Chat thread!

Morning ladies :wave:
Morning Charmed, i think im gonna go get some raspberry leaf of some form today, never bothered before but cant hurt trying them i guess.

The sun is out so going to do some shopping today, have a good day girls :D
Ive been taking the Raspberry leaf for a while now, not sure how much difference it makes but heres hoping.
Im off up the town today aswell, not to buy anything in particular just to have a purpose for a day
:wave: hi all dont panic i am here :D and if anything happens before im due to go in to hospital i have urchins mobile number and will let her know whats going on and she will update everyone she was my text buddie last time on christopher and she did a fab job :clap:
things are calming down here at home and everyone is realising im not backing down this time and starting to pull their weight around the house my house is having a fantastic spring clean while i sit on the sofa giving out orders :rotfl: im trying to avoid coming on the pc while o/h and luke are around as i have banned them and dont want to aggravate the situation by coming on here in front of them :lol: safe today as o/h bed then working nights and luke school then up his grandparents so should be able to catch up a bit today :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
got a bit upset yesterday as i thought i had another scan next week and its not :( its booked for the 27th which is the week after :wall: 2 weeks 2moro got midwife 2moro and the poor woman has to now squeeze me in somehow for next week as i told her when she was booking my appointments that i was up the hossie that week and didnt need her to call :( and i have to be seen every week by someone xxxxxxxxx

babydust the nursery looks lovely :D hun if your worried about the glucose levels why not take a sample to your doctor ask him to test it and tell him you are concerned about the test you did at home and see what he says :hug: xxx

chok sorry you have joined the sleepless nights club hun its no fun :( xxx

kmac glad bump has woken up hope your enjoying the raspberry tea :puke: i have the nesting instinct but cant move to do anything so am making everyone else do it :rotfl: xxx

jane lovely to finally have you here with us hun hope you enjoyed your trip to austria :rotfl: at your telephone interview in pjs lol i had bloods at 28 weeks mainly for blood count ??? and iron levels good luck at your appointment :hug: sorry your having the pains i didnt get them years ago when i had luke but i have on last couple of pregnancies :hug: xxx

lea bloody stupid doctor :hug: glad everythings ok hun xxx

ninja sorry your in so much pain hun :hug: xxx

bexie only a few more days now and you can chill out at home :cheer: xxx

hen know how you feel about the toilet runs :( its getting me down now told my mother im going to ask the hossie to fit me a catheter so i can have a rest before babies are born :rotfl: dont think she realised im getting bloody serious now by time i got to sleep cos of my hip and pelvic pain last night it was 12 i was up at 1:30 for the loo then again at 3:30 then again at 5 and have been up since :( im getting exhausted my bladder now holds about a tablespoon before i have to get up and go to the loo :evil: xxx

well enough moaning off me will be back and for throughout the day to see whats going on with fly :cheer: hopefully she will have baby today :D
hope you all have a great day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
arghhhh just as i thought id finally caught up you lot talk some more :rotfl:

morning girls good luck with the raspberry leaf tea or tabs and good luck to those who have midwife appointments today xxx
Morning..... :wave:

Been off the threads for a few days, last week I was really down, and cried for most of Wed, Thurs and Fri....think lack of sleep was a major contributing factor though, as well as DH being away and me feeling very alone! Had a good chat with DH though on Fri evening and looks like we are going to move up North for a year as DH can come home every evening - so now it just depends how quickly we can do this - as needs to be soon or not til after LO is born!

DH had to work in Newcastle on Mon so we went to stay with my dad in the Lake District for a couple of days and DH commuted from there and he is at home working the rest of the week, so feeling so much better now, I never want to feel like I did last week again :(

Babydust your nursery looks absolutely gorgeous..... :D
Chok - Sorry you are not sleeping either, its horrid isnt it and affects everything.
Kmac - Does the raspberry tea taste good, I bought some the other day although not I cant start taking it yet.....isnt it 34 weeks when you can start drinking it?
Jane - SO great to see you here.....I had bloods taken at my 28 week appointment when they check your iron levels/anemia and also antibodies, although the hospital wouldnt do my antibody test for some reason so they have to re-do the blood test next week :wall:
Bexie - Great news about your maternity leave :cheer:
Lea - Glad everything is well with you hun
Charmed - Sorry you arent sleeping either, I know the feeling, and when I finally drift off I have to get up for a pee...ARGHH!
Hen - Have a great day shopping...
NW - Sorry to hear you are suffering so much.... :hug:

:wave: to anyone I many new conversations its hard to keep up sometimes :D

:hug: to you all
Hi Ladies

Back from my MW appointment and all went well. My fundus measure was up 1 cm from last week which was good. Still measuring small, but hey, as long as the little one is alright in there, that's all I'm concerned about. Really looking forward to finishing work on Friday as I am just so exhausted and ready to rest. Although I am very tired it is taking me ages to get to sleep, I've also had a few really horrible nightmares recently which has been horrible.

Liza, Sorry to hear you were feeling so sad last week, I hope your move up north makes things feel better for you and your happier being close to your OH, I guess you'll also be a lot closer to your dad to if you move, which will be nice. :hug:

While I was on the ward I could hear a newborn with their distintive cry that they have and it went on and on and on and it really started to scare me, thinking, in a matter of weeks that will be a noise that I will become all too familar with. Yikes!!

RIght I'm off, see ya B x
liza sorry you been so down hun :hug: :hug: :hug: hope you manage to get things sorted soon xxx

bexie glad it all went well at the midwife appointment hun :hug: xxx
:wave: Hi Girls,
Just a quick one to say hope everyone is ok :hug: and to update you about my MW appt today.....
Junior is still measuring a little big, but has been all along so nothing new there! :lol:
Thankfully MW said that Junior IS head down (you might remember I was worried last week that LO had spun round after being head down since at least 20 weeks, but if that was the case, everything is back in the right position again now so that is a mahoooosive relief!) :cheer: :D
Apparently there is a bit of protein and leuco-something-or-others in my urine sample so thats gone off to the lab to be tested......I did have a urine infection early on and had to have antibiotics but its been fine after that up til now, so will just have to wait n see what comes back on that. :think:
The other thing was that the MW was a little concerned that Junior's heartbeat was fast but she spent ages listening to it and decided it was probably just cos Junior had hiccups and was trying to get away from the doppler so kept moving all the time, I have got my own doppler at home so I'm gonna time it again later and hopefully it will have slowed down a bit and will be back in the normal range.

I did ask her what she thought of the Raspberry Leaf tea and she said - "it can't hurt to try it but I am yet to be convinced".......she said basically nature will take care of everything, but I think I'll give some a go later and see what it's like.

Roll on really can't come soon enough - work is SO stupidly busy and I have got tons to do before I leave so I had better go and get on with it :(
Bliddy hell, you've all chatted so much Im just gonna say..
:wave: Hello!! hope you are all well, and a big huggle for your bumps! :hug:

Im feeling a bit better today, mostly coz I had 12 hours sleep :oops: , think the rest did my pelvis good! :cheer:
You girls cant half talk!! :rotfl: will catch up as far as I can remember!

liza - sorry you were feeling sad hun.... hope you're better now and good news on your decision to move..just hope you get settled before decides to arrive!

Chok - glad your Mw appointment was ok.. my LO tried to run away from the doppler too! quite funny! hehe! :lol: Yey for Friday tho when you finish! :cheer:

Bexie - glad you got mat leave sorted and your MW appointment was ok!

babydust - nursery looks gorgeous :D !!

rach -glad you've got your household in order! I cant wait to be a mummy and have the authority to enforce rules in the house! :rotfl:

ROM - :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'll keep that in mind next time a recruitment consultant interviews me.... might make me bit more relaxed!
lea - glad everything is ok.... :hug:

sorry to anyone i've missed......whoever is going shopping today...enjoy!! :D
hope your spd's/back pain is not too bad to anyone suffering!

Managed to sleep well past few nights although OH getting annoyed with all my pillows! and when I turn over the big pillow comes with me!! I think i end up hitting him in the back with it! ooops! :D
Got my 28 weeks MW appointment on Friday morning,... think its more bloods...iron levels and glucose etc...and also meant to start my antenatal classes next week...but as per usual NHS organisation, I havent "officially" heard anything!!!!

:hug: to everyone.. xxxxxxxxx
Afternoon ladies :wave:

Hope all of you who are out shopping are enjoying :D

Saw the midwife this morning who says George is transverse so that and with my placenta being at the front would explain why I am getting pain in the evening - she suggested wearing support tights!!! I struggle putting knickers on!!! He is also measuring 30 cm so a couple of cm ahead although she wasnt worried about that. She couldnt find a heartbeat for ages so in the end I showed her where I find it :D She said it sounded fine and a good rhythme and doesnt want to see me again until Christmas Eve!!! I do have a hospital appointment on the 9th December so at least I will be seeing someone!! Took my blood and gave me back the results from when I was 10 weeks - apparently all was well then!!
Xmas eve?! :shock: Thats a long time to wait for the next MW appt!
Oh well, guess it must mean she is happy with how you and George are! and at least you will see someone before then.

Nice of her to finally give you your blood results! :lol: silly midwives!

Junior is trying hard to put me off my work, which isn't going too well (hence why I keep appearing on here) Hiccups and much movement at the moment! I think that hiccups annoy my poor LO and the poor lil thing shifts about as much as poss to try n get rid of them! Its about the 3rd or 4th time it's happened today so far, so I can see it must be a bit of a bore after a while, but I know it's good really as it means the lungs are getting trained up for breathing air in the 'real world'!
evening all :hug:
I hope your all well and that bumps are good :)

its just hit me that I could potentially give birth at any stage now. That's a scary thought... I really can't wait to meet my little man but I am scared to death if I'm absolutely honest. I packed my hospital bag finally today and I think it just hit me.
1 month to go til due date... although that fills me with joy, it also sends shivers down my spine. I can't believe I'm going to be a mother, and have to be responsible for another human being. I am useless with everything, I can barely manage to stay awake for more than 8 hours a day.

is it just me or are the rest of you ladies sleeping for England as well? I am so constantly tired, I really don't know how I am going to manage with a newborn. I really want to breast feed, but it honestly sounds so demanding. I don't know if I'm up to it. My friend who really wanted to breast feed found it too much.. I spose that has dented my confidence a bit..
I really hope I can :pray:

I just sent my OH to get me some toast. Lovely man that he is happily obliged :) I really am spoilt by him, I am so lucky :)

yeah anyway, sorry for the ramble. Just feeling a bit nervous and emotional about things atm. Anyway, my mans back so g2g... xxx
Morning all :wave:
well i only woke up 3 times last night and only one wee so why do i feel like poop this morning :wall:

Got the whole day doing nothing so will have to find something to entertain myself (not housework) maybe i should repack hospital back and re arrange babys drawers.....again!!!! :roll:

Oh well other than that its feet up food and telly for the day...oh how hard life can be sometimes :wink:
Morning all,

Hen I envy you having a day of doing nothing, sounds like heaven at this precise moment.]

Christina, I think the way you are feeling is completely normal, I'm really scared and I've already got a LO. I had a MW appointment yesterday and while I was waiting I could hear a newborn screaming and it just really scared me. Regarding breastfeeding, just do what feels right for you. I loved breastfeeding my daughter, it was such a lovely experience, just being able to cuddle up on the sofa together while she munched away. It did really hurt to start with, but the pain soon eased, and it was worth working through that just to see her content and growing. When you breastfeed there is a drug released in your system that just fills you with love. I could remember feeding her and just this overwhelming love that came over me all the time for her. If it doesn't work out with breastfeeding, don't beat yourself up about it, some babies just don't take to it. I'm thinking that this time I may duel feed as it's not going to be as easy with a toddler running around the place. We'll see!!!!

Choklatemunky, this LO hardly ever has hiccups, whereas Phoebe had them all the time, I use to quite enjoy it when she had them as it always reasurred me that all was ok.

ROM, Has Hannah gone back to work yet, or is she still with you?

:wave: to everyone else

All you girls who are having trouble sleeping are doing better. I had a terrible night last night. I keep on having nightmares. This dream woke me up and every time I started drifting off I was going back to the same dream, so would instantly wake up again, when I did manage to drift off, I woke again screaming out in pain as I had terrible cramp in my leg. I think my OH thought I'd gone into labour, serves him right for leaving me lying on the floor like a beached whale the day before. :lol:

I've jusmped on the bandwagon and now have some raspberry leaf tea which is yummy as well as the tablets.

See ya girls B x
hi all just a quickie to say hope your all ok had a busy morning this morning with visitors etc and got midwife coming in an hour so will be back later :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
:shock: my midwife came early shes normally late i was totally unready for her hadnt even had a wash :oops: what a minger i am lol shes lucky i was even dressed today i only did that 10 mins before she got here :rotfl: all ok with babies they were having a good kick and move about while she was trying to listen to their heart beats both were good 1 was 130 something and the other 140 something :D urine clear BP 130/70 which is just slightly up above my normal of 120/70 and she managed to fit me in an appointment to stop me stressing next week :cheer: so all good :cheer: xxxxxx

hope everyones having a good day :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxx
:( Oh dear! I'm really not feeling too great! :puke:
I'm not sure if it's just cos I 'treated myself' to an iced &flavoured coffee at lunchtime (don't usually drink coffee as I don't like it! but I fancied it earlier) and it was too much caffeine, or cos of some other reason but I feel really lightheaded and a bit sick - even just went out of the office for a walk in the rain with no coat on cos I needed some air! I feel sick!
While I was out my bump was SO hard all the time it was starting to hurt a I only get what I *think* is the odd BH but it wasn't on and off, it was constant hardness...... :?
I feel like I'm gonna faint or something and I really wanna go and lay down somewhere!
I'm all alone in the building as everyone else has gone and I am a bit worried that I've got to drive home at 5! I feel like I might not be safe as I'm all woozy and fuzzy headed!
On the plus side, I've only got one more day to go here.....but they way I'm feeling at the moment I'm worried I won't make it to the end of today let alone tomorrow!!! :shock:

I'm feeling very sorry for myself right now and I need a hug :(
choklatemunky said:
:( Oh dear! I'm really not feeling too great! :puke:
I'm not sure if it's just cos I 'treated myself' to an iced &flavoured coffee at lunchtime (don't usually drink coffee as I don't like it! but I fancied it earlier) and it was too much caffeine, or cos of some other reason but I feel really lightheaded and a bit sick - even just went out of the office for a walk in the rain with no coat on cos I needed some air! I feel sick!
While I was out my bump was SO hard all the time it was starting to hurt a I only get what I *think* is the odd BH but it wasn't on and off, it was constant hardness...... :?
I feel like I'm gonna faint or something and I really wanna go and lay down somewhere!
I'm all alone in the building as everyone else has gone and I am a bit worried that I've got to drive home at 5! I feel like I might not be safe as I'm all woozy and fuzzy headed!
On the plus side, I've only got one more day to go here.....but they way I'm feeling at the moment I'm worried I won't make it to the end of today let alone tomorrow!!! :shock:

I'm feeling very sorry for myself right now and I need a hug :(

oh honey you really sound like some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank goodness you finish tomorrow, please take care of yourself and if you can cope with the drive home make someone come and get you.

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