Chat thread!

Hi everyone!!
Way too many posts to comment on so I shall just say hello :wave: and have a :hug: if you need one!!

I got my raspberry leaf tea today as well - it tastes ok but I can't see me becoming addicted to it!!
While i was in Holland and Barrat I also bought a big bag of chocolate peanuts - I ate loads :oops: before i remembered you're not supposed to eat peanuts while pregnant. So I was a bit worried but I think it should be ok?? I don't (obviously!) have a nut allergy and i'm not aware of anyone in either of our families who does..

We never got our house cleaning done at the weekend so I am going to have a quick kip now so when DH gets home we can get it all sorted!

Hope everyone is ok
Hi ladies!! :wave:
Well I cheered up a bit and went out for a while! Im tired but feel ok! Might go do some painting!! lol (my toilet needs painting! Has done for months but not been bothered!)

Mel YAY on feeling better!! :cheer: LOL My OH goes nuts when he has black coffee?!? :think: I wish something so simple affected me like that lol!

Rach YAY on reading them all the riot act lol! I really hope they listen and its about time too! They need to be doing everything for you not annoying you lol!

Charmed I would go see the doc anyways hun! :hug: Yay for new washing machine!! I want a dish washer lol! Not been able to wash my pots without mega pain for months lol!

Bexie :hug: I hope the bath helped! Yay on babs turning and fingers crossed everything improves hun! :hug:
Oh and thanks for the compliment! :oops:

NW hope the MW went well!

Well Im a bit confused! As I said in sarahs post I phoned for the results on the liver function and they just said I need to have a re-test!? :think: Not they are a little concerned so want a re-test or they lost the blood sample so need a re-test? Nothing just re-test on my notes!? They dont even say when I should have the re-test!? How annoying! I dont think I have obstetric cholestasis TBH but was waiting for these results all weekend and now cant even get another test till Friday so wont get the new results till maybe Wed or Thurs next week!? What if there is something wrong?! Well I could even have had Lola by then lol! I just think its stupid! And im annoyed with it lol!
Well she said if it came back abnormal then I would be induced so was a little worried about having to be induced this week! At least now I know I wont be lol! :lol: Im ok for another week at least hahaha
Hi Kmac! Missed you there lol!
I love raspberry leaf tea! Infact i like it so much now I want to drink it even when I dont need to instead of normal tea lol!
:wave: babydust, those pics are lovely!!

:wave: Rom, hope you are well hun

:wave: Lea, that is odd about your results,what they playing at?

:wave: Kmac, Im sure you'll be fine, its if theres a family history of allergy really

:wave: Bexie, I AM chuffed OH is home!! :D

Well had MW, was so worried as had no movements from bubs :( , the MW took ages to find heartbeat, OH was sat there with his fingers crossed and I was mentally telling bubs to be ok. Then FINALLY found heartbeat, but bubs still wouldnt move, even with MW prodding and poking. In the end she said that things sound ok, but ring delivery suite as only I know whats different for bubs, if things carried on and I was still worried.
Bubs is 3/5 engaged, which I could tell as my pelvic pain is worse!! My BP was up but I put that down to the stress of bubba. LO behaved this evening by wiggling around, so I feel a bit better. Thinking that movements are gonna be reduced due to lack of room,, and the fact bubs is engaging, but if I worry again, Im not faffing Im gonna ring delivery suite asap.
Cant sleep now coz things are on my mind, so am downing horlicks and eating choccie biscuits!

Oh and FINALLy got dates for my antenatal classes...1st december....Im due on the 6th!! MW said that means Ill prolly have bubs early :lol:
Aww Im glad LO is wriggling for you again hun! :hug: Probably is because he is engaging and not got a lot of room! They dont half make us worry dont they! :roll: lol
Im still confused as to why they need a retest with no reason! :think: Crazy doctors!
Well just had a lovely candle lit bath and going to bed in a min! Was mega stressed before for nothing! In such a horrid mood! Glad I feel better now!! :cheer:
Morning girls :wave:
Well for goodness sake i had 3 wees last night i mean where is it all coming fromm i dont drink after tea at night :wall:

My god the wind was so strong last night i had to shut my bedroom window which meant the room tempreture went up to 21 which is apparently too hot for baby so how am i meant to get it below 20 with no heating on :think:

Have a good day everyone i hope you are all feeling weel :D
Morning ladies,

Hen - How hot must your house be. Fancy transfering some of the heat from your house to our place, god our place is freezing. We have an open fire in the living room which we have on every night, but the rest of the house is so, so cold. I hate going to the toilet as the toilet seat is so cold, perhaps I should invest in a heated toilet seat :lol:

Babydust - Love the nursery

NW - What a worry for you, like Lea said as the baby starts to engage they have less space to move and like your midwife said just call the maternity unit up if your worried. :hug: :hug:

:wave: to everyone else

Back at work today and I am thinking of seeing if I can start my maternity leave at the end of this week as I am just so exhausted and still feel sick. Plus my consultant wants me to rest now, what with my fluid levels being so low and the baby slowing down in their growth. I'm going to check on the policy re: maternity leave on our website.

Take care girls Becks x
:wave: hiya Henn, think I was with you on the peeing situation last night :lol:

:wave: Bexie, sorry you are still feeling so sick hun :hug:

:wave: to anyone else that drops by!

Im in FOOKING agony!! My pelvis is killing me! I cant walk upstairs! :shock:
I "overdid" it in sainsburys earlier (only shopping ffs), and had to sit down, had a lovely woman who worked there all concerned about me! She thought Id gone into labour! :lol:
But OUCH its so painful, I cant take no more :talkhand: Almost feels as though bubs has dropped more from yesterdays MW appointment!! Which by the way I was measuring at 38 weeks for,(forgot to say!), my MW wouldnt believe it as she says I dont look that huge, but after four attempts, yep bubs had a major growth spurt! At my 34 weeker I was a week behind, now Im a fortnight ahead!! All that cake :lol:
Hen - Make that three of us then for the pee-athon last night! :lol: It's only just happened to me suddenly - I wasn't really getting up in the night at all before this week (maybe just the odd night) and I was only waking up a bit earlier than normal to go, but this week I feel like I have hardly slept as I've been up to the loo so much! If it's not that it's me turning over, or Junior having a wiggle about that wakes me up! I am definitely getting good training for sleepless nights!

Babydust - LOVE the nursery - Im jealous! I've got a Peter Rabbit toy for Junior but that looks so lovely

LeaM - :? wonder why the retest is needed? but glad your bath made you feel better

kmac - I've got RL tea too but I was gonna speak to the MW tomorrow before I have any just to see what she says about it. I'll probably end up ignoring what she says anyway so I dunno why!
Did you get any tidying done - I keep meaning to but just can't quite get the energy to act on it yet! Hopefully I will get a move on with it next week when Im off work! (3 more days to go............... :cheer: )

Rach - are your lot helping out more yet?

Charmed - are you gonna go to the Docs about your hands?

Ninja - :roll: how helpful about the antenatal dates - although if yours are anything like mine was then you won't be missing anything useful! :lol: on the cake theory - but :( on you being in pain :hug:

Bexie - :cheer: for mat leave!

:wave: anyone else I've forgotten!
Hi ladies!! :wave:

Hennaly I got through phases of pne night getting up 3 times then some nights not getting up at all!? Yet I drink about the same each night!? :think: lol I wouldnt worry too much about the heat hun! You know better than most after all your babies and I think between 18-21C is fine anyways!

Bexie I hope you can start mat leave at the end of the week! :hug:

NW Silly billy!! :talkhand: Take care hun and wow on the growth spurt!!! :shock: lol

Chok I feel the same with the sleep! So deprived lol! I had enough of waiting and worrying so I called the hospital MW and asked her for advice! She said she would check things out for me and get back to me! When I spoke to them again they had no record of my tests so called the lab for me! Thankfully everything is fine! :dance: Well some levels are up but not the ones they were worried about so wont need to be induced!! :cheer: :cheer: Thats whay the doc may want a re-test as some levels are up?! :roll: Now why couldnt they just say that ? ha Well as Im talking she asked if I see the MW soon and as I was replying Yes on wed and see doc on Fri I heard her say soemthing but didnt register what it was until I was re-telling Joe what she said! She said "with me being 34 weeks now" :shock: WHAT? When I went for the growth scan the silly doc ( :evil: who didnt get me a pic when I asked) put on my print out that I was 32 weeks! At first I thought that was what babs measured but MW said it looks like the doc made an typing error! :roll: Yes ok but now the hospital think Im 4 weeks behind!? Never mind Im not even worried they will know with my notes when I go in labour!! :roll: So yes I feel much better now knowing everythings ok! :D :D :D
:shakehead: Stupid Dr!
You'd think they would be able to count, what with all their qualifications and such like! :roll:
Anyhoo, Im glad everything seems to be fine and that it looks like you won't have to be induced! :D
Thanks hun! :hug:
I know! Go through all that training and cant even count!??! Or type the right keys on a keyboard lmao! :lol:
Good afternoon everyone - great news Bexie on your maternity leave starting - being selfemployed I think I will be working up to the moment he is born!! Having said that I work from home so its not so bad - I didnt even get dressed till 11.00 this morning - I was conducting an interview and suddenly thought if the candidate could see me now they would be amazed!!

I have my 28 week appointment with the midwife tomorrow - what do they do? Will they take more bloods? I still havent had the results from the ones they took at 10 weeks so I am assuming that all was OK with them :D . I seem to be having a fair bit of pain in the evenings at the moment - like all my tummy muscles are pulled at the bottom of my bump - I dont remember this from last time (but it was such a long time ago!!) do you think I should mention it to her or is it normal?

Hope everyone is OK - its so cold here in Shropshire.

Jane x
That's good news lea - glad everything is ok :)

I'm not up at the loo in the night either yet. I really have to go as soon as I wake up but it's not too early!!

My bump has been quieter today but is going crazy now - maybe it's the raspberry tea I'm drinking!!

i'm having a blank as to who has said what :oops:

Bexie - hope you can leave work sooner. Sorry you still feel ill.
I am really tired of work now but will try and stick it out - 3 weeks after this one!! I just don't have the energy to deal with noisy teenagers anymore!!

rom - it's freezing here too - brrrr - and my biggest coat won't fasten up any more :(

Last night I still didn't get any cleaning done. Tidied a few things away but no big jobs. Then at half eleven - don't even know why I was still up - I decided I had to rearrange the living room. DH obligingly followed my instructions but it hasn't worked. The sofa doesn't fit so we will have to put it back the way it was :(

Need to get myself in gear tonight though and do something. We have solid floor in the living room and hall and it is so dirty with muddy cat paws etc. needs a good mopping!!

I know there was something I meant to say yesterday - I remembered afterwards but i've forgotten again.. oh well

Will pop back on later
:wave: and :hug: to all!!
ROM - :rotfl: on conducting an interview not being dressed!
Errrr, I think I had blood tests for anaemia at the 28 week MW says she wouldn't contact me about any test I have if the results come back ok - she has just been telling me they were ok at the next appt. She said she'd just contact me if there was something to worry about - so presumably yours is working on the same lines.
Re the pain - it could be just stretching or what they call 'round ligament pain' - can't remember when I had that......but it's nothing to worry about - although I'd mention it to the M/W anyway - she will prob just say its normal but it won't hurt to tell her anyway. :hug:
Morning everyone, :wave:

Bexie – hopefully you can start your maternity leave asap. I know in my companies policy, if I got signed off sick from my doc a couple of weeks before I was due to go off, my maternity would have automatically started from the date of my sick line. :)

Ninja – Ouch, hopefully your pelvis has eased up by now. Take it easy hun. :hug:

Chok – I have my 36 week scan on Friday and it’s a consultant that’s doing it so I might ask her about my hands then. Oooh and 3 days to go before you go on your maternity. :cheer:

Lea – I’m glad everything is ok but I can’t believe they had you as four weeks behind!! :shock:

ROM – at my 28 week appointment they took bloods, blood pressure, felt my bump and urine sample. :)

Kmac – your memory sounds as good as mine. I went through a spell of tidying but now have to really convince myself to do anything. I must do better. :lol:

Babydust – I love the nursery. :D

Hi to everyone else :D ….I only went back as far as yesterday. :roll:

Well I’m starting to have bad sleepless nights now as well. I can only sleep on my left side now as soon as I move to my right side baby starts kicking like mad until I move. :lol:

I got my raspberry leaf tablets yesterday, as I couldn’t bear drinking the tea. They are 750mg each and the instructions say I’m to take two a day but reading back on some older threads I might up that after a few days. :think:
Morning everyone,

ROM :lol: I would have loved to see your applicants face if they could have seen you in your pj's.

KMAC, you def sound like you have the nesting kicking in what with all the housework and changing furniture around.

Lea, Glad all your results came back ok

Ninja, hope your siatica (did I spell that right?) isn't causing you too much pain.

Babydust, sorry you had a bad MW appointment

:wave: to everyone else

I've got another MW appointment this morning as they want to keep a closer eye on me now that my fluid levels are low and the baby is growing slowly!!!!

Last night I was messing around on the floor with my DD and I got stuck, I was like a beached whale, my back was hurting so much. I was asking my OH to help me up, but he just lay on the sofa laughing at me :evil: while telling our DD to give me kisses (she had a runny nose) so he thought this was hysterical. The more I screamed for help, the harder he laughed, the rotter!!!

Good news for me for those who haven't seen my thread, I finsih work on Friday and I am so looking forward to the rest. :cheer:

I think I better jump on the bandwagon and buy myself some raspberry leaf tea. I keep on meaning to get some, but it's difficult to get into town as I only get half an hour for lunch!!

Great news that Fly (Sarah) has gone into labour. I hope it all goes well for her.

See ya and have a good day. B x

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