :hug:

rach - glad all went well with the MW :)

I have just looked at the topic review and have forgotten everything already.

Welcome back sally!! :wave: good to see you

Ummm.... :oops:

I think I may just give up now. Not feeling on top form either. Really tired of work. I nearly let myself get teary in front of a class I was just so exasperated!! they just wouldn't listen and it was the 3rd class in a row where I had to repeat myself about 50 times. I've mostly got junior classes now cos of being pg but they are the most hyper/excitable/immature/demanding....
And I just ate my dinner and now I feel queasy!! bump having a quiet day today so can't blame it!
I think I'm just having an off day, hope it passes as MIL coming for the weekend.... I need to be in the right frame of mind!

Will come back tomorrow!!
Love and hugs to you all
Hey ladies, how is everyone? Im just sat chilling on the sofa discussing the fact im growing a small whale in my uterus :rotfl:
Decided to have a hospital birth now, with everything thats gone one lately and for fear of baby being too large to push out naturally (docs havnt said so but i just worry) id rather be in hospital i think, i dont mind though as long as i feel safe.
It has hit me that this baby may well come early :o now that is a scary thought, luckily nearly everything is sorted now anyway so we are prepared just need to buy more clothes and stuff, i feel so tired from all the stress today its just nice to be calm again.

Hope your all well xxx
Morning everyone, :wave:

Just a quick one from me today, I've got my 36 week scan and midwife appointment later so looking forward to seeing baby again although I probably won't see much now.

I'm getting increasingly uncomfortable down below, lots of pressure but I guess I'm getting to the stage where its to be expected.

Hope everyone is ok, I'll catch up later. :hug:
Hey charmed ive got my growth scan today too so will be back to compare notes with you later :wink:
Have a good day eveyone :wave:
Morning everyone :wave:

Hope you are all ok, will do my best to catch up later..... got m/w appointment at 930.... so will update then :D

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Morning ladies :wave:

Poor you Kmac, I would really loose my patience with a bunch of teenagers. I don't envy you. Do you teach a particular subject?

Chok, hope you got home safely, def sounds like the coffee had an effect on you.

Hen and Charmed, hope your scans go well

Lisaspoon, hope appointment goes well

BD, I don't envy you with all the running around you have to do. When I start my leave i will be taking my DD into nursery in the morning and collecting her in the evening, it's half an hour each way, which mean 2 hours of driving a day, which take up quite a chunk, it also means if I want to do something in town at lunch time, I will have to hang around for the morning!!! Listen to me, moan, moan, moan!!

Rach, glad your appointment went well and also really glad to see you are 34 weeks today. Your boys are very well behaved :lol:

Lea, glad to see you around, hope your well

Mel&Bean, I'd love to try a natural birth at home but I;m too much of a scaredy cat, we live half an hour from town which I think is too far if anything went wrong, plus they wouldn't let me anyway as I had a c-section with my DD. You just have to go with what feels right for you.

I'm feeling really sick again, had a bath last night and couldn't get out as everytime I moved I just wanted to heave. Ended up in bed by 8.30pm, got up this morning and felt ok, half an hour later I'm feeling sick again. I am so glad I start my leave today :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I really need it, plus I just want to take care of bubba. I've got a scan next week which I hope will tell me my fluid levels have risen and the baby has grown.

Hope you all have a good day B x
Thanks guys for the messages, I'm still not feeling great - but as I only have this one last day to get through I am at work and braving it!......

Last night was horrid......I got home and slumped on the stairs (just inside the front door- it was as far as I could go!) and waited for DH to get in from work to help me upstairs for a lay down....I honestly felt that if I got up I would faint!.....I felt really pants, and I had bad pain in the bottom of my bump all evening - would have been really worried if the pain was coming and going as I would probably have thought Junior was trying to make a break for it! but it was constant pain....not nice at all as I just couldn't get comfy and what with the dizzy head and sickness I just felt awful! :(
Like I say, I'm still not really back to normal today, still a bit dizzy and sickly although I'm not quite so bad........that is deffo the last time I have coffee while PG! :talkhand: I hope that is what caused it -I would feel better knowing there was a proper reason!

Those who have scans/appts today hope they go well....
Sorry to those who are feeling poop :hug:
:wave: everyone else
Oh my lets see how far back I can go! lol Sorry if I miss anyone :hug: :hug:

Hennaly good luck today with the scan! :hug:

Rach yay on 34 weeks!! :cheer: Glad everything was ok with the MW and that you got an app next week!! :cheer:

I cant see Sally's post but hi :wave: Nice to see you hun!

Kmac I dont know how you have the patience! I couldnt not be working in a school right now! :hug:

BD My veins are bad too! Im just lazy! I have the stocking but never bother to put them on :oops: Then moan my legs are aching?! :roll: I would take a pic too but they are horrid and might make you all puke :puke: lol! (Ihave also now got them in my lady bits :puke: :( )
No wonder you feel knackered hun! :hug: :hug:

Mel yay on being calm! :cheer: and yay on deciding where your having babs!

Charmed Good luck with you scan too hun! :cheer:

LisaS good luck with MW!

Bexie :hug: I hope the sickness eases a bit hun! Good timing on your mat leave!! :cheer: Good luck with the scan next week! :cheer:

Chok I hope you feel better later :hug: :hug:

Well Im off docs in a min to discuss the LFT results and my plan for after burth with regards to my medications! With all these panic attacks I think i will have to go straight back on my anti anxiety pills so want to discuss thing with her! Get a plan then I dont stress about it which then would make it worse lol!
My headaches have come back too! At the min not so bad but Im just not looking forwards to the migraines again! Earlier on I had major migraines constantly then they stopped! For the first time in years I havent had a migraine in months! (usually have about 3 a week) If I dont have a migraine then I usually have a headache but for a few months nothing! Its been bliss yet now they are creeping back and Im expecting a full whack when baby is born and Im worried about how I will look after her when I have a migraine attack as I cant even move for hours?! So something else to discuss with the doc!
See you later ladies!! :wave:
in my opinion any woman to work through pregnancy is an absaloute hero!!! any woman to go thru this is lol, but to work thru it?! u must be so strong all of u!!
I know its not an illness, but it just seems as soon as 1 thing stops the next thing starts! im not as good at coping with it as the rest of u! anyone else i know whos pregnant never moans as much as me lol but iv always been a wingebag!!! :lol:

Good luck to evry1 with appts/scans today!
Iv got one at 2.30 so will let u know how i get on!
Dreading it as i have to walk and im drained lol (see, whinger lol!)
have a great day everybody and congrats to those who have starts mat leave!!! enjoy it!!!! xx
Morning everyone and good luck with the scans etc.

Im really thinking the baby is going to come by the 17th, setting myself up for a fall??? or breaking it down into more manageble chunks.
Ive got someone coming to look at my flat today with a view to letting it so that will be a weight of my mind.
We are off out tonight it was Ryan (stepson) birthday on Wednesday so we are going out tonight to the Cinema to see James Bond and then of to Frankie and Bennys.
Tommorrow ive got a wedding reception which i can see far enough. Brian says we wont stay long but i know when he gets with his mates and has a couple of beers ill have to prise him out the door.
Hope everyone is well
gosh everyones so busy today am gonna do a mass one as im just gonna brave asda for the weekly shop :(

good luck all those who have scans or midwife appointments :hug: xxx
good luck all those who are at their last day of work :cheer: xxx
:hug: to all those who feel poorly xxx
:hug: to all those who didnt sleep or are fed up xxx
:wave: hi to all those whove not said much lol hope your all ok xxx
think that covers mostly everyone :think:
hi and hugs to anyone ive missed will try and catch up after asda xxxxxxx
Hi Everyone, will try go back as far as I lot talk too much!!! :lol:

chok - hope you're feeling better after your coffee yesterday.. I'm not a coffee person myself...remember having one once at uni and gave me awful stomach cramps etc and made me feel sick :( think its all the caffeine!

rach - hope asda is ok for you.....have you tried online shopping? we do that sometimes and I think it will be a godsend when little one first arrives! Although I will end up going to the shops just to get out and about with LO after some time!

Chickadee - Hope you enjoy your night out :D we went to see JB at the cinema last week....make sure you get there early as it was full when we were in!

christmasbabygirl - your not a winge :hug: :hug: i know how you feel, I have bad days as well and whine about everything!!

lea - hope everything goes well at the docs today! and hope you get a stress free plan sorted! :D

:wave: to everyone else i've missed...hope the scans/appointments go well today!

and congrats to those who start their mat leave today! i'm jealous!!! :lol:

MW appointment went very well! She seemed very happy with everything, BP, wee all fine :D Babys heartbeat 142 and she said LO was head down (back to back at the mo), not engaged (thank god!) ...ready to go in my book!!!! Fundus height 29cm which is spot on too :D

Off to Argos tonight to get a V shaped pillow as well!! and may see if they have any birthing balls :cheer: :cheer:

love and hugs to everyone! :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

all in all a good appointment and she told me to come along to antenatal classes on tuesday its all go at the mo!! :D
:cheer: about 2 more hours left! :cheer:
Still feeling a bit pants but trying to ignore it and concentrate on finishing up work!
:cheer: :cheer: Yay I've got an hour left and can't wait. Hope you feel better soon honey.

Becks x
Just formatting a disk with all my personal photo's on then I'm off, yipee :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Cant keep up! Am too tired to type much so will say :wave: to you all and your beautiful bumps!
Hi ladies! Just a little update on docs, she took more blood and marked it as urgent! She gave me a prescription of my anti-anxiety pills and said she fully supports the fact that my mental health comes before anything else and if I need to not BF because of taking the pills then I shouldnt feel bad etc so now we just see how it goes! But feel better knowing I have support off my doc and the prescription there to start if I need to!

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